Thursday, January 11, 2007

January 11, 2007

Ok, I am back to being ready for a baby. We hit a minor road bump - Harris spent the entire night throwing up with the stomach flu - poor little man! They are so needy when they are sick which I will be honest I secretly enjoy as I manage to get a few extra TLC from a very busy boy! My type A personality did have a big of a panic as my freshly cleaned house complete with all crazy nesting antics did get thrown into a major tailspin. Nick the carpet cleaner is saving the day and all should be good by tommorrow.

Went to the doctor's today (went yesterday too but momma brain had the days confused). Nothing much to report...she is on call for tommorrow so she suggested I have sex 3 times tonight - ha.

Other than that I miss being at the store - It is hard to be away and out of the loop:)

I am off to have a quick rest while the little man is sleeping. My advice for the day is to all you 1st time preggo's take lots of time to relax as it is few and far between after you have other childern and to the mom's out there with more than 2 kids - you are my hero's....I could stand to take you for a drip and pick your brain:) That is when i can have a drink....aghhhh, I can taste red wine


1 comment:

Brandi said...

I miss having her here. All I do now is eat all day!