So last night I worked until 8:00, home by 8:30. Now, let me say that Brent has a cold, therefor the world has stopped. I hope he isn't reading this. Anyway, Gage pooped all over his bath towel and Brent's shirt. Brent, being extra helpful, took the soiled items to the basement for HIS WIFE TO WASH. Yes, he left pooped on, rolled up - laundry in the basement for me to wash - imagine the smell!! Not to mention that I am organizing the childcare, did I say working full time???? and getting ready for Saturday.
Now, yes I could handle all of this and I do but here's where I lose it. He is actually upset with me - why? I have no freakin idea but I truly think in his mind he feels entitled to be upset because he has to take care of the boys for 3 hours while I work at closing down the store!!!!! Amber - yes I am ready for a drink.
It's 10:20 a.m. and I have to shower, change the wash, make some coffee - why because yes I get up in the night to feed our babe! Yes, that's right I am crabby!!! Now when is the Martini Club's first meeting. Move over Water Buffaloes here we come!

I'm crabby, too. I tried the coffee - but, I think I need the martini instead. AND anyone leaves me poop in the basement to wash will quite seriously get a big fat punch in the mouth.
Okay. I'll go now.
Ha Ha very funny blog. I hear you loud and clear...why are we the only gender that can multi-task?!
When IS the first Martini Club meeting anyway!?
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