Happy Turkey Weekend!
What a great weekend it has been so far! We have had a relaxing but fun-filled weekend thus far...Harris was pooped from the week at pre-school and both kids were sleeping by 7 pm....I know that this sometimes takes away from time with Dad but I selfishly enjoy some of those nights. It is a rare opportunity to have time to keep things done AND enjoy time with my husband. We ordered in dinner, talked about life and the week and then even watched a movie (Blades od Glory - Kirby thought it was hilarious and I thought it was stupid but apparently I have no sense of humour.....ha) I must admit that we had a great family vacation to Toronto - it is just that Kirby and I did not have one minute to speak to each other inbetween organizing, loading up, unpacking, and entertaining the kids...therefore last night was great!
Today we had two great festivities!
1. Reece's third Birthday at Cinema City...It was fun! Harris and Reece are very close and he was one of 6 kids at the party...the only MALE:) It was a princess theme but he had a very pimped out crown and felt very cool amidst the gals. We ate in th party room and then sat thru the enitre Shrek 3 which was perfect because Kirb and I wanted to see it too. I was so proud of him - he picked out her entire present....Fairy slippers, a make-up kit, a cinderella balloon (he insisted on this for weeks) and an Ariel doll. He even helped wrap it up.
2. The Fall migration dinner at Fort Whyte...probably my favorite place in the city....Evy went to the Macleans for dinner and Harris, Kirby, Grandma, Grandpa and I went to the dinner. When we sat down for an amazing meal there were only a few geese on the lake and by sunset they were coming in hundreds....the lake was filled with thousands by the time we left. This dinner and a "show" runs for the entire month of October every night with 3 dinner times and sold out in 6 days. here is my plug for FW - it is AMAZING! A family membership is only $60/year and the stuff they have for families is awesome. There is tons of regular activites likeing hiking, biking, canoeing, toboggan runs but the extra's are unreal and are often no extra charge for members. The next big thing we will be going to is the Halloween Howl...check out their website at www.fortwhyte.org for info
My family is there every week and we buy annual pass for both sets of grandparents so they can join us too with the kids. The cafe has great breakfast and foods too......
What now - well after a busy day like that Harris is sleeping and since I have not heard a peep I am assuming that Kirby is asleep with him. I am going to get a little bookkeeping done and curl up with a good book. I have just got the new one Brandi just read and like her I too have forgotten the name.
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A Thousand Splendid Suns???
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