A major tragedy occurred last night in our house and I was out with Kath - working our abs on the Bosu ball. Brent had finished reading stories and was about to say good night when Hudson said, "Daddy I need my blankie." Of course, I was unavailable. Dad, who I give tons of credit to,went downstairs to check the laundry. I can only wash the blankie when he's out. Anyway, the balnkie was in the washing machine - WET. Dad, thinking on his feet, quickly threw it into the dryer and went upstairs to control what was close to being pandemonium! Luckily it dried quickly and crisis was averted but I could feel the tension in the air when he told me.
Mamas can you imagine how hostile this situation could have become! Over tasking, that's my Thursday word of the day. So, I am working from home these days, with 2 babes underfoot and I feel like I cannot do any ONE task right never mind manage all of what I have on my plate. I sent my friend Heidi from Gingersnaps an email asking her how she works from home? She said, pathetically until the wee hours of the night. Now, here's my problem, I am still nursing and really do need sleep. Man, why couldn't I be more like Einstein - didn't he need about 4 hours????
I feel like I need to schedule every minute of my days and even at that I am rarely stimulating my kids. Maybe our moms were onto something when kids just played - be it in the cupboard or the pantry. I sometimes feel so powerful that I have the opportunity and ability to be an entrepreneur and work from home. And sometimes, I think, "Have I lost my freakin marbles??? Anyway, I know I am way off track but I sometimes sit here and envy the simple life.
Another gorgeous day. I am having lunch with my uncle, Hud is at daycare and my MIL has Gage. I hope the egg timer doesn't go off before my lunch is done! Dingggggg - next task - groceries!!! Dingggg!!! Next task - mind my marbles....
1 comment:
Hey - I read your blog and I understand what you're going through, I really do. The multitasking can kill you if you don't watch out (okay, not kill you, but bring on some serious health problems). How I got through those months - some regular childcare and a really good dual Medella pump! Hang in there, you'll make it!! :) Heidi
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