Man, what an amazing fall day. We have sure have had some great weather which made for an awesome weekend. Brent and I went to the corn maze in St. Adolphe, (cornmaze.com) on Friday night with Chad, Mol & the babes. Gage stayed home with Grandma because of his affliction to car rides which by the way I am still hoping he outgrows. It was an Amazing night - get it a MAZE ing night! Yeah, yeah, the kids loved it. We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows, pet the goats, played in the maze. Fun, fun, fun. Saturday Mol & I celebrated her birthday with breakfast at Cora's and facials. We don't do presents, we just go to the spa and treat ourselves to something relaxing. The Bombers won, Sunday dinner with the outlaws - it was a perfect weekend.
Kath is away in TO - I'm sure having a blast and the store is back in full swing. It is so busy. The furniture is a huge hit. Everyone loves the Monte Glider, I mean come on - how can you not??? And, we have a new employee starting today - Sara! Welcome to the funny farm. Just kidding! You are in very good hands with Crys! Kath and I have our first trade show this month so we are excited about buying for spring which I know sounds nuts unless you're in retail.
As for the babes, they are doing awesome - Gage is struggling with sleep. Heck, so am I for that matter. Hud is maximizing his hours outdoors. He absolutely loves every sport and could play outside until you dragged him in! It will be neat to see if Gage is the same way - a sports nut just like Brent.
Anyway, I am off to do laundry, water plants, make beds etc. etc. etc.
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