Yes, I am welcoming Fall - I love the schedule that my life takes on all around my favorite show. I love to cuddle on the couch and I must admit I was always a geek who welcomed the end of summer and the chaos for back to school routines. Why doesn't this surprise any of you? My sister, husband and new baby will be arriving in a few days for almost a month and we are all soooooo excited. We will heading out to the lake for some good food and good times. It will be different this time because we will all have kids and Harris will have to share his Aunt and Uncle's attention.
Yup, Fall clothes are another one of my weakest and they are starting to arrive at the store making me almost want to be preggo again - ok, just for a day:) But, I love jeans, cargos, henleys, and sweaters....they are like a big old bowl of mac and cheese.
What else? Well, my parents are in from the lake getting ready for my sis's arrival so I am happy to hand over my kids for some much needed errand time and for them some much needed "Grandkid" fix......Oh ya, this is the most important part - minivans....we are test driving one at the moment - my husband has seen the light, one drive in it and he admitted this is the best thing ever! I now not cool but totally cool all at the same time. If we do not buy it - I know a little boy who will try. It is this great - I even went for a "drive" last night - Harris watched Spounge Bob with his headset on, I cranked up the XM Radio and chatted with Brandi and life was good....Ahhhh, minivan I love you!
Anyhow, here are a few pics from the fun filled weekend.
Hurray! Photos! I am curious about the baby sling-thing - do you love it? What does it allow you to do more of? I think I want one!
I love my sling - it is a must...there are a ton of different ways to carry your baby from birth to 35 lbs(~2 years old)
It gives you total freedom with your hands...I like it for walking the dog, shopping etc without a big stroller to manouver.
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