Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday, January 29, 2007

Well, today is mine and Evy's first day at home alone! Kirby is back to work, Harris is at daycare, and my parent's have left for their month long trip to Arizona - this did put me into a meltdown yesterday!) I am counting down the days until Friday when my sister arrives for a week to hang out! This is expecially exciting for me because she is coming without her hubbie and my parents are away so she is staying with me for the whole and I really wont have to share her much with anyone. A rare occurence from her usually trips home to Winnipeg.

All in all we are doing ok. I am finding this c-section to be a much slower recovery because I have a burning pain on one side of my incision that is driving me to drink (not really but I could I guess:)) Of course, I am the person who reads too much and I have self diagnosed this on the internet to be anything from an infection to major nerve damage etc. and have somewhat got in my head that I will need more surgery. Have I called the doctor? No way - that would be the normal thing to do but I will just wait a few more days and try to rest.

The open concept of our house is beginning to make me nuts as stuff is piling up everywhere and it seems cluttered, messy and crowded and I just can keep up with my anal standards of organization. I think Kirby is secretly hoping this will lower my standards but it wont:)

Harris is being a better big brother everyday almost to where I am waiting for something to happen. He loves his sister and is always concerned about her with no signs at all of jealousy. Evu is a model baby which I really don't want to out in writing and jinx. She sleeps all the time - great at day and night and just makes a little peep to eat! Thank you god for dealing one great baby after Mr. Colicky Harris. Yes, I do deserve it:)

Well, off to watch the View - aghhh the life of a new momma and maybe just maybe hobble around a bit and tidy up.


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