Tuesday, January 30, 2007

January 30, 2007

What a weird night last night! Harris was up from 1am on with crazy nightmares and ended up sleeping bed with me, Kirby, and Evy....mental note: 2 children requires a king sized bed. Kirby eventually retreated to the couch but I don't think we had 3 hours put together of sleep. So much for 2 being rather easy:)

Harris did spend the day with his Nana and G'Dude so Evy and I are caught back up to normal (normal with a baby) My hubbie did call the doctor's last night becuase I still had that burning pain and it really was a lesson in not procrastinating. She said that everyone and every surgery (this being quite different from H) heals different and the pain I am describing is quite common. SHe suggested switching to Advil as it is an anti-inflammatory and it has worked miracles. I am not totally back to my pre-preggo self but today I am actually not walking around hobbled over with a frozen bacardi can mix on my tummy. Than you god! I was starting to go crazy in the head!

Here is my tip to all nursing mom's - get LILYPADZ - the silicone washable (in the sink quick) nursing pads that actually stop you from leaking instead of soaking up milk etc. The stay on without a bra, show no lines, are washable and are unbelievable. Both Brandi and I weren't sure about them but I swear by them now. They sell at the store for $45 and you can use them later post nursing as little patches over you nipples for those time when you are wearing that skimpy shirt that no bra would work with......oh yes, that time is very near - ha!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday, January 29, 2007

Well, today is mine and Evy's first day at home alone! Kirby is back to work, Harris is at daycare, and my parent's have left for their month long trip to Arizona - this did put me into a meltdown yesterday!) I am counting down the days until Friday when my sister arrives for a week to hang out! This is expecially exciting for me because she is coming without her hubbie and my parents are away so she is staying with me for the whole and I really wont have to share her much with anyone. A rare occurence from her usually trips home to Winnipeg.

All in all we are doing ok. I am finding this c-section to be a much slower recovery because I have a burning pain on one side of my incision that is driving me to drink (not really but I could I guess:)) Of course, I am the person who reads too much and I have self diagnosed this on the internet to be anything from an infection to major nerve damage etc. and have somewhat got in my head that I will need more surgery. Have I called the doctor? No way - that would be the normal thing to do but I will just wait a few more days and try to rest.

The open concept of our house is beginning to make me nuts as stuff is piling up everywhere and it seems cluttered, messy and crowded and I just can keep up with my anal standards of organization. I think Kirby is secretly hoping this will lower my standards but it wont:)

Harris is being a better big brother everyday almost to where I am waiting for something to happen. He loves his sister and is always concerned about her with no signs at all of jealousy. Evu is a model baby which I really don't want to out in writing and jinx. She sleeps all the time - great at day and night and just makes a little peep to eat! Thank you god for dealing one great baby after Mr. Colicky Harris. Yes, I do deserve it:)

Well, off to watch the View - aghhh the life of a new momma and maybe just maybe hobble around a bit and tidy up.


Friday, January 26, 2007

January 26, 2007

Time to catch up!

It is definately way busier with a toddler and a newborn but still way less stressful than my first go around at parenting. I wouldn't say we have settled into a routine but we have settled into life with two:) Thankfully, Harris has made this transition so smoothly and insists on helping, kissing, and showing Evy off to everyone that will listen to him. I am sure that the amount of gifts he got for being a big brother had nothing to do with it ;) He even hauled out and showed his Nan last night "Mommy's pumper" (my electric breast which in true Harris style he had to see in operation to fully understand - still has a bit of his mom's engineering brain I guess)

Evy is an awesome baby - so far so good! I have been holding onto the theory that because Harris was colicky she will be an angel but I am slightly more guarded since I thought if Harris was a c-section this one would maybe hopefully be an easy breezy labour - NOT.

I am constantly in awe of the fact that I can put her down and she will just chill out for a bit or doze off:) Hopefully, that stays. I am feeling rather well restd but am still really bruised which has me moving quite slow and if you know me it is making me a little crazy. I alternate between thinking that this is just the recovery of a c-section to a fear that they stiched me up with instraments inside or something way over the top dumb. It is amazing how idle timein your house and a little sleep deprivation can make you mind wander.

Anyhow, should run - will keep you posted.

PS. Despite the fact that things are going rather smooth - don't think I still haven't had a few major melt downs - oh, those crazy hormones and my poor husband.

PPS. Thanks so much to everyone who has sent warm wishes, food, and gifts - it is times like these when you realize just how spoiled you are. We so appreciate it.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

January 23, 2007

Home Sweet Home!

Hi All,

I am back blogging :) I actually like this it is kind of fun! Well, we have a girl - Evy! Of course, what parent wouldn't say this but we love her! I have to be honest and say that because she is my second child and I now know what kind of fun we are going to have based on the last 2 years with Harris that the maternal bond for me came way quicker and stronger. I am sure it also has to do with so many fewer questions and uncertainties than both Kirby and I had as new parents with Harris.

My labour was a little on the crazy side but already it is a distant memory. The condensed and least graphic version of events is as follows:

4pm - water breaks
10 pm - 3 cm, lots of contractions, I get an epidural (I can not beleive at point in my life I thought this would be a last resort - I would recommend it to everyone, you are comfortable and can be somewhat rested for the journey that lies ahead)
5 am - 5 cm, contractions are becoming father apart, I have a slight fever. Dr's decide to give me oxytocin to see if they can speed things up. This has to be watched closely as I already have had a c-section and there is an increased chance for my uterus to rupture...very bad...due to the weak spot where the scar is.
10:30 am - I am still 5 cm but contractions are every 1-2 minutes and they do not want to increasethe oxytocin for fear of rupture. My fever has gone up again. At this point I am feeling the contractions extremely painful and they look into my epidural. The try to give me another one but now I am not reacting to the epidural so bye-bye movie and drugs:) We decided that this is too long for my body and that we are placing undue risk on my uterus and baby - decision for c-section is made. I have meltdown - not so much over the c-section but I am tired and these contactions kill.
11:30am - They prep me for surgery and get Kirby all scrubbed up to meet me in OR. I am strapped down to the tiny little hard flat OR table and cannot move my arms and legs - still having contractions 1-2 minutes apart. I am losing it - I need somebody to comfort me but Kirby is not allowed in yet and all the nurses are running around getting ready as it it happening fast. The anesitist assures me he has given me the "surgery strength" epidural and I should feel nothing below my nipples any minute. I am screaming - he doesn't think I should feel my legs - I am trying to flail them everywhere, I should feel the ice the are putting on me but I can pinpoint it everywhere.

It has been confirmed the epidural is having no effect on me. The options are wait at least 1 hour for the epidural meds to evauate my spine and then try a spinal or go under with a general. It was a milli-second decision - put me under.

The next thing I remember is waking up to Kirby holding Evy and from there everything is pain free. I think had it been my first child I would have been so sad not to have see her immediately when she came out etc. but I knew she was in such great hands with her Dad. I think they got a 30 minute window to bond the 2 of them before I woke up that will be an extra special memory.

I had been joking up to the day that the only way I would be annoyed was if I had a 20 hour labour that ended in a c-section when I could have planned a c-section to begin with. I take this back...I actually do not feel dissappointed at all. Evy picked her birthday, we had the element of surprise with my water breaking, I felt many contractrations - no thanks, and we are all healthy.

We were discharged at 48 hours thanks to my great doctor and Kirb, Evy, and I re-couperated one night at home until today when H arrives home - we can not wait!

I am recovering well and the health nurse just visited to inform us that she has already gained an ounce from yesterday so she is up to 9lbs 2oz which is super good.

Well, I am off to await Harris's arrival home. We will post pics tonight.

Love from the new Gompf family of 4 :)

Ps. For those of you asking Evy is named after my Auntie (Evelyn) Joan Brost, my favorite Great Aunt Ev, and of course Kirby's amazing Grandma Evelyn Gompf who was referred to her friends as Evy. Jaclyn her midddle name is after my sister.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Hi everyone,

This is Brandi writing. Kath has delivered a new baby girl. Her name is Evy Jaclyn and she arrived yesterday afternoon. She was born 9 lbs. 8 oz. - which I am sure is not too shocking if you saw Kath at the end. She was all baby.

Mom and babe are doing great despite quite the entrance into this world. Kath laboured for many hours before having an emergency c-section. She is a trooper and I am sure she'll update you on all the details once is mobile.

I had the pleasure of spending some time with Kath, Kirby & Evy this afternoon. She is absolutely beautiful. They are doing great, in the best spirits and looking forward to their home coming. Although I didn't get to see Harris, he is also doing great and very happy to have a new girl in his life.

"A baby is a blank cheque made payable to the human race." ~Barbara Christine Seifert


Friday, January 19, 2007

January 19, 2007

BREAKING NEWS!!!! (4:06 pm Winnipeg Time)

My water just broke! I didn't want to jinx it this morning in my earlier blog but I woke up feeling great with contractions but I did not want to cry wolf one more time so i decided to go about my day. Since I had had such a great sleep i took the extra time to straighten my hair and put on some make-up (yessssssssssssssssss) and then head out to get all of my errands done.

At my 1 1/2 hour massage I noticed contractions stronger than I had ever felt but had to wonder if that was only because the rest of me was so relaxed or what? Plus, it was so dark in there I had no idea how far apart they were so I just laid back and enjoyed it. When I left I decided that I should have one last McDonalds meal in case this was officially the last day of preggo buffeting (excellent decision).

I got home to relax and noticed that my contractions were coming every 3, 5, 7 or 10 minutes and were stronger than I had felt on any other day. I called Kirby to let him know I thought this was it, no really I think that this is it!

Kirby got home around 3 pm and we watched Dr. Phil - kind of boring so i decided to go on the internet and see what would be my baby's zodiac sign and then when I stood up my water broke!

Anyways, I have to go now becuase my contractions are getting stronger and my nervous nelly husband is having serious anxiety that I feel the need to tell all of you this is a blog instead of going to the hospital.

Stay tuned. I have given Brandi my password and she will update you as soon as there is any news!

Kathryn and FOR SURE this time baby on the way!

January 19, 2007

It is truly amazing what a little bit of sleep can do for a person. I had a great sleep last night, sure I still had to get up 3 times to pee but I never went to the couch, never watched tv or read so all in all a HUGE success.

Today I have made plans no more waiting - a trip to the Chamois for the car, more pull-ups for Harris and a 1 1/2 hour massage for me and this baby:)

A major bonus is the cleaning lady comes today so if we do have this baby anytime soon at least the house will be clean.

Time for breakfast.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

January 18, 2007

Hey all,

I am at a loss for what to say! I am crabby as can be - I feel as though I have been having contractions 7 minutes apart for 3 days. Everything I google that tells me that this baby should be coming but every hour I become more frustrated and dissapointed. I have even resorted to having my 2 year shout out to my belly for the baby to come out.

I am back to pretending that this baby is never coming out so I have decided to go back to work:) If anyone needs me I am at the store....don't judge me based on my appearance.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

January 17, 2006

This baby is a tease! No baby and I have decided that the most likely scenarios is this baby will be forced out kicking and screaming because I am way to nice of a host:) I thought for sure yesterday was the day (i know all preggo's think this but really) Dr. Taylor swept my membranes on Monday and I went home and did everything she told me to get into labour (if you know what I mean, and if you do know what I mean - c'mon not the easiest feat these days:)) and I have for sure lost the mucous plug...no holding back anymore I am telling it like it is. Anyhow, woke up with contractions not strong but rather consistent throughout the night (before last)- it's got to be coming right? Nope. I went to the mall with a friend and walked all morning - they were still there - had to be soon right? Nope. I came home and they got a little stronger so I thought as now we are progressing - told my hubby to come home as I thought we were making some progress and it would be nice to have him around. He gets home - we take Harris to my parents for a sleepover becuase if they get worse this will be the night. We return home! THEY STOP!

Is this baby mad at me because I am too efficient of a planner - maybe the baby wants a dramatic entrance - I do not know but the contractions are back thoughout the night here and there but I am IGNORING you baby until you fall out! You teased me - I was excited to meet you and now I am depressed:(

I am off to drink a gigantic cup of caffinated coffee - am I such a great host this morning ;) Try a little caffiene in that cramped quarters you have decided to make you permament home!

Just kidding I will still be happy to see you whenever you make your arrival - although I am bracing for the 2 weeks overdue.


Monday, January 15, 2007

January 15, 2007

Hi All,

12:30 am (I guess then technically it is the 16th - baby's due date) and I can't sleep so I am here working on my blog. Didn't really want to bore you with today's non-events:) Got the carpets cleaned from the family stomach flu incident, played with Harris, went to doctor's appointment where she swept my membranes and told me to go home and have sex again - aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, picked up my Lululemon pants which were being hemmed, and watched tv.

Here is hoping and praying that tommorrow is way more eventful as my type A personality is starting to go crazy:)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

January 14, 2007

Were you thinking I was in labour yesterday? Nope better than labour - I must have caught the stomach flu from Harris - agh - just what you need with 2 days until your due date. It was horrible! I am wondering how am I going to survive labour when I felt like going to the hospital for stomach flu.

The crazy thing is if you google "early labour" it describes how some people think they have the flu 24-48 hours before acutal labour. This has sent Kirby into a bit of frenzy - he is convinced I am having the baby soon but I have decided I am way too great of a hostess and the baby is never coming out! We will see soon enough I guess!

The bummer about yesterday is that I missed both my massage and pedicure and with each passing day I wonder if it is worth re-scheduling for further in the week:)

Anyhow, after Harris is bed I plan to put my feet up and watch a little and go to bed.

Good night!

Friday, January 12, 2007

January 12, 2006

As antsy as I am to have this baby - today is way too freezing outside...I am happy to report I did not leave the house. Harris is feeling much better so Dad took him to his dayhome for the day to get all his sillies out with his friends:)

I spent the entire day in sweats, working with Brandi over the phone - our Spring stuff is going to be amazing (make sure to come in and check it out) - and watching a bit of crappy daytime tv curled up on the couch with a fire and the dog! Every momma needs to take one of these days from time to time, it is what keeps us multi-tasking and parenting so well the other days.

No big plans for the weekend - just waiting on this babe's arrival. I will confess I am going to continue to pamper myself tommorrow with a massage and pedicure after Harris's music and gym class. If you don't do it now it will be put off once the baby arrives!

Happy weekend to everyone- I am back to the couch.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

January 11, 2007

Ok, I am back to being ready for a baby. We hit a minor road bump - Harris spent the entire night throwing up with the stomach flu - poor little man! They are so needy when they are sick which I will be honest I secretly enjoy as I manage to get a few extra TLC from a very busy boy! My type A personality did have a big of a panic as my freshly cleaned house complete with all crazy nesting antics did get thrown into a major tailspin. Nick the carpet cleaner is saving the day and all should be good by tommorrow.

Went to the doctor's today (went yesterday too but momma brain had the days confused). Nothing much to report...she is on call for tommorrow so she suggested I have sex 3 times tonight - ha.

Other than that I miss being at the store - It is hard to be away and out of the loop:)

I am off to have a quick rest while the little man is sleeping. My advice for the day is to all you 1st time preggo's take lots of time to relax as it is few and far between after you have other childern and to the mom's out there with more than 2 kids - you are my hero's....I could stand to take you for a drip and pick your brain:) That is when i can have a drink....aghhhh, I can taste red wine


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

January 10, 2006

Hi All,

This is my first posting on what will be my blog about the arrival of our second baby! Many of you already know Harris (2yrs 4mnths) from his pictures at the store.

I am now off work and waiting - ohhh the waiting game. My due date is January 16th so I just awaiting :) Seeing as I had a c-section the first time around because Harris was frank breech the unknown element of a VBAC is somewhat scary and exciting.

I hope this will keep you entertained and for you first time momma's give you a honest look at the first few months of baby and for you second time preggo's some inspiration on how to handle 2!