Monday, November 5, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween! I had to not blog for a few days until my hot temper had cooled it's jets. I came out of the gate waaayyyyyyyyy too fast as supermom and things got a little nutty. As you may or may not know my husband cancelled his Vegas trip to help with the kidlets and store and well, my chaotic life. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you !!! Being a good wife and always feeling guilty (why??????????) decided to make it up to him by being wife of the year so Thursday he headed out with his Business partners to Moxies for drinks.......Friday he headed to the neighbourhood mens poker night..........and well, Saturday night he headed to Ozzy Osboune with his business partner Brent.
Oh, to take back that "allowing" him out on Saturday night! Well, Brent I have blogged about before has had one hell of a crazy year - he has lost a child and fought off cancer so he deserves to whoop it up - my husband of course must help him along....I get this, but boys you are not 17 anymore....c'mon you can not keep up to the youth of today......
What happened? Well, I awoke from a deep sleep 2:30 am to a cell phone pocket prank.....finally boozy the clown arrived home around 4 am, and in the morning discovered he lost his wedding ring.......I officially blew a gasket. A GIGANTIC HISSY FIT! Now, don't get me wrong it may seem fishy - it isn't - my husband is the best but your wedding ring - seriously....I know it was cheap but I am sentimental and I am so sad. We have been dating since we were 15 and the symbol of that ring means the entire world to me - our vows I still remember how I felt - bllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Enough said , he feels sick, he has hunted everywhere and the ring is gone - we will move on but I am still using it in my favour now to get what I want ( I know sick but whatever works:)) Oh yeah, and one shot at Brent - not sick as in the sick you were all over your basement.
Seriously, boys - highschool has long since passed.
Now what - had lunch with the Gingersnaps and 3/4 of their kids - so much fun - they have a totally hilarious family dynamic - so much fun and energy. Thanks Girls.
We hit up the street in full force trick or treating today - Harris was a lion, Evy a puppy dog although she didn't even venture outside....I would post pics but our camera is in the repair shop - a reality of letting your 3 year old work the digital. What else - a welcome winter Fish Fry at the in-laws tommorrow and my momma will be there to celebrate her b-day! Hurrah.
Other than that watch for the changing blog link coming soon!
Oh ya, and no baby yet for Miss Crys.........
Over and out - K
Oh, to take back that "allowing" him out on Saturday night! Well, Brent I have blogged about before has had one hell of a crazy year - he has lost a child and fought off cancer so he deserves to whoop it up - my husband of course must help him along....I get this, but boys you are not 17 anymore....c'mon you can not keep up to the youth of today......
What happened? Well, I awoke from a deep sleep 2:30 am to a cell phone pocket prank.....finally boozy the clown arrived home around 4 am, and in the morning discovered he lost his wedding ring.......I officially blew a gasket. A GIGANTIC HISSY FIT! Now, don't get me wrong it may seem fishy - it isn't - my husband is the best but your wedding ring - seriously....I know it was cheap but I am sentimental and I am so sad. We have been dating since we were 15 and the symbol of that ring means the entire world to me - our vows I still remember how I felt - bllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Enough said , he feels sick, he has hunted everywhere and the ring is gone - we will move on but I am still using it in my favour now to get what I want ( I know sick but whatever works:)) Oh yeah, and one shot at Brent - not sick as in the sick you were all over your basement.
Seriously, boys - highschool has long since passed.
Now what - had lunch with the Gingersnaps and 3/4 of their kids - so much fun - they have a totally hilarious family dynamic - so much fun and energy. Thanks Girls.
We hit up the street in full force trick or treating today - Harris was a lion, Evy a puppy dog although she didn't even venture outside....I would post pics but our camera is in the repair shop - a reality of letting your 3 year old work the digital. What else - a welcome winter Fish Fry at the in-laws tommorrow and my momma will be there to celebrate her b-day! Hurrah.
Other than that watch for the changing blog link coming soon!
Oh ya, and no baby yet for Miss Crys.........
Over and out - K
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Ok, so in the last 10 days we officially decided to close the store, had a huge sale, packed up, moved out, dove back into family life. Brandi packed up and left the country for a long time in the works family vacation. Wow, when we set our minds to something - consider it done! Just be on the look out Winnipeg we are already thinking what's next? Are we insane? Oh, most definatley. The husbands well, they are of course our number one fans but last week, full time parenting put them both into a frenzy and well, if we cool our entreprenuerial jets for a few months minimum I am sure they will be happy.
I knwo my husband is happy to have is domestic wife back - I hopped into my housewife role with full force this morning....maybe a little too fast (he sleeped in, I cleaned, fed and played with the kids, reorganized, cleaned, and de-cluttered the house - can't sit still with all this time - ok it has been 1 day!!!) If I keep us this pace he will require serious re-training for my next venture...hmmmmm, something to seriously consider.
What is going on? Well, we are still sorting through the paperwork, wrapping up bookkeeping, paying bills, etc to finish up witht he store. The behind the scenes stuff...the stuff that when we had the store took up so much family time.....
Other than that life is good, my babies ar so great and I am so happy to be enjoying them 100%. Evy is wild and into EVERYTHING....9 month old crawling/standing machines are a mad force to be wreckoned with and the house self destructs every hour. Harris is great - learning about the bodya t pre-school at 3???? Today he touched my neck and asked if I knew what it was...I said of course...neck....no mom, it's your esphogas (Ok, i am 30+ with a degree and i can't even spell it) What is up with that??????? He also uses it in every sentence....if he were awake right now he would ask me " Does your wine taste good in your eshpo.....? Still can't spell it...
Anyhow, Kirb is out reliving huis youth at Ozzy and I am goign to curl up with a good book or movie....
Good night mommas - and stay tuned we weren't joking about the martini night!
I knwo my husband is happy to have is domestic wife back - I hopped into my housewife role with full force this morning....maybe a little too fast (he sleeped in, I cleaned, fed and played with the kids, reorganized, cleaned, and de-cluttered the house - can't sit still with all this time - ok it has been 1 day!!!) If I keep us this pace he will require serious re-training for my next venture...hmmmmm, something to seriously consider.
What is going on? Well, we are still sorting through the paperwork, wrapping up bookkeeping, paying bills, etc to finish up witht he store. The behind the scenes stuff...the stuff that when we had the store took up so much family time.....
Other than that life is good, my babies ar so great and I am so happy to be enjoying them 100%. Evy is wild and into EVERYTHING....9 month old crawling/standing machines are a mad force to be wreckoned with and the house self destructs every hour. Harris is great - learning about the bodya t pre-school at 3???? Today he touched my neck and asked if I knew what it was...I said of course...neck....no mom, it's your esphogas (Ok, i am 30+ with a degree and i can't even spell it) What is up with that??????? He also uses it in every sentence....if he were awake right now he would ask me " Does your wine taste good in your eshpo.....? Still can't spell it...
Anyhow, Kirb is out reliving huis youth at Ozzy and I am goign to curl up with a good book or movie....
Good night mommas - and stay tuned we weren't joking about the martini night!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Back to my Crazy life...
Okay, enough with the self help. It's onward and upward. I am backing to blogging about my crazy life. Why, please tell me why, is it that moms are responsible for keeping everything together??? Remind me again, why we do almost everything around the house. That's working working for a living with 2 kids is just too crazy. Please don't write me and tell me that your husband does it all because that might send me over the edge.
So last night I worked until 8:00, home by 8:30. Now, let me say that Brent has a cold, therefor the world has stopped. I hope he isn't reading this. Anyway, Gage pooped all over his bath towel and Brent's shirt. Brent, being extra helpful, took the soiled items to the basement for HIS WIFE TO WASH. Yes, he left pooped on, rolled up - laundry in the basement for me to wash - imagine the smell!! Not to mention that I am organizing the childcare, did I say working full time???? and getting ready for Saturday.
Now, yes I could handle all of this and I do but here's where I lose it. He is actually upset with me - why? I have no freakin idea but I truly think in his mind he feels entitled to be upset because he has to take care of the boys for 3 hours while I work at closing down the store!!!!! Amber - yes I am ready for a drink.
It's 10:20 a.m. and I have to shower, change the wash, make some coffee - why because yes I get up in the night to feed our babe! Yes, that's right I am crabby!!! Now when is the Martini Club's first meeting. Move over Water Buffaloes here we come!

Monday, October 22, 2007
So today I am writing about supporting small business. It's too late for us, but Adriana from Tiber River wrote us the most inspirational email - thank you Adriana. It is a constant struggle and especially as women, it is even harder to be entrepreneurs. So my blog to day - of course it's all about the store closing these days - is to ask you moms out there to sit down and think about your favorite stores and SUPPORT them a little more. We had a great chat with one of our customers today who said they wished they would have supported us more. They said that there is something to be said for being able to go and see and touch and smell products. There is something to be said for quality and for local economy and for supporting products that are made in here in Winnipeg and here in our great country - CANADA!! The sad thing is that if you are reading this blog you probably do so already. But if you don't support a little more local.
Now on to the women side of this blog... I told Kath that I now get why women try to find easy work from home jobs - do they even exist??? But I do get it. It's hard these days being a woman and raising a family and having a business or a successful career for that matter. BUT mamas go on and forge ahead in the workplace. Isn't that what we are trying to do for our babies. Aren't we trying to raise our little girls knowing that they can be ANYTHING they want? Yes we are.

One Flaw In Women
Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they
think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have the compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their
family and friends.
Women have vital things to say
and everything to give.
Good night Martini mamas!
Now on to the women side of this blog... I told Kath that I now get why women try to find easy work from home jobs - do they even exist??? But I do get it. It's hard these days being a woman and raising a family and having a business or a successful career for that matter. BUT mamas go on and forge ahead in the workplace. Isn't that what we are trying to do for our babies. Aren't we trying to raise our little girls knowing that they can be ANYTHING they want? Yes we are.

One Flaw In Women
Women have strengths that amaze men.
They bear hardships and they carry burdens,
but they hold happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about
a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member,
yet they are strong when they
think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you
to show how much they care about you.
The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love.
They have the compassion and ideas.
They give moral support to their
family and friends.
Women have vital things to say
and everything to give.
Good night Martini mamas!
Saturday, October 20, 2007

Well now the healing can begin. I had Sushi for dinner from Yujiro - amazing and a bottle of wine. My kids are tucked in and my amazing husband has his feet up. I just got out of a HOT shower. What can I say - it was an unbelievable day. Check out some cool shots taken by the unbelievable Kal http://www.lovelife.typepad.com/. It started with a line up of about 150 people, some shoving, a fire truck and a line up that lasted for 2 hours - even in the rain - but we made it. Our little Crys is home and didn't deliver her baby - what a success. Somewhere in the middle we were inspired and our hearts started to feel good again. So many of you have emailed us and we are so thankful for your kind words. Many people came to the store today, friends and family, to bring us treats, cheer, coffees, wine even - thank you Margo. We cannot find the words to express our gratitude for all of the love that we were shown at Anticipation.
I could go on and on - in fact I feel like I am receiving an Academy award, and I don't want to miss anyone. But I want to say so many THANK YOUS! For all of you out there who supported us right up to the end - THANKS. To our worker bees - THANKS. To our star employee Crys - THANKS. To our families, THANKS. To our friends, THANKS. To our husbands and kids who without you we could never have taken such risks - THANKS and to my incredible business partner - THANKS.
We will continue to blog and share our trials and tribulations as moms. Although we said today that Stroller Walk isn't going to cut it anymore, I think we are going to have to start the Mom's Martini Club. Stay tuned.
Good night mamas.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
With Great Risk Comes Great Reward
Dear Friends, Colleagues, Fellow Mamas,
It is with great sadness that we write this letter. We have decided that we will be closing Anticipation. We want to explain to you why and we want to thank you with the most sincerity for you support over the past 2 years.
When we opened the store, we truly gave birth to our second babies. We poured our hearts and souls into this business. In doing so, we met some amazing women, many of you have inspired us, listened to us, helped us by giving us good advice be it on family or business and most especially you have supported us. If there was any way that we could keep going we would. With young families and increased competition we just cannot make it happen. It is really sad but the reality is that our market is saturated with competition, the rising dollar has allowed many people to shop south of the border or online and all of these things make it really hard for small businesses to survive. That being said, we have decided to close the doors and pour our hearts and souls into our families.
We feel that Anticipation was a place where powerful women (and men) gathered. We have made tremendous friends and connections that will last us a lifetime. So, please hear us when we say THANKS! It has been a blast. We would do it all over again in a heartbeat and will encourage our babes to follow their callings in life.
Please understand that we will be CLOSED Friday October 19th to prepare the store for our HUGE staying home with our babies sale. Starting Saturday October 20th at 10:00 a.m. EVERYTHING IN THE STORE will be 50% off. This includes premium denim, diaper bags, nursery bedding, floor models and so much more! Come and shop one last time. It is your chance to buy some great items while you can at cost. Stock up for the rest of your pregnancy & for the holidays now. Sale hours for the next week are Monday to Friday 12 – 8:00 p.m.. Saturday 10: - 5:00.
Please understand that our exit is fast so as not to prolong the inevitable. We can honestly say that we have given it our all and we are truly thankful to all of you who have been part of this journey.
Kath & Brandi
PS – Please pass this on to anyone you know.
It is with great sadness that we write this letter. We have decided that we will be closing Anticipation. We want to explain to you why and we want to thank you with the most sincerity for you support over the past 2 years.
When we opened the store, we truly gave birth to our second babies. We poured our hearts and souls into this business. In doing so, we met some amazing women, many of you have inspired us, listened to us, helped us by giving us good advice be it on family or business and most especially you have supported us. If there was any way that we could keep going we would. With young families and increased competition we just cannot make it happen. It is really sad but the reality is that our market is saturated with competition, the rising dollar has allowed many people to shop south of the border or online and all of these things make it really hard for small businesses to survive. That being said, we have decided to close the doors and pour our hearts and souls into our families.
We feel that Anticipation was a place where powerful women (and men) gathered. We have made tremendous friends and connections that will last us a lifetime. So, please hear us when we say THANKS! It has been a blast. We would do it all over again in a heartbeat and will encourage our babes to follow their callings in life.
Please understand that we will be CLOSED Friday October 19th to prepare the store for our HUGE staying home with our babies sale. Starting Saturday October 20th at 10:00 a.m. EVERYTHING IN THE STORE will be 50% off. This includes premium denim, diaper bags, nursery bedding, floor models and so much more! Come and shop one last time. It is your chance to buy some great items while you can at cost. Stock up for the rest of your pregnancy & for the holidays now. Sale hours for the next week are Monday to Friday 12 – 8:00 p.m.. Saturday 10: - 5:00.
Please understand that our exit is fast so as not to prolong the inevitable. We can honestly say that we have given it our all and we are truly thankful to all of you who have been part of this journey.
Kath & Brandi
PS – Please pass this on to anyone you know.
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Unpleasant physical effects following the heavy use of alcohol.The most common reported characteristics of a hangover are feelings of extreme thirst, lethargy, nausea, sensitivity to sunlight and noise, and headache.
I can only type as of this morning! Brad Paisley did not disappoint. We danced our asses off - I wish! The whole show rocked and we met some super nice people and ate, drank, drunk and were merry! My poor mama took care of our boys until 2:30 in the morning. Yikes. Anyway, it was a night of very little sleep and lots of hammering in my head but all worth it.
Blaine, Lis, Maddy & Jen and Brad came over with yummy grub from Kings Palace - one of Brad's finds. We had slurpees and Chinese food last night and well I have a skip in my step again this morning. Go Diego Go is on in the background, I have a cup of Tim's in my hand and breakfast is cooking itself. Wait, that must be Brent. 

Sunday night - hummmm, I think I will crawl in to bed and watch Brothers & Sisters with a tub of ice cream. Hello - is that show great so far this season or what???
Happy family day - I love lazy Sundays.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Brent is a complex man who always seems to surprise me! I have to share this side of my incredible husband. Last night at dinner time, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and there he stood with a painting in his hand. Sometimes, just when I am not expecting it, he is so incredibly thoughtful and even romantic. I lept with excitement. Last summer, so 2006 Brent, Hudson and I went to The Half Moon for lunch - one of my all time favorite places. We walked down to the water by docks and played in the park. Anyway, on our way home, we stopped at The Kennedy Tea House. At the time, there was a local artist painting outside. Inside were some of her pieces of work. Needless to say, I fell in love with one and today it hangs in our family room! What a man!
Two funny stories to share from my day with the boys...This morning as I was getting ready, Hud came into the bathroom and said, "Mom, I have earrings just like you." I smiled look at his ears and continued getting ready. Snickering he turned away. At that moment I realized, yes he did - only his were stuffed in his ears! Fear not, I got them out!
Later on, after naps, the three of us were watching The Jungle Book - I know I am predictable, it's Mougley, Diego or Dora. Anyway, I had just fed Gage. Hud came up, teeth clenched. Gage, I love you!!! he screams out. He then hugged him so tight Gage projectile vomited all of his lunch! Hudson, not understanding the connection between his squeezing and Gage's barfing said: "Gage, you need to be a good boy! Barfing is not nice!"
I should run. I need to make dinner and head out to Pilates! Kath and I are working on our abs for Brad Paisley Friday night! Wranglers and cowboy boots here I come! Just teasing!

I am a Chicken (well, more like a chicken with my head cut-off) but who wants to see that picture this morning......I am with you Brandi - things are just whirling around in my head.....run home, make dinner, go to swimming, pack bag, unload wet clothes, pay bills, blah, blah....
I am back thinking 2 kids is chaos - Evy is in full force crawling and standing up so now I have to watch EVERYTHING and multi tasking is gone out the window. Even in my sleep I have to watch the kids - Harris is crazy sleep walking (yup it is hereditary and I did it too BUT it is worse in boys and it is definately worse)....Last night I found him in the bathroom trying to pee in his sleeping - can we say disaster....my cleaning lady came yesterday and while I understand that the house will not stay clean for 2 weeks before her next visit I do hope for a good week:) I got him and brough him into bed bigger mistake - he peed in my bed - nothing in my house is safe from kids....bed was my sanctuary at the end of the day but now it smells like pee.....
Does anyone have tips????Help, Help, Help.....so goes the madness - October is flying by - I am at buying shows, Kirby is off to Vegas for EO University (ha) and well, we are just juggling to get through to Novemeber which is shaping up to be just as ridiculous....aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
PS. Bon Jovi si coming - can you say Whaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Sunday, October 7, 2007

Then today I shopped Toys R US dry! I have to say that I hate shopping there 0 it is always a gong show and I always have to wait in line and I can never find someone to help me - but I keep going back because they have the toy market sewn up. I went to buy a gift for my little Ty - Mollie's son's birthday - and ended up doing whack of Christmas shopping for my little Hudson. They had PlayDoh, Tonka and Home Depot toys on sale so I bought a bunch of things for him. I hope he doesn't read my blog - just joking.

Anyway, I am off to watch the Jungle Book. Tomorrow we are at the outlaws, my MIL makes the greatest pumpkin pie ever!!
Saturday, October 6, 2007

Happy Turkey Weekend!
What a great weekend it has been so far! We have had a relaxing but fun-filled weekend thus far...Harris was pooped from the week at pre-school and both kids were sleeping by 7 pm....I know that this sometimes takes away from time with Dad but I selfishly enjoy some of those nights. It is a rare opportunity to have time to keep things done AND enjoy time with my husband. We ordered in dinner, talked about life and the week and then even watched a movie (Blades od Glory - Kirby thought it was hilarious and I thought it was stupid but apparently I have no sense of humour.....ha) I must admit that we had a great family vacation to Toronto - it is just that Kirby and I did not have one minute to speak to each other inbetween organizing, loading up, unpacking, and entertaining the kids...therefore last night was great!
Today we had two great festivities!
1. Reece's third Birthday at Cinema City...It was fun! Harris and Reece are very close and he was one of 6 kids at the party...the only MALE:) It was a princess theme but he had a very pimped out crown and felt very cool amidst the gals. We ate in th party room and then sat thru the enitre Shrek 3 which was perfect because Kirb and I wanted to see it too. I was so proud of him - he picked out her entire present....Fairy slippers, a make-up kit, a cinderella balloon (he insisted on this for weeks) and an Ariel doll. He even helped wrap it up.
2. The Fall migration dinner at Fort Whyte...probably my favorite place in the city....Evy went to the Macleans for dinner and Harris, Kirby, Grandma, Grandpa and I went to the dinner. When we sat down for an amazing meal there were only a few geese on the lake and by sunset they were coming in hundreds....the lake was filled with thousands by the time we left. This dinner and a "show" runs for the entire month of October every night with 3 dinner times and sold out in 6 days. here is my plug for FW - it is AMAZING! A family membership is only $60/year and the stuff they have for families is awesome. There is tons of regular activites likeing hiking, biking, canoeing, toboggan runs but the extra's are unreal and are often no extra charge for members. The next big thing we will be going to is the Halloween Howl...check out their website at www.fortwhyte.org for info
My family is there every week and we buy annual pass for both sets of grandparents so they can join us too with the kids. The cafe has great breakfast and foods too......
What now - well after a busy day like that Harris is sleeping and since I have not heard a peep I am assuming that Kirby is asleep with him. I am going to get a little bookkeeping done and curl up with a good book. I have just got the new one Brandi just read and like her I too have forgotten the name.
Friday, October 5, 2007
So, I am home, working on the website, with help from our Tech guy! Hud is eating snacks and tearing the house apart. The Bare Necessities are blaring in the background which should be a hint - get back to basics woman!! And Gage is squawking with all of his new sounds! I think we'd give Mowgli a run for his money.
Gage is giving up nursing I think. In the past couple of days I have had to supplement more than usual and now he seems to want the hearty stuff! Last night we were in Triage at St. B - my new niece to be gave us a quite a stir as her heart rate dropped. She bounced back quickly though and all is well.
I told Crys - be weary - this is the beginning of a life where you wear your heart on your sleeve. In a split second, you can drum up a well full of tears, all because you babe wouldn't hug you! I have never felt that kind of instant emotion. It is so pure that I wonder what I will be like when the boys marry! Wahhhh - just kidding I'm alright. Truly, I am soooo excited to meet this new little girly. One bright spot in our evening was that the 3 sisters had a real bonding session. We are a remarkable team in that when anyone of us needs the others - we're there.
Thankfully I have amazing in laws to didn't bat an eyelash - they just said go and be with your sis, we'll wait until Brent comes home.
Now on to pumpkin pie and whip creammmm. Let the festivities begin!
PS - Old pic - I was pregnant with Hudson.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
A major tragedy occurred last night in our house and I was out with Kath - working our abs on the Bosu ball. Brent had finished reading stories and was about to say good night when Hudson said, "Daddy I need my blankie." Of course, I was unavailable. Dad, who I give tons of credit to,went downstairs to check the laundry. I can only wash the blankie when he's out. Anyway, the balnkie was in the washing machine - WET. Dad, thinking on his feet, quickly threw it into the dryer and went upstairs to control what was close to being pandemonium! Luckily it dried quickly and crisis was averted but I could feel the tension in the air when he told me.
Mamas can you imagine how hostile this situation could have become! Over tasking, that's my Thursday word of the day. So, I am working from home these days, with 2 babes underfoot and I feel like I cannot do any ONE task right never mind manage all of what I have on my plate. I sent my friend Heidi from Gingersnaps an email asking her how she works from home? She said, pathetically until the wee hours of the night. Now, here's my problem, I am still nursing and really do need sleep. Man, why couldn't I be more like Einstein - didn't he need about 4 hours????
I feel like I need to schedule every minute of my days and even at that I am rarely stimulating my kids. Maybe our moms were onto something when kids just played - be it in the cupboard or the pantry. I sometimes feel so powerful that I have the opportunity and ability to be an entrepreneur and work from home. And sometimes, I think, "Have I lost my freakin marbles??? Anyway, I know I am way off track but I sometimes sit here and envy the simple life.
Another gorgeous day. I am having lunch with my uncle, Hud is at daycare and my MIL has Gage. I hope the egg timer doesn't go off before my lunch is done! Dingggggg - next task - groceries!!! Dingggg!!! Next task - mind my marbles....
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
I love you Winnipeg! There was a time that I would have not said this that I would have given anything to be among the concrete jungle of the big city. I did pine for Cowtown for a full year after moving home and it was still somewhat smaller than Toronto.
Where to start? We did survive and we did have a great time but I love you Winnipeg (Did I say that already???)
We had a great trip and the kids were awesome! We hit up a few of our fave places - The Ontario Science Centre, High Park, swimming at the Delta Chelsea kids floor;), we ate out, we shopped and we visited. The hard part was just getting out of downtown with 2 kids - we stayed with my BIL and SIL who have rented a condo for 2 years downtown while she finishes her Post-Doc at U of T....so you can imagine us in a smaller sized condo, 9th floor admist all of the skyscrapers...it is hard to pop outside to burn off the energies of a 3 year old boy in greenspace.
What else.....pilates tonight - ahhhhhh, where are you abs? I need you - we just booked a hot holiday to the Mayan - did I mention sans kids just us and another couple - oh ya...no 4 suitcases, 2 car seats, playpen....rental van, stroller...I can not wait:) Yes, I may be spoiled but I am a good wife and mom:)
Anyhow, the store is great - crystal sold us out of furniture this weekend so I think I should go away more often...haha.
Anyhow, back 2 work! Did I mention I love you Winnipeg??????
Oh ya, would love to include pics but we packed a camera with a dead battery (hey, you can't rememebr everything?) and am waiting for my family to email me some.......
Where to start? We did survive and we did have a great time but I love you Winnipeg (Did I say that already???)
We had a great trip and the kids were awesome! We hit up a few of our fave places - The Ontario Science Centre, High Park, swimming at the Delta Chelsea kids floor;), we ate out, we shopped and we visited. The hard part was just getting out of downtown with 2 kids - we stayed with my BIL and SIL who have rented a condo for 2 years downtown while she finishes her Post-Doc at U of T....so you can imagine us in a smaller sized condo, 9th floor admist all of the skyscrapers...it is hard to pop outside to burn off the energies of a 3 year old boy in greenspace.
What else.....pilates tonight - ahhhhhh, where are you abs? I need you - we just booked a hot holiday to the Mayan - did I mention sans kids just us and another couple - oh ya...no 4 suitcases, 2 car seats, playpen....rental van, stroller...I can not wait:) Yes, I may be spoiled but I am a good wife and mom:)
Anyhow, the store is great - crystal sold us out of furniture this weekend so I think I should go away more often...haha.
Anyhow, back 2 work! Did I mention I love you Winnipeg??????
Oh ya, would love to include pics but we packed a camera with a dead battery (hey, you can't rememebr everything?) and am waiting for my family to email me some.......
Monday, October 1, 2007

Man, what an amazing fall day. We have sure have had some great weather which made for an awesome weekend. Brent and I went to the corn maze in St. Adolphe, (cornmaze.com) on Friday night with Chad, Mol & the babes. Gage stayed home with Grandma because of his affliction to car rides which by the way I am still hoping he outgrows. It was an Amazing night - get it a MAZE ing night! Yeah, yeah, the kids loved it. We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, pet the goats, played in the maze. Fun, fun, fun. Saturday Mol & I celebrated her birthday with breakfast at Cora's and facials. We don't do presents, we just go to the spa and treat ourselves to something relaxing. The Bombers won, Sunday dinner with the outlaws - it was a perfect weekend.
Kath is away in TO - I'm sure having a blast and the store is back in full swing. It is so busy. The furniture is a huge hit. Everyone loves the Monte Glider, I mean come on - how can you not??? And, we have a new employee starting today - Sara! Welcome to the funny farm. Just kidding! You are in very good hands with Crys! Kath and I have our first trade show this month so we are excited about buying for spring which I know sounds nuts unless you're in retail.
As for the babes, they are doing awesome - Gage is struggling with sleep. Heck, so am I for that matter. Hud is maximizing his hours outdoors. He absolutely loves every sport and could play outside until you dragged him in! It will be neat to see if Gage is the same way - a sports nut just like Brent.
Anyway, I am off to do laundry, water plants, make beds etc. etc. etc.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
My new color is going to be pink - then you will know it is me - Kath. It is actually a miracle that my fingers are working and that I have any muscle movement considering last night was my first night of Bosu Pilates with Brandi. It was fun in a tortuous kind of way! Oh well, all in the name of a hot bod and a hot holiday:)
What else is new? The store is great - we are counting down the days until we meet Miss Gracie - tons of Fall clothes arrived this week and the furniture has been a huge hit! Thanks to all of our great customers!
What is on the Gompf agenda today! We have some photos this am with our dear friends at Gingersnaps - stay tuned I will post one soon, pre-school, a little work and then a hot date of packing and Grey's Anatomy while the kids hang with the the Macleans (we had Owen and Meg last night)
Tommorrow we are off to TO for a few days to visit my BIL and SIL and see there new place......Also, my grandma and 2 uncles....should be fun -plan to hit up the Science Museum - one of my favorite places and of course, Becky and I will shop Square 1 or Sherway Gardens out of stuff...while Ty and Kirb watch the kids and have anxiety:) Thankfully their business actually makes real $.
Over and out - let's start the day......GO team GO
PS. Evy (my dolly) now crawls, has a tooth, loves Spaghetti, and proudly says Dada everytime she sees him - seeing as she calls Dada from her crib in the morning - he is now getting up, who can resist that call:)
A big thanks to Kal -we love the updated blog - you RULE!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Okay, this blog is all about good energy! Firstly, I made up with my amazing husband - nothing like a good Riesling to ease into a family meeting. Thanks Kath firstly for always listening to me. Thanks secondly for your words of wisdom. I absolutely love good friends who pave the way - doing things first and sharing wisdom with their gal pals about what worked and what didn't!
Furthermore, I want to dedicate this song to all the girls I LOVE!!! A little Willie Nelson. Kal - you are amazing and you have gone so much out of your way to guide us - we love what you have done so far and THANK YOU so much. Kath and I can take many things from this journey we have been on so far with Anticipation. We have met so many wicked women who are changing this world. They are leaders and entrepreneurs who are molding this world in which we are rearing our babes. Our kids are going to grow up and think that women entrepreneurs have always existed. What role models for the wee gals of the future. So, bring it!
Gingersnaps. Soul, High Tea, Tiber River, KAL, KAL, KAL, there are so many that I can go on and on. I know that it is easy to shop Walmart and the Gap which we all know now has maternity. But I give kudos to the people out there who go out of there way to support local - this is changing our city, our economy and our future. Thank you to all of you out there who do support us independents. I know Small Indulgence has a sticker in her store that reads Be Vocal Support Local. Truly, it is less expensive to shop Old Navy but make a stand and buy local and be different. Stand out and Stand Up!!!
That's my two cents. If we are still here in 5 or 10 years I say thanks because it takes a special, different person to appreciate buying from people who support local economy. You can bet your ass that the mompreneurs of Winnipeg aren't buying their eggs, bread, tshirts etc. from CHINA!!!
I think I just worked up a sweat writing this blog - does that count as a workout????
Furthermore, I want to dedicate this song to all the girls I LOVE!!! A little Willie Nelson. Kal - you are amazing and you have gone so much out of your way to guide us - we love what you have done so far and THANK YOU so much. Kath and I can take many things from this journey we have been on so far with Anticipation. We have met so many wicked women who are changing this world. They are leaders and entrepreneurs who are molding this world in which we are rearing our babes. Our kids are going to grow up and think that women entrepreneurs have always existed. What role models for the wee gals of the future. So, bring it!
Gingersnaps. Soul, High Tea, Tiber River, KAL, KAL, KAL, there are so many that I can go on and on. I know that it is easy to shop Walmart and the Gap which we all know now has maternity. But I give kudos to the people out there who go out of there way to support local - this is changing our city, our economy and our future. Thank you to all of you out there who do support us independents. I know Small Indulgence has a sticker in her store that reads Be Vocal Support Local. Truly, it is less expensive to shop Old Navy but make a stand and buy local and be different. Stand out and Stand Up!!!
That's my two cents. If we are still here in 5 or 10 years I say thanks because it takes a special, different person to appreciate buying from people who support local economy. You can bet your ass that the mompreneurs of Winnipeg aren't buying their eggs, bread, tshirts etc. from CHINA!!!
I think I just worked up a sweat writing this blog - does that count as a workout????
Extreme blog makeover.

DESIGNER POST: Watch for a couple of changes around this blog over the next couple of weeks. It's Fall and that's a great time to get stuff looking top notch. I love this blog - and I want it to look and feel as great as the Anticipation Store does. Don't worry - just a few aesthetic touch ups - because I know you already love reading it. Don't forget to check out their website, too.
Kal Barteski (www.lovelife.typepad.com)
I felt a little bit sad reading Brandi's blog as we at our house struggle with these same sentiments. It is funny we both definitley have great husbands and great hands on dads to our kids. They watch the kids when we are away for buying trips, we go out with friends, we do have a life...the thing is there is no rest for the brain. But yet, Moms and women are multi taskers, many of us perfectionists....I heard the manic depressed mom on Oprah yesterday say she was striving to be the "perfect" mom - but perfect in the eyes of the world, not really her own eyes. Who is that mom? Why does it matter so much if the house is a bit messy, the kids are not eating totally organic, homemade food day in day out - we will survive? I have no answers for my dear friend. Isn't the perfect mom - the one who has happy kids - hands dpown our kids are happy. The first 6 months of 2 kids has hands down been the hardest time of my life....more of what was already little me time was taken, more planning and schedules whirl around in my head than ever before, far less time to talk to husband made me feel as though we were grwoing apart when really we didn't even have time to grow apart:), and I also want to be perfect.
Here is my advice....please yourself, the rest will come....when you catch yourself doing something you think needs to be done but doesn't really have to been done -stop yourself and naturally you will stop worrying about it so much - it takes 3 weeks to break the habit.
Love ya B
Here is my advice....please yourself, the rest will come....when you catch yourself doing something you think needs to be done but doesn't really have to been done -stop yourself and naturally you will stop worrying about it so much - it takes 3 weeks to break the habit.
Love ya B
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Fall is absolutely my favorite season! We have had a great weekend, playing soccer, bbqing, going for walks, having drinks on the deck - I love fall! We even figured out how to keep peace with Hud and his dad during football season. Hud can watch Diego on the laptop while dad shouts GO VIKINGS in front of the TV! I must say though as picture perfect as it sounds, my amazing husband and I have sure been getting at one another. And, of course it is the age old thing, he can't see my point of view nor I his. I hate when that happens. It's so funny because a lot of my friends, Kath included, have told me to read Babyproofing Your Marriage and I really should. I could sum it up though for him in a few lines instead of asking him to read the entire book...
Please love me and be as excited to be with me as you are the NFL. I promise not to nag and get cranky with you if you listen to me the first time. And, lastly, recognize that I do 90% of the keeping of this house, so if I am snippety at times, please remind me to be a nicer person as I am doing all of your laundry, the kids' laundry, groceries, errands, taking care of the babe - Yes, you are AMAZING with our toddler, I arrange all of the babysitting, do more laundry and I am still kind of working. Oh right I said a few lines!
So, I finished my book, the new Kite Runner, again I can't remember the title. It was amazing, yet heart wrenching. It got deep in my soul and I can't get it out. I am thinking about the characters as I wash the dishes - oh yeah add that to my Coles Notes! This is the first book though that I have read since having kids and man I could barely get through the tough parts relating to kids.
Speaking of which, the babes are awesome. Hud last night stayed up later than I - he is a night hawk. He was busy packing his Nemo suitcase to take on his adventure with Diego. In the process he managed to take every book off his shelf, unfold all of his clothes, pull the sheets off the bed and take off his diaper only to fall asleep in - yep big boys undies!!! He has quite a curious little monkey!
Well I should run, we're having dinner at the outlaws - just teasing! Prime rib, yum, yum yum delicioso!!!!
Please love me and be as excited to be with me as you are the NFL. I promise not to nag and get cranky with you if you listen to me the first time. And, lastly, recognize that I do 90% of the keeping of this house, so if I am snippety at times, please remind me to be a nicer person as I am doing all of your laundry, the kids' laundry, groceries, errands, taking care of the babe - Yes, you are AMAZING with our toddler, I arrange all of the babysitting, do more laundry and I am still kind of working. Oh right I said a few lines!
So, I finished my book, the new Kite Runner, again I can't remember the title. It was amazing, yet heart wrenching. It got deep in my soul and I can't get it out. I am thinking about the characters as I wash the dishes - oh yeah add that to my Coles Notes! This is the first book though that I have read since having kids and man I could barely get through the tough parts relating to kids.
Speaking of which, the babes are awesome. Hud last night stayed up later than I - he is a night hawk. He was busy packing his Nemo suitcase to take on his adventure with Diego. In the process he managed to take every book off his shelf, unfold all of his clothes, pull the sheets off the bed and take off his diaper only to fall asleep in - yep big boys undies!!! He has quite a curious little monkey!
Well I should run, we're having dinner at the outlaws - just teasing! Prime rib, yum, yum yum delicioso!!!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Well as Kath's on the elliptical, I am on the treadmill - this morning for the first time with my kids home! Now that's success. Gage was sleeping and Hudson played while I power walked. I am on a mission to get my body back or a form there of!
Today was a total gong show here. Hudson woke up from his nap soaking wet which is odd because we're not really potty training. He proceeded to tell me that he took off his diaper before he fell asleep because he is a big boy who doesn't wear diapers. But naturally peed the bed while he was asleep. Anyway, after a few hours and a search rescue which recovered Gage's soother under a bush in the front yard - the Pirate Piggies had stolen it and were never giving me back my treasure - even though I demanded to know where it was in the sweetest voice I could muster! AS i was lying on my belly in the front yard, Hud pulled down his pants and pooped on the lawn. Hooray Geese - who were flying by - I pooped. Yep, I pooped! Man this potty training is more like one heck of a train wreck. Imagine if you were our neighbours!
Bath and bed for these monkeys. I am excited to jump into bed. I am reading the new book by the author of the Kite Runner. Sorry I am having a brain fart and can't remember the title - it's awesome.
Sleep tight.
Today was a total gong show here. Hudson woke up from his nap soaking wet which is odd because we're not really potty training. He proceeded to tell me that he took off his diaper before he fell asleep because he is a big boy who doesn't wear diapers. But naturally peed the bed while he was asleep. Anyway, after a few hours and a search rescue which recovered Gage's soother under a bush in the front yard - the Pirate Piggies had stolen it and were never giving me back my treasure - even though I demanded to know where it was in the sweetest voice I could muster! AS i was lying on my belly in the front yard, Hud pulled down his pants and pooped on the lawn. Hooray Geese - who were flying by - I pooped. Yep, I pooped! Man this potty training is more like one heck of a train wreck. Imagine if you were our neighbours!
Bath and bed for these monkeys. I am excited to jump into bed. I am reading the new book by the author of the Kite Runner. Sorry I am having a brain fart and can't remember the title - it's awesome.
Sleep tight.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Bloggity, blog....the stroller mom's are making fun of me this morning! Shani told me I was glowing which seems funny to me because I dragged my butt out of bed this morning and have to fuel myself with coffee. Then because I picked up muffins and timbits for the stroller walkers I felt compelled to pop a few in my own mouth. The funny thing is that with timbit's they are just os damn easy to eat...now, I am going to have to bust my butt on the elliptical again tonight is why I am so tired this mroning because I was busting my butt yesterday to make up for the oreo's I inhaled. It is a viscious cycle.......but back to glowing part. I am a sucker....Shania was on Entertainment last night as I was falling asleep - she said the main thing that she does that keeps her looking so great is exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate......so I scrubbed my face ridiculous with a facecloth this am.....I am not sure if glowing or raw would describe me.
Anyhow, stroller moms are back - gotta go!
Anyhow, stroller moms are back - gotta go!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
What beautiful weather! What a great weekend! I love a sunny fall day - warm wiht a breeze. We have spent the weekend enjoying the outdoors with friends and family. Evy and I walked to pick Harris up from pre-school on Friday and saw so many geese. We spent Friday night with our great friends - Julie and Mark, Matt and Kelly, and my BIL Ty and SIL Becky who are in from TO. The realtionship between us is way too uncanny but it makes for great, great times.
Julie, Kelly, and I have gone thru kindergarten to high school together.
Kirby and I have been dating (and now married since high school) so of course, Julie and Kelly know him way too well.
Kirby and Ty are best friends
Mark and Matt are childhood friends
Kelly and Matt are both lawyers and now dating.....
Kirb and Ty are brother's, business partners, and best friends
Julie and becky did their Ph.D's together
and now we are all one big happy family...................
Ok, we were spoiled we spent Saturday night with some of my other fave people (Snaps and Parnells) at one of my favorite restaurants - Massawa ...of course, being in the village we all got some Baked Expectations to go.....
During the day we got lots of fresh air with the kids....spent Saturday at the corn maze...and today we took Owen with us to ride our bikes to Fort Whyte for the annual fish fry - homemade pickerel.....it was packed and gorgeous....where are all the kids now? Well, nothing like a breeze in the chariot to put the whole gang to bed:)
I am off to relax too......Happy Sunday to everyone....Here's hoping for another few great days...
Ps. Mega breakthru is Ev's world - she is now doing the downward dog around the house...she walks on her hands and toes with her butt straight up in the air - so cute (especially in the jean mini she is wearing today!!!)
Julie, Kelly, and I have gone thru kindergarten to high school together.
Kirby and I have been dating (and now married since high school) so of course, Julie and Kelly know him way too well.
Kirby and Ty are best friends
Mark and Matt are childhood friends
Kelly and Matt are both lawyers and now dating.....
Kirb and Ty are brother's, business partners, and best friends
Julie and becky did their Ph.D's together
and now we are all one big happy family...................
Ok, we were spoiled we spent Saturday night with some of my other fave people (Snaps and Parnells) at one of my favorite restaurants - Massawa ...of course, being in the village we all got some Baked Expectations to go.....
During the day we got lots of fresh air with the kids....spent Saturday at the corn maze...and today we took Owen with us to ride our bikes to Fort Whyte for the annual fish fry - homemade pickerel.....it was packed and gorgeous....where are all the kids now? Well, nothing like a breeze in the chariot to put the whole gang to bed:)
I am off to relax too......Happy Sunday to everyone....Here's hoping for another few great days...
Ps. Mega breakthru is Ev's world - she is now doing the downward dog around the house...she walks on her hands and toes with her butt straight up in the air - so cute (especially in the jean mini she is wearing today!!!)
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Hi Everyone! Happy Saturday. I have had a busy week and haven't had one minute to blog. I had two sick babes all week which any mom knows is exhausting not to mention filled with sneezes, wheezes and boogies! I too was quite run down as the boys alternated by hour who woke mama up! Thanks to Dimetapp, hours of TV and an extra dose of patience, we made it! We did it! Hooray - yes I am now doing the Dora dance!
Last night we had sushi with our good friends, Wendy & Craig from Calgary. It is always so nice to get together with couples that you both have lots in common with. That's how Wendy and Craig are. They have one babe Jack and are pregnant with #2 - another boys so yes we have tons in common. They came to our place so we could have the boys in bed early. Wendy - who is so thoughtful - bought me a pedicure from the new spa on Taylor - Aevi. I am excited to go, I have heard great things about it but haven't been. What a treat!
This morning we were up early, at Tim's by 8:30 and off to the Park West Y Neighbours toy sale. It was productive. We left with a drum, a bowling set, a dump truck and a Fire Truck. Brent woke up with his head pounding - too much good wine and I ended up with my head pounding from all of the new toys I couldn't resist buying! Man, between the drum and the fire truck I begged Hud to get back to his Dora addiction!
Tonight we're off to dinner with the 'Snaps and the Gompfs. We're going for Ethiopian - Kath's ordering as we've never been but are very pumped.
Have a great weekend.
PS - Thank goodness for grandmas who babysit!!!!
Last night we had sushi with our good friends, Wendy & Craig from Calgary. It is always so nice to get together with couples that you both have lots in common with. That's how Wendy and Craig are. They have one babe Jack and are pregnant with #2 - another boys so yes we have tons in common. They came to our place so we could have the boys in bed early. Wendy - who is so thoughtful - bought me a pedicure from the new spa on Taylor - Aevi. I am excited to go, I have heard great things about it but haven't been. What a treat!
This morning we were up early, at Tim's by 8:30 and off to the Park West Y Neighbours toy sale. It was productive. We left with a drum, a bowling set, a dump truck and a Fire Truck. Brent woke up with his head pounding - too much good wine and I ended up with my head pounding from all of the new toys I couldn't resist buying! Man, between the drum and the fire truck I begged Hud to get back to his Dora addiction!
Tonight we're off to dinner with the 'Snaps and the Gompfs. We're going for Ethiopian - Kath's ordering as we've never been but are very pumped.
Have a great weekend.
PS - Thank goodness for grandmas who babysit!!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
The perfect person! Fun, fashionable, energetic, hard working and flexible. Did we just describe you or someone you know? If so, tell them that the best place to work EVER:) is hiring. Yes, we are adding to our staff and need more people on the floor.....We are interested in part time and/or full time hours.....Apply to info@shopanticipation.com
Monday, September 10, 2007
Okay. I am trying to get some work done, but Kath has distracted me, so I might as well sit down and write my blog. I don't know about you guys but I feel very unmotivated with this weather.
Anyway, we survived the weekend and Brent is home. Hoorah! It was overall very good. I would say that by Sunday we were going a tad stir crazy. Hudson had 2 incidents of bad behaviour which we dealt with but made me upset. He was mean to my sister Crys. Now, I think that probably sounds nuts! But the Johnson girls, minus Jen are a sensitive bunch. Keep in mind that Crys is very pregnant. He told her he didn't want to talk to her after she had worked all day at the store and this of course sent her into a bawling mess. She left without speaking and he carried on the way toddlers do. He seems to know how to push her buttons - I know he's 2 - and this all sounds crazy. But, I want my boy to be a nice man and I don't want my sis to have a sad heart! Anyway, we went to Blockbuster and got her a movie and treats and took it over with an apology and a smooch. All is well except I am on a mission to make him nicer to her - especially as her due date approaches.
So yesterday - just as we were all about to jump ship - single parenting is tough stuff, kudos to all of you who do it all year long - I took Hud to the Bomber game. He had a great time. He was on TV, the Jumbotron and they threw a little football at us. I did my babe proud, jumped out of my seat, stretched to the right and made a fabulous one handed catch. Just kidding it was right a me! He went crazy - I have a football - horray horray! He was great. Our seats are on the West side which means that most people are sober and aren't wearing fruit on their so a toddler stands out a bit. He really was well behaved and we had a great time but I did go to bed with Alexander Keith.
I too am battling the bulge but I am aware the a Nip for dinner and Alexander in my bed doesn't help.
Anyway, we survived the weekend and Brent is home. Hoorah! It was overall very good. I would say that by Sunday we were going a tad stir crazy. Hudson had 2 incidents of bad behaviour which we dealt with but made me upset. He was mean to my sister Crys. Now, I think that probably sounds nuts! But the Johnson girls, minus Jen are a sensitive bunch. Keep in mind that Crys is very pregnant. He told her he didn't want to talk to her after she had worked all day at the store and this of course sent her into a bawling mess. She left without speaking and he carried on the way toddlers do. He seems to know how to push her buttons - I know he's 2 - and this all sounds crazy. But, I want my boy to be a nice man and I don't want my sis to have a sad heart! Anyway, we went to Blockbuster and got her a movie and treats and took it over with an apology and a smooch. All is well except I am on a mission to make him nicer to her - especially as her due date approaches.
So yesterday - just as we were all about to jump ship - single parenting is tough stuff, kudos to all of you who do it all year long - I took Hud to the Bomber game. He had a great time. He was on TV, the Jumbotron and they threw a little football at us. I did my babe proud, jumped out of my seat, stretched to the right and made a fabulous one handed catch. Just kidding it was right a me! He went crazy - I have a football - horray horray! He was great. Our seats are on the West side which means that most people are sober and aren't wearing fruit on their so a toddler stands out a bit. He really was well behaved and we had a great time but I did go to bed with Alexander Keith.
I too am battling the bulge but I am aware the a Nip for dinner and Alexander in my bed doesn't help.
"Before I had kids, I was a perfect parent" - Funny but true!
Happy Monday to you all! Sad Monday for me - my sister and my neice have gone home to Cowtown! I was just getting used to them being here and somehow tricked myself into thinking they were never going to leave but seeing as my brother-in-law left last week I should have known better. Now, I am depressed and flabby. I am doing the elliptical but it doesn't seem to be doing much. (It have to do with the fact that I ate a huge Hazlenut Lindt chocolate bar yesterday but it was calling my name)
The kids are great - Evy's first tooth is finally coming through - where have you been tooth? Harris is counting sleeps until Wednesday when he heads back to school......
Other than that I am going to get some R&R this week....
Saturday, September 8, 2007

Both kids in bed and ASLEEP at 7:30!!!! This is what pre-school does to a little boy! Harris would argue if he read this that he is not a little boy but rather a big boy. I feel they both are true. We made it through today! He was a star - I secretly was a bit sad that we pumped up the first day of school around here so much that he was counting down the minutes to drive to school. When we got there he had a quick photo with Reece, put his stuff into his locker and went off to see his teacher Miss Candise that he had met last week. All confidence, not even a good-bye. The teacher saw my bottom liver quivering both with sadness and pride and sent him back to give his mom a hug. She handed me a note of which I only made it through one line...a poem for the parents leaving their babies at school. I was a disaster! I called kirby at work barely even able to talk and he panicked, what was wrong? I managed to stammer out " He just walked in and left me.....waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa........" "That is great, that is what we want, we have a confident little boy who is eager to learn and meet new people, we have done good!"..................waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I left for a little retail therapy in between with my sister and was one of the first parents to pick him up - he was one of the last kids to leave - HE LOVES PRE-SCHOOL!
Anyhow, here is the funny part....we met Miss Candise , his teacher last week at meet the teacher and my husband thinking he is a comic started calling her "Candi" and "Candi-Cane".....................I told him this would be disasterous on his part but he kept it up. Well, Harris gets in the car and I am asking him about the day? If he likes Candise and he promptly tells me..." I like Miss Candise but I told her Daddy calls her Candi, Candi" I said "Harris, you did not!" "Yup, Mom I did!" Funny thing - something has come up next week - "an appointment" and Daddy is going to have to pick up H" Who is the joke on now?
Off for a family bike ride to Fort Whyte before heading out to the store. Happy Weekend!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Way too funny - all though naked Gompfs running around - what an image! In case anyone was wondering if I went into hiding, nope I just had writers block from my traumatic incident with Gage. Yes, we were at the store today. It was so nice and I think I still got it. I give Crys and Kath credit though - every time I come to the store it looks better and better!
So my hubby is off to Minneapolis for a boys weekend leaving in the morning. It'll be just me and my boys. Which by the way I plan on having at my side for the rest of my life. This has come up a few times with people in various settings as of late... My boys one day having a life of their own - I don't think so!
Sherry - Hudson's day home - told me today that yes, one day my Gage will have to start day care and learn to become independent of me - his mom! Well let it be known, I want to be at all of their school events, I want to root for them as they play local sports - none of this teams away from home business - I want to lunch with my boys when they have offices in the tallest building in Winnipeg. Heck if I sewed, I would want to hem their pants and pack their lunches too but I can relinquish some of my motherly duties. I mean really I want them to be well rounded and successful and fall in love but of course still love their mama more than kids love candy. Is that so wrong?????
My dear friend Wendy is coming in to Winnipeg, from Calgary and so I will get to have dinner with her this weekend. She has one boy and is pregnant with another, so we can stuff our faces and talk about how we want to be first in our boys hearts forever!
On a side note, I am getting Gage on a real routine, he's been sleeping three naps a day at quite regular intervals and hooray!!! he slept from 8:00 until 5:30 three nights in a row. Every day the balls become easier to juggle. You know it's funny that we all feel this way. We recently got an email from one of our amazing moms at the store and she recently chose to stay home with her babes. It is so hard! I think I finally get Shakespeare - To be or not to be? I ask myself that everyday!!! Until I figure out this crazy life, I will daydream about my babes staying little forever!
So my hubby is off to Minneapolis for a boys weekend leaving in the morning. It'll be just me and my boys. Which by the way I plan on having at my side for the rest of my life. This has come up a few times with people in various settings as of late... My boys one day having a life of their own - I don't think so!
Sherry - Hudson's day home - told me today that yes, one day my Gage will have to start day care and learn to become independent of me - his mom! Well let it be known, I want to be at all of their school events, I want to root for them as they play local sports - none of this teams away from home business - I want to lunch with my boys when they have offices in the tallest building in Winnipeg. Heck if I sewed, I would want to hem their pants and pack their lunches too but I can relinquish some of my motherly duties. I mean really I want them to be well rounded and successful and fall in love but of course still love their mama more than kids love candy. Is that so wrong?????
My dear friend Wendy is coming in to Winnipeg, from Calgary and so I will get to have dinner with her this weekend. She has one boy and is pregnant with another, so we can stuff our faces and talk about how we want to be first in our boys hearts forever!
On a side note, I am getting Gage on a real routine, he's been sleeping three naps a day at quite regular intervals and hooray!!! he slept from 8:00 until 5:30 three nights in a row. Every day the balls become easier to juggle. You know it's funny that we all feel this way. We recently got an email from one of our amazing moms at the store and she recently chose to stay home with her babes. It is so hard! I think I finally get Shakespeare - To be or not to be? I ask myself that everyday!!! Until I figure out this crazy life, I will daydream about my babes staying little forever!
Our first incident (well, major incident) as a family of 4 (ok, if you do not count Miss Evy rolling down the stairs last week)!
Picture this (but go a bit blurry on the pciture so not to be tramatized)
I am getting out of the shower in our room. Evy is playing on the floor beside the bed. Harris is in the bed watching Calliou and building a fort as per usual with the duvet. Kirby is naked getting dressed - he just came up from the shower downstairs. So 2 naked adults scrambling to get ready for a work day.....
Evy FREAKS out! She has been hit in the head from outerspace with a flying remote. Harris is stripping the bed of everything to boing!!! I yell at him and am saoking wet naked consoling Ev. Kirby hauls Harris off naked to get a time out. Both kids are crying and both parents are naked................what a way to start the morning.
Anyhow, both kids are fine! You readers are now tramatized - ah such is life. Ps. Am reading a great book - Between Interruptions - The compilation of short stories of Canadian Moms (many somewhat famous) on adjusting to parenthood. it was featured in the Free Press and is very good.
Had great visit with Brandi and Gage today! So nice....
Picture this (but go a bit blurry on the pciture so not to be tramatized)
I am getting out of the shower in our room. Evy is playing on the floor beside the bed. Harris is in the bed watching Calliou and building a fort as per usual with the duvet. Kirby is naked getting dressed - he just came up from the shower downstairs. So 2 naked adults scrambling to get ready for a work day.....
Evy FREAKS out! She has been hit in the head from outerspace with a flying remote. Harris is stripping the bed of everything to boing!!! I yell at him and am saoking wet naked consoling Ev. Kirby hauls Harris off naked to get a time out. Both kids are crying and both parents are naked................what a way to start the morning.
Anyhow, both kids are fine! You readers are now tramatized - ah such is life. Ps. Am reading a great book - Between Interruptions - The compilation of short stories of Canadian Moms (many somewhat famous) on adjusting to parenthood. it was featured in the Free Press and is very good.
Had great visit with Brandi and Gage today! So nice....
Sunday, September 2, 2007
I am back to blogging. The week was slightly hectic to say the least, and although I thrive on being busy - this was a bit over the top and the house of cards (or my baby) may have fell....but more on that later.
We made it through the birthday party! It was awesome! Harris enjoyed every minute of it and has only just stopped talking about Goldie as though he was one of his best friends. To those of oyu in our section that saw the 20 of us leave mid way through a great game. We had no intention of staying just the fun of it! I would recommend a party there to anyone. Lots of stuff for the kids and a beautiful summer day! Harris was spoiled and has been outside mastering his rollerblades from the Macleans - his athletic ability is just awesome.
The rest of the week folowd with a form of organized Chaos at the Gompf house...I had my brithday and a week full of dinner dates, with friends, we made our Breakfast TV show (even Gage made a small appearance - Thnak you Gage), I ellipticalled (I did do it every day but it has oly been offsetting my eating frenzy from so many festitivies) and I worked extra because Crys was very sick.....
Oh yes, we met H's pre-school teacher on Thursday night and it was great! He loved it and slid into the open house with a quiet reserved manner but was not too shy! I am going to love going to pre-school.
The piling up began to get a bit overwhelming Friday with the arrival of our new furniture line - Yes, it has arrived and it is unreal. Solid furniture you can have from baby to wedding - it looks awesome. We worked all day and all night to get it in for Saturday! We did but we were exhausted.
Anyhow, I may have been multi tasking way too much Saturday morning when Evy rolled down th efirst 4 stairs to our basement half landing. I heard her cry but thought I would quickly finish up the dishes - what am I thinking????? I heard it the distinct cry and when I couldn't immediately looked for and took a miute to find her down at the landing. She is unscathed except for what looks to be a rug burn eye instead of a black eye....Me, I had the melt down - it took me 5 minutes to consle her and Kirby an hour to console me. I broke. I am taking the weekend off - R&R - I am not going to mulit task around the easy going baby just because she is so easy! We are going to play all weekend and make up for it!
That is why I jusped out of bed at 6:30 am to play with her - no complaints.....Don't worry as I write this the gate is closed and her big brother is teaching her to crawl ( all I need:))
Happy September long!
K -B: I am now in full running lead for the world's worst mom.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Deary Diary,
I am probably THE worst mother on the planet. I'll explain but here's the road that led up to my realization.... Yesterday we spent the morning with Kath on her birthday. A Channel first where she was a super star and then breakfast. After breakfast Gage and I went to the passport office to apply for passports for the 2 boys. The line up was 3 hours - a should have lost 10 lbs sweating my ass off! Luckily there were really nice people surrounding us in line so I fed Gage and we snuck out to feed the meter all the while people kept our spot.
Anyway, by the time I hit the pillow last night I was exhausted. Hudson stays up later than I and boy are we battling bedtime these days. Anyway, I woke up this morning determined to get some things done. I needed to go through Rubbermaids to switch out clothes as these babes are growing too fast! The Rubbermaids are in the basement. By this point in the morning Hud had already watched about an hour of TV but determined to single handily steel WORST mom award I turned on the basement TV. That was just before I put Gage in his vibrating chair on the dryer. YES I AM AN IDIOT. But he cries if he can't see me. Anyway yes his chair fell off the dryer. I do accept this award. I caught him thankfully but will never sleep peacefully again.
He is now screaming as I write this entry so I should go. Please send me tips on how to get my toddler to bed! And, please don't judge I didn't mean to be so STUPID!!
I am probably THE worst mother on the planet. I'll explain but here's the road that led up to my realization.... Yesterday we spent the morning with Kath on her birthday. A Channel first where she was a super star and then breakfast. After breakfast Gage and I went to the passport office to apply for passports for the 2 boys. The line up was 3 hours - a should have lost 10 lbs sweating my ass off! Luckily there were really nice people surrounding us in line so I fed Gage and we snuck out to feed the meter all the while people kept our spot.
Anyway, by the time I hit the pillow last night I was exhausted. Hudson stays up later than I and boy are we battling bedtime these days. Anyway, I woke up this morning determined to get some things done. I needed to go through Rubbermaids to switch out clothes as these babes are growing too fast! The Rubbermaids are in the basement. By this point in the morning Hud had already watched about an hour of TV but determined to single handily steel WORST mom award I turned on the basement TV. That was just before I put Gage in his vibrating chair on the dryer. YES I AM AN IDIOT. But he cries if he can't see me. Anyway yes his chair fell off the dryer. I do accept this award. I caught him thankfully but will never sleep peacefully again.
He is now screaming as I write this entry so I should go. Please send me tips on how to get my toddler to bed! And, please don't judge I didn't mean to be so STUPID!!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
My Baby is 3! How does this happen? Where does the time go? I feel like crying because he getting way too big but there is no time for crying he is way too excited. The day started with a Spiderman Scooter and a hotwheels track (from Evy). We were outside watching him scooter by 7:30 am....my family arrived at 9:30 am for brunch, and presents - he is loving today. My sis, Darren, Kirb, Harris, Ev, and I went for a rollerblade and skated to show off his new pre-school - agh he is so big!
Harris has no idea it just going to get better tommorrow we head out 18 of us in the limo lounge to the Goldeyes game for his party! I am so excited I cannot wait - I may be more excited than him....Hopefully the weather holds out!
Me, well, I have done the elliptical trainer 2 days in a row so needless to say I am pretty pleased with myself. I know 2 days hardly earns a reward but this is one I can not pass up - my neighbours and dear friends the Maclean's are taking Kirby and I to St.Charles CC for dinner tonight for my bday (it's on tuesday) I have never been but I love food and I have heard it is amaxing so thank you Macleans.
Other than that - one thing, ok 2.....we are on Breakfast TV on Tuesday, Aug 28 morning so check us out......and the last thing is a customer's question....
She told me the other day that a nurse suggested that if she was planning on nurrsing she should start conditioning her nipples 2 weeks before and get her milk in pre-baby so the transition would be smoother...How.......have her husband suck on her nipples for 20 minutes each night.......OK, I am pro-breast feeding if that is what works for you ( My life moto is a happy mom be whatever that is means a happy baby) But, isn't the clenching of toes and chapping of nipples that much easier to deal with when you are staring at your new baby! Let's face the whole sex induing labour thing is hard enough at 9+ months.
Brandi asked - was this nurse a man? Oh well, off to celebrate some more.....
Harris has no idea it just going to get better tommorrow we head out 18 of us in the limo lounge to the Goldeyes game for his party! I am so excited I cannot wait - I may be more excited than him....Hopefully the weather holds out!
Me, well, I have done the elliptical trainer 2 days in a row so needless to say I am pretty pleased with myself. I know 2 days hardly earns a reward but this is one I can not pass up - my neighbours and dear friends the Maclean's are taking Kirby and I to St.Charles CC for dinner tonight for my bday (it's on tuesday) I have never been but I love food and I have heard it is amaxing so thank you Macleans.
Other than that - one thing, ok 2.....we are on Breakfast TV on Tuesday, Aug 28 morning so check us out......and the last thing is a customer's question....
She told me the other day that a nurse suggested that if she was planning on nurrsing she should start conditioning her nipples 2 weeks before and get her milk in pre-baby so the transition would be smoother...How.......have her husband suck on her nipples for 20 minutes each night.......OK, I am pro-breast feeding if that is what works for you ( My life moto is a happy mom be whatever that is means a happy baby) But, isn't the clenching of toes and chapping of nipples that much easier to deal with when you are staring at your new baby! Let's face the whole sex induing labour thing is hard enough at 9+ months.
Brandi asked - was this nurse a man? Oh well, off to celebrate some more.....
Friday, August 24, 2007
Okay this blog should be good, I am typing with a Mike's Hard Lemonade at my side. I have only had a few sips and am already tipsy. We're going to the Bomber Game. My mom is taking care of the boys - yes again - don't report me it's healthy! Anyway, TGIF!!! That means there's two of us to share the workload all weekend!
I had a great day today. My dear friend Katie came for lunch - we ordered in salads. We always laugh and chat and laugh and chat. I was telling her how I wished that Hud would watch TV and now I have an addict on my hands. I swear from morning until night now all he wants is Dora! She was saying how her mama - BonJo, nick name - thinks we are so funny today. because we restrict TV so much we have these addicts on our hands who act so zoned out when we actually let them. I think she's right. So, I am going to the football game, getting tipsy and throwing caution to the wind - heck we'll watch Dora all weekend!
Just kidding, tomorrow I may have a hang over, so I'll be back on track as of Sunday!
Have a great weekend.
I had a great day today. My dear friend Katie came for lunch - we ordered in salads. We always laugh and chat and laugh and chat. I was telling her how I wished that Hud would watch TV and now I have an addict on my hands. I swear from morning until night now all he wants is Dora! She was saying how her mama - BonJo, nick name - thinks we are so funny today. because we restrict TV so much we have these addicts on our hands who act so zoned out when we actually let them. I think she's right. So, I am going to the football game, getting tipsy and throwing caution to the wind - heck we'll watch Dora all weekend!
Just kidding, tomorrow I may have a hang over, so I'll be back on track as of Sunday!
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
I just wanted you to know that I feel the fattest I have in weeks and I am inhaling the biggest ever piece of Raspberry pie because my new work regime starts tommorrow on my new elliptical. Yes, I am spoiled and yes, I am going to get fit or forever feel the wrath of husband if that thing starts to collects dust:)
Good night!
Good night!
Gage is talking away to himself in his new room! Yep, we built the crib - don't ask it's a second child thing. Hudson is at Sherry's and I have had an xlarge coffee from Tim's. I wanted to pick up where Kath left off - Crys...
I remember so well the days that seemed to drag on as I increased in size. Crys is getting very close to having that babe and yet she is stellar at the store. To be quite honest, I didn't think they'd survive without me. Just kidding - they are doing an amazing job. My gratitude is endless.
Last night I went out on the town with Miss Mollie! Oh we had a blast as usual. We went to Mona Lisa - food wasn't too great, but the wine sure was and of course the company was superb. We solved the world's problems, laughed a ton and over ate. Sounds like a smashing evening to me.
My mom who is a total saint, she has been helping me out so much lately, looked after both kids. The night was a total success. I am curious though, does anyone out there ever stop and think - how can I repay my mom for all her babysitting services??? I know that as my sis reads this, she is thinking "Enjoy it while it lasts honey, there's a new baby in town!"
Oh and speaking of awesome staff, before I go I want to mention that we have a new employee - her name is Tara - who I am sorry to say I haven't even met. So welcome Tara! I am now going to relive my first mat leave and relax with my budding babe! If only I knew then....
I remember so well the days that seemed to drag on as I increased in size. Crys is getting very close to having that babe and yet she is stellar at the store. To be quite honest, I didn't think they'd survive without me. Just kidding - they are doing an amazing job. My gratitude is endless.
Last night I went out on the town with Miss Mollie! Oh we had a blast as usual. We went to Mona Lisa - food wasn't too great, but the wine sure was and of course the company was superb. We solved the world's problems, laughed a ton and over ate. Sounds like a smashing evening to me.
My mom who is a total saint, she has been helping me out so much lately, looked after both kids. The night was a total success. I am curious though, does anyone out there ever stop and think - how can I repay my mom for all her babysitting services??? I know that as my sis reads this, she is thinking "Enjoy it while it lasts honey, there's a new baby in town!"
Oh and speaking of awesome staff, before I go I want to mention that we have a new employee - her name is Tara - who I am sorry to say I haven't even met. So welcome Tara! I am now going to relive my first mat leave and relax with my budding babe! If only I knew then....
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Rushing River - We spent the day there one day just for fun! As a child it was one of my favorite places. The funny thing is I remember it being so much bigger but Harris thought it was the biggest, greatest place on earth. I hope he will look back and remember these days as I remember my own childhood.
Uncle D with Evy and Lilly
Wednesday morning - a quick chance to blog about the weekend before H, and Kirby wake up.....Miss Evy is getting her morning exercise in the Jolly Jumper - something she loves. If only I was ambitious this early in the morning too. (oh, if you happen to read my blog Kirby which for whatever reason you only to remember to read 1 every month or so and then seem shocked that I might have been annoyed at you :) - If you read this in the next 5 days I really want an elliptical trainer fro my b-day - then Evy would be Jumped and I could elliptical beside her:) HINT HINT
Well, we are all back from the lake...well, except my parents who are staying out to "recouperate" for an extra day. (Side note: Harris is now up so this blog is getting shorter)
We had a great, great time. My sis, Hubby, and 10 week old baby Lilly are here for 3 weeks and we love spending time with them. We swam, hung out, went on adventures, ate way too much food, explored, and played games (blokus is my new favorite although my brother in law wont play with me anymore because i called him a dink - so I am a little competitive - whatever!)
They are tired. I know they are having fun and are so happy to be home but it is so hard to be living out of suitcases and travelling about with a baby and I know they are feeling a bit exhausted and the remaining 3 weeks seems a bit daunting.....my advice is move home!!! It would easier on everyone - just kidding, well not really but ok, yes.
This week is recovery - working....hanging out and trying again to eat healthy. Brandi and I signed up for Blokus Pilates are I am equally excited as scared. The store is great - Crystal covered for me this week and always did an amazing job.....we love you Crys....
Harris's bday party is this weekend and I am so excited...........# (It may seem a bit over the top) but us and 18 of our closest family and friends (4 babies, 4 toddlers) are going on the Limo lounge to the Goldeyes game. I can not wait -so excited............too bad he already spotted the Spiderman Scooter under out bed.....
Chat soon
Monday, August 20, 2007
Happy Monday morning. I am home with just Gage. Hudson's daycare has reopened. It's the strangest thing. I am depressed. I miss him. I guess in the month that Sherry was closed we figured out a system and really made it work. On the flip side, I am going to pick myself up and enjoy Gage and all of his fascinating developments - he found his hand!!!
The weekend was fun. It was my in-laws anniversary - 36 years I think - so the kids made them dinner. It was a fish fry with home made fries, coleslaw, and lots to drink. Yep, you can imagine the calories adding up.
Because we came home early, I was able to get organized during the day and once the kids were in bed, I went for a jog, Yes, I said a jog! Now let's talk about this. Do marathoners not have children or what because last night as I began my first post baby # 2 jog, I felt as though my front bum - you know!! was going to give way to all of my organs which would fall on the ground as I peed myself. Thankfully I had Aura who pushed on and it was a beautiful evening. My question though is does that get better? The jiggles I mean.
As for today, well both boys overslept and peed through their diapers, so I have a hot date with my washer/dryer and I think my yeast has returned. Yet another reason to want to get back into bed and DIE!!!! I mean really, I thought we had this beat and then the boobies started to burn again! My husband thinks I am nuts to press on I know - of course he doesn't openly say I am nuts but the vibe is there. So, I am back to nipple cream and still have one refill of the heavy duty meds so we'll see.
And if all goes well, Gage and I may even venture out to Costco. Touch wood Gage actually made it home from the lake without crying which is a first and a huge milestone even though I had to sit in the middle seat watching Dora and shaking a Lamaze toy for 60 minutes. Wish me luck...
The weekend was fun. It was my in-laws anniversary - 36 years I think - so the kids made them dinner. It was a fish fry with home made fries, coleslaw, and lots to drink. Yep, you can imagine the calories adding up.
Because we came home early, I was able to get organized during the day and once the kids were in bed, I went for a jog, Yes, I said a jog! Now let's talk about this. Do marathoners not have children or what because last night as I began my first post baby # 2 jog, I felt as though my front bum - you know!! was going to give way to all of my organs which would fall on the ground as I peed myself. Thankfully I had Aura who pushed on and it was a beautiful evening. My question though is does that get better? The jiggles I mean.
As for today, well both boys overslept and peed through their diapers, so I have a hot date with my washer/dryer and I think my yeast has returned. Yet another reason to want to get back into bed and DIE!!!! I mean really, I thought we had this beat and then the boobies started to burn again! My husband thinks I am nuts to press on I know - of course he doesn't openly say I am nuts but the vibe is there. So, I am back to nipple cream and still have one refill of the heavy duty meds so we'll see.
And if all goes well, Gage and I may even venture out to Costco. Touch wood Gage actually made it home from the lake without crying which is a first and a huge milestone even though I had to sit in the middle seat watching Dora and shaking a Lamaze toy for 60 minutes. Wish me luck...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Sexy Mrs. Gompf - Thanks Brandi but not the case, just holding it all in with a tight pair of jeans:) Today is Thursday and I started it out with the best intentions - to ride my bike to work but it backfired because I forgot to do a bank deposit yesterday and while ther was no way I could ride to the bank and store in time (Marley comes at 9 am and we open at 10 am) so I drove. There is a flipside - the Taylor Starbucks drive thru which just happens to be right on my way to the store. You can not do this with a bike! I am trying to skip Starbucks and hit up the Second Cup at the corner of Cockburn and Corydon - Second Cup after all is a Canadian Company and it is also owned by a super great couple who are huge supporters of our store:)
What else is new? My brother in law is in town for a few days and he is staying with us and both nights Harris has peed thru his pull up and instead of waking up his parents has gone and woken up his Uncle. Ty has been a great sport and both nights has gotten up with him, changed him and gotten him back to bed but I think this may be the last time he stays with us. On that note, does anyone have any advice on the situation? He will be 3 in a few days, when do I scrap the nighttime pullup? Is he only peeing in it becuase there is the option or is he too young to go overnight? Advice please from any experienced moms would be greatly appreciated.
Another piece of advice I need is Evy seems to have a bit of thrush in her mouth - what is up with that? She is only on the bottle and so how is she getting it? Are mny kids naturually predisposed to yeast? I have been treating it with chamomile tea on a q-tip and it seems to be passing. The only thing I read was that it may be caused by poor hygeine but I hope that is not the case with us:) Any tips on that one?
The exciting news is that my sister, her hubby, and my neice Lilly arrive today for almost a month - hurrah, hurrah...I am so pumped to be spending some serious quality time with them.
I am going to ride my bike with the kids in the Chariot to see them after work to make up for this morning. (I don't want to hear about it - Mrs. Parnell) Kirby can pick us up after work - he has been working way tooooo much these days so I am looking forward to a family vacation at the lake.
Other than that best get back to the store - I am busy bookkeeping.....
What else is new? My brother in law is in town for a few days and he is staying with us and both nights Harris has peed thru his pull up and instead of waking up his parents has gone and woken up his Uncle. Ty has been a great sport and both nights has gotten up with him, changed him and gotten him back to bed but I think this may be the last time he stays with us. On that note, does anyone have any advice on the situation? He will be 3 in a few days, when do I scrap the nighttime pullup? Is he only peeing in it becuase there is the option or is he too young to go overnight? Advice please from any experienced moms would be greatly appreciated.
Another piece of advice I need is Evy seems to have a bit of thrush in her mouth - what is up with that? She is only on the bottle and so how is she getting it? Are mny kids naturually predisposed to yeast? I have been treating it with chamomile tea on a q-tip and it seems to be passing. The only thing I read was that it may be caused by poor hygeine but I hope that is not the case with us:) Any tips on that one?
The exciting news is that my sister, her hubby, and my neice Lilly arrive today for almost a month - hurrah, hurrah...I am so pumped to be spending some serious quality time with them.
I am going to ride my bike with the kids in the Chariot to see them after work to make up for this morning. (I don't want to hear about it - Mrs. Parnell) Kirby can pick us up after work - he has been working way tooooo much these days so I am looking forward to a family vacation at the lake.
Other than that best get back to the store - I am busy bookkeeping.....
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tonight Brent and I took Aura - our dog - and the boys to DQ for treats. On our way we saw two seniors walking, they had to be in their 80's. We slowed the van rto turn ight in front of them just as the man bent down to tie the woman's shoe. Can you imagine a more beautiful sight? Then after our treats - I know I am just adding to my spare tire - two kids on bikes drove in front of the van. They had to be about 12, 13 ish. Anyway Brent slowed down in front of them and one of the two kids waived his appreciation. Isn't that also so nice to see - not quite as nice as the two seniors. I would love to experience that once in my life - a man bending down to tie my shoe.
Ignore my admission about the waffle cone treat - I am really trying to get motivated to get fit. I want to keep up with my sexy partner - Mrs. Gompf!!! I think the only time that I can fit exercise into my life is in the evening once the babes go to bed. They're off to bed, so I should get going; however, in honor of National Relaxing Day - I think I'll start tomorrow.
Sleep tight.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Yes, I am welcoming Fall - I love the schedule that my life takes on all around my favorite show. I love to cuddle on the couch and I must admit I was always a geek who welcomed the end of summer and the chaos for back to school routines. Why doesn't this surprise any of you? My sister, husband and new baby will be arriving in a few days for almost a month and we are all soooooo excited. We will heading out to the lake for some good food and good times. It will be different this time because we will all have kids and Harris will have to share his Aunt and Uncle's attention.
Yup, Fall clothes are another one of my weakest and they are starting to arrive at the store making me almost want to be preggo again - ok, just for a day:) But, I love jeans, cargos, henleys, and sweaters....they are like a big old bowl of mac and cheese.
What else? Well, my parents are in from the lake getting ready for my sis's arrival so I am happy to hand over my kids for some much needed errand time and for them some much needed "Grandkid" fix......Oh ya, this is the most important part - minivans....we are test driving one at the moment - my husband has seen the light, one drive in it and he admitted this is the best thing ever! I now not cool but totally cool all at the same time. If we do not buy it - I know a little boy who will try. It is this great - I even went for a "drive" last night - Harris watched Spounge Bob with his headset on, I cranked up the XM Radio and chatted with Brandi and life was good....Ahhhh, minivan I love you!
Anyhow, here are a few pics from the fun filled weekend.
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