Friday, March 30, 2007

March 30, 2007

We are back from LA! We are all exhausted but it was a GREAT trip! We have bought the best Fall clothes if you are thinking about a baby and want to look amazing - start trying now! The clothes almost make me want to be pregnant again......I said almost! Evy was amazing she was so great! I had her in a sling all the time and it was the best thing ever. I was a huge sling fan before but this just confirms that. If you can go to a tradeshow with a baby for 2 full days of appointments and barely know they are with you, imagine the things you can get done around the house! The only mely down she had was the last night we left the tradeshow and went directly to the mall for some shopping...she was tired of being lugged around and had a bit of a fit:) This quickly changed when I gave her the "shopping in LA" pep talk and she figured out that mom was really only shopping for her and Harris because trying on clothes with a baby in a sling is just plain impossible. I must admit I went crazy but there were great deals and the Parnell and Gompf children will always far out dress their moms.

Other wise we are all good - Kirb got home from NYC and Harris is now sporting a Knicks jersey and headband so he has no interest in my clothing purchases...even the dirtbike shirt which I thought would be a sure fire hit. I will win back his loyalty when he gets the Wiggles Cd that says his name over 40 times (Call me - sucker it is done at a Kiosk at the calgary airport) but I am saving it for Easter.

What am I doing today - trying to get this house clean and going to the library to get the book "Magic-1-2-3"...yes, the Gompfs are finally ( I know I say this every week) taking their life back......Evy is moving into her crib and harris will stay in his own bed again. Last night by 4 am we were back to 4 in my bed and I just don't fit diet or not......

Talk to you soon and watch for our Huge April Zutano Kids clothes promo - so awesome lounge wear and leggins etc for up to 24 months - check out the photo of the new girls print just arrived in the store.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Saturday, March 24

I am writing this quick before I head off to bed...Brandi, Miss Evy, and I are heading off to LA early, early tommorrow morning for a tradeshow/buying trip and Kirby is off to NYC for work as well so I have spent the weekend co-ordinating Harris's activities with the grandparents, doing laundry (if only this was a career option) and packing etc.

I am somewhat apprehensive about taking Evy to "wokr" but at this age there is really no better option - she has a bit of a cold so hoepfully the plane wont bug her and she will be happy snuggle bugging away her days at the show in a lsing with her mom. Really, what better buying trip than this for accomodating a babe...and well, that is just the sacrifices you make owning your won business - no 1 year mat leave:) Trust me I am not complaining I love the store and look forward to being back a few days a week in June - I just hope she doesn't cry too much etc. all the normal things parents worry about when out and about with their babies.

We will keep you posted on all the great things we find. If you haven't been to the store lately - go check it out - it is stocked up with cool baby clothes, kids clothes, accessories, and maternity clothes so nice I am wearing then after having a baby. They seem ot fit way better on my "mom" body because even though I have lost all the weight my shape has changed again:( let's face it those stores Dynamite, Garage, etc - they were not designed with a "mom" body in mind....we have some curves - oh there is my rant. Did you know the best jeans for a mom body are premium denims - they have strech and they are expensive because the cut is so amazing - buy one good pair and you will never look for jeans again (or this is what i tell my husband)

On a side note - I went out last night...not out like a usual out but to the Keg lounge with 3 of my neighbours to get is the first moment in the last 3 years that one of us has not been preggo and since they are plans in the future for more kids (NOT ME) we seized the opportunity. Ihad 4 beers - this is alot for me - I was tipsy...due to rain we did not walk home but don't worry I did not drive. The sad part is we started talking about going to the Palimino (some of Josie's co-workers were there) but we faded fasted than anticipated and we're all in bed by 11 pm. I talk way tougher than I am but none the less - I fely pretty good this morning, a little slow but happy to have gotten dressed up and out with girls. We women should really do this more often - I think we feel too much obligation to be around home unless it is something more important than just catching up and hangin out!

Anyhow, off to LA - wish me luck....and Brandi a quiet baby to travel with.


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

March 21, 2007

Finally a nice day - thankfully becuase this weather is making me crazy - we are dying to get outside....but it is supposed to be 14 C on Saturday. My rant today is about will power - my 2 children have more willpower to wear me down than I do to wear them down. It is so damn hard to be consistent. Harris beat me down 2 nights ago with his request in a cute ,sort of sad voice to come in Mom's bed and cuddle - well, I caved - how could I not - he was just so stinking cute. And what have I done - now I have created a monster who wants to cuddle every night. The crazy part is he knows if he keeps whining he will win and I will give in. So here we are with him in his room witht he door closes last night listening to him bawl to come out and cuddle - it kills me...but I know that it will just get worse if we don't nip it in the bud.

Evy is just a baby but is she manipulating me too? Why does she sleep so well in my bed but not in her crib?????? I am going to get tougher with her too but when we get back from LA becuase what is the point for 3 more days when she will be in bed with me there.

Help me moms.....why do I always feel guilty and bad about having rules and taking a stand. Why is it so hard to be consistent-aggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

Anyhow, other than that I am good - trying to eat healthier, get more exercise and do a little more for myself - so far so good (this week - heheheh)

I sign off with this funny letter forwarded to me - Enjoy!

Actual letter to Proctor & Gamble (P&G)
>>>Dear Mr. Thatcher,
>>>I have been a loyal user of your Always maxi pads for over 20 years
>>>and I appreciate many of their features. Why, without the LeakGuard
>>>Core(tm) or
>>>Dri-Weave(tm) absorbency, I'd probably never go horseback riding or
>>>salsa dancing, and I'd certainly steer clear of running up and down
>>>the beach in tight, white shorts. But my favourite feature has to be
>>>your revolutionary Flexi-Wings. Kudos on being the only company smart
>>>enough to realize how crucial it is that maxi pads be aerodynamic. I
>>>can't tell you how safe and secure I feel each month knowing there's
>>>a little F-16 in my pants.
>>>Have you ever had a menstrual period, Mr. Thatcher? Ever suffered
>>>from "the curse"? I'm guessing you haven't. Well, my "time of the
>>>month" is starting right now. As I type, I can already feel hormonal
>>>forces violently surging through my body. Just a few minutes from
>>>now, my body will adjust and I'll be transformed into what my husband
>>>likes to call "an inbred hillbilly with knife skills." Isn't the
>>>human body amazing?
>>>As Brand Manager in the Feminine-hygiene Division, you've no doubt
>>>seen quite a bit of research on what exactly happens during your customers'
>>>monthly visits from "Aunt Flo". Therefore, you must know about the
>>>bloating, puffiness, and cramping we endure, and about our intense
>>>mood swings, crying jags, and out-of-control behaviour.
>>>You surely realize it's a tough time for most women. In fact, only
>>>last week, my friend Jennifer fought the violent urge to shove her
>>>boyfriend's testicles into a George Foreman Grill just because he
>>>told her he thought Grey's Anatomy was written by drunken chimps. Crazy!
>>>The point is, sir, you of all people must realize that America is
>>>just crawling with homicidal maniacs in Capri pants...which brings me
>>>to the reason for my letter. Last month, while in the throes of
>>>cramping so painful I wanted to reach inside my body and yank out my
>>>uterus, I opened an Always maxi-pad, and there, printed on the
>>>adhesive backing, were these
>>>words: "Have a Happy Period."
>>>Are you fucking kidding me? What I mean is, does any part of your
>>>tiny middle-manager brain really think happiness - actual smiling,
>>>laughing happiness - is possible during a menstrual period? Did
>>>anything mentioned above sound the least bit pleasurable? Well, did
>>>it, James? FYI, unless you're some kind of sick S&M freak girl, there
>>>will never be anything "happy" about a day in which you have to jack
>>>yourself up on Motrin and Kahlua and lock yourself in your house just
>>>so you don't march down to the local Walgreen's armed with a hunting
>>>rifle and a sketchy plan to end your life in a blaze of glory. For
>>>the love of God, pull your head out, man!
>>>you just have to slap a moronic message on a maxi pad, wouldn't it
>>>make more sense to say something that's actually pertinent, like "Put
>>>Down the Hammer" or "Vehicular Manslaughter Is Wrong", or are you
>>>just picking on us?
>>>Sir, please inform your Accounting Department that, effective
>>>immediately, there will be an $8 drop in monthly profits, for I have
>>>chosen to take my maxi-pad business elsewhere. And though I will
>>>certainly miss your Flex-Wings, I will not for one minute miss your
>>>brand of condescending bullshit. And that's a promise I will keep...
>>>Best regards,
>>>Wendi Aarons
>>>Austin, TX

Sunday, March 18, 2007

March 18, 2007

Where have I been and where does the time go? Is the same question you are asking yourselves? It has almost been a week since I wrote on this and I can not think about where I have been. I guess doing 10,000 (or what feels like) loads of laundry, getting groceries, putting the house back together, bouncing my baby, shooting hoops with Harris etc. I wish I had something good to report but nada - I am actually sort of depressed today? Not the post-partum type but just one of those days where you wonder for a few minutes where did my identity go and what was my marriage like before - the one before juggling two kids, tag teamming everything with your husband, not enough time for yourself, endless loads of laundry, your put together house (or what used to be) overrun by toys - you know the feeling. Now, I do not want to field calls tommorrow from all of my friends reading this - I am ok, just winding down to a quiet night of Desperate Housewives and then I plan on tackling Evy in her crib again tonight...I want my bed and my husband back:)

PS. I did go for a long almost 2 hour walk with my end cancer team and it is really amazing what some fresh air (ok, snow and hail and rain) and exercise can do for a spirit.

Did I vent about the passport photo yet?

I will write more keep reading!!!

PPS. All you preggos reading this - Jen, Lisa - take your husbands out for a few hot dates before the baby as it will be busy when the arrive and you will end up talking about the kids way too much....:)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday, March 13

We are home FINALLY! I say this "screaming"in web language because it took us longer to fly home than is would have to drive from Calgary. In a nutshell, as I am way to exhausted to even discuss....

1. Our flight from Calgary to Edmonton was delayed
2. We only had a 45 minute stop over in Edmonton which I clearly knew we had missed while waiting for hours on the tarmack in Calgary. We couldn't get off once we boarder - agh
3. Arrive in Edmonton at 9 pm and they have lost the kids suitcase - we are already to barely any diapers because of the delays already
4. Get a voucher for a hotel and shuttle
5. Wait 45 minutes for shuttle, then take 25 minute shuttle to a dumpy hotel
6. Check in - and find out we have checked into a room with people in it already - so check-in again!
7. 1 am finally get everyone to sleep
8. 5:45 am - get the family up to catch 6:30 shuttle back to airport for 8:55 am flight
9. Find out flight is delayed 1.5 hours - LOSE OUR MINDS
10: 1:30 pm - arrive in Winnipeg

Anyhow, we are all home safe and sound - and this aside we had a great trip. It was not bad travelling with 2 kids, Harris loved the hockey game, the Science Centre, the Zoo etc. Evy was really great and it was so nice to hang out with Jac and Darren.

Plus, I did manage to have some wine with a few of my favorite friends.....Oh, ya ate way too much so tommorrow I definately start eating better;)

Friday, March 9, 2007

Be a Superhero!

Hi Everyone,

I know I have asked some of you already but for those of you that I haven't and read my blog....

I am walking in the Weekend to End Cancer ( a 60 km journey) in Winnipeg in June! Breast cancer will affect at least 1 in 8 women in their lifetime which means unfortunately that one of my blog readers or their child, mother, sister or friend will have to deal with this tragic disease.

In order to participate each walker must raise $2000 through donations. If you can please donate to my personal page - anything would be greatly appreciated. Last year the walk in Winnipeg alone raised 3.3 million dollars to breast cancer research benefitting women all across Canada.

If you would like to on the link below and thank you very, very much!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Hi all,

We made it Cowtown! 3 suitcases, 2 carseats, 1 stoller, and a packed minivan rental at the airport later - whew! I think travelling has definately re-affirmed our personal decision at this point for only 2 kids....we couldn't have fit a third in the minivan -ha!

We are here and I am so happy to be here - always makes me want to move back especially with the nice weather and so many active people out and about.

We have taken the kids out to the science centre with was awesome for Harris and today my sister and I took Harris to a wave pool with fun. Tonight is my night out with all of my old friends for Leanne (one of bridesmaids) for those of you who were at our wedding's 30th birthday - I can not wait...I want to have a few drinks but as those of you with 2 kids know this may be a decision that I will come to regret through the night with a babya nd tommorrow am. We will see - we are going for greek and so I may just not be able to stop witht he wine-hehe. Plus, my sis is preggo so I have a built in designated driver.

Tommorrow we have a birthday party for my cousin's 3 year and the Flames game so my "parent" voice is saying don't get too tipsy.

I will keep you posted on which inner voice won!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Where have I been? Losing my freakin'marbles.......I think I was given only enough patience to make it to the exact second my parents returned to Winnipeg. They showed up at our house on their drive home from Arizona on Sunday at dinner. This was perfect - I actually had been making a meal for them but wasn't sure if they would be home so it was cooking at our house and we ate dinner together...Harris was over the moon at them showing up....but not as over the moon as Kirby and I (heehee) We quickly caught up and I went off to bed planning to head over to their house first thing in the morning - oh, to get started on that HUGE to do list footloose and fancy free from the kids.

Well, one of the things on my to do was getting Evy a passport to come to LA with myself and Brandi at the end of March for a buying trip. I had been procrastinating gettingher photo done as I was still waiting on her birth certificate to arrive. To not bore you with all the details of stalking them , getting a rush, etc...I will say this - a passport photo for a 6 week is my defininion of damn near impossible (eyes must be open, head facing straight forward, mouth closed, no tongue sticking out, not crying, and not hands or arms in photo) all of this for a photo that lasts 3 years (as if they look even remotely the same!!!) Now, I did think showing up at my parent's house at 8 am the day after they arrived home might be a bit over the top so I decided to get the photo done on the way with Harris too - why not get him a passport at the same time OR NOT! He was patient at Wlamart for the first bit but quickly turned into a 2 year boy when he saw that his sister was not going to cooperate and he was BORED. The scene was not pretty and not one of my finer moments - he took off, I totally lost my cool, Evy was screaming, still no picture and I need a passport very quickly (an oxymoron these days). Here are a few things that happend - I told him he was bad and then he told me I was bad, I pulled him my the hand - he lay on the floor. Well, you get the picture. I yelled and hauled ass outta there and for all of you mom's staring at me as we left yelling at each other - don't judge me, I know you have been there or it will come and I promise I will not judge you back. Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

That being said we did make up before bed - thanks to him burning off steam at Grandma's and me at Polo Park. Evy did finally get her photo and we did get the passport done today just in the knick of time and now after a whirlwind packing day my family of 4 is heading off to Calgary for the weekend to visit my sis and brother in law. I am going tout for dinner with all my old friends there on Friday and I will be having many drinks -hehehe. To those of you who read this in Calgary and I don't see - sorry it is whirlwind as usual.

Oh ya, on a more depressing note the 5 pounds gone from the stomach flu is back with a vengenace....that damn pantry and snacks calls my name when I am home so much....where is my willpower?????


Friday, March 2, 2007

March 2, 2007

Where does the time go? Where have I been.....hmmmm. Well, I did take both kids to the open house and they were great - we stayed for 2 hours and Harris was even in accidents. It was super fun and thanks to all of you that came out. I was great to see you and hae your support! After that I promised Harris we would go to McD's for lunch and playland - we did - all I have to say is - never go to a McDonald's by a school at lunch. It was insane to get food! Here is where I can not manage with 2 do people carry a diaper bag, a bucket, hold on to a 2 year old when it is busy and carry food? Thankfully, the little worker bee helped me..too bad he couldn't help me haul Harris out of there when he had a melt down and decided he was not leaving playland. I had to pull out all of my parenting tactics as I was on display in front of a ton of other moms....What worked - well, I just packed up me and Evy and told him he could walk home himself, pretended to leave and then he smartened right up. Home to no nap that day - a long day.

Yesterday, I spent the day at the store with Brandi and Evy. I proceeded to maul Harris when he got home - did anyone watch Oprah - so sad.

I was out last night and Kirby did great with both kids and Evy drank formula - here is the problem she threw up in the night? This is the 2nd time after the stomach flu and both after formula? Is she allergic? Hmmmmmm. Any advice?

Oh, well...that brings us to today. We are going to a friends's for lunch and then the Parnell's ( Brandi, Brent, and Hud) are coming for pizza and to pick up Harris's old toddler bed - fun.