Rushing River - We spent the day there one day just for fun! As a child it was one of my favorite places. The funny thing is I remember it being so much bigger but Harris thought it was the biggest, greatest place on earth. I hope he will look back and remember these days as I remember my own childhood.
Uncle D with Evy and Lilly
Wednesday morning - a quick chance to blog about the weekend before H, and Kirby wake up.....Miss Evy is getting her morning exercise in the Jolly Jumper - something she loves. If only I was ambitious this early in the morning too. (oh, if you happen to read my blog Kirby which for whatever reason you only to remember to read 1 every month or so and then seem shocked that I might have been annoyed at you :) - If you read this in the next 5 days I really want an elliptical trainer fro my b-day - then Evy would be Jumped and I could elliptical beside her:) HINT HINT
Well, we are all back from the lake...well, except my parents who are staying out to "recouperate" for an extra day. (Side note: Harris is now up so this blog is getting shorter)
We had a great, great time. My sis, Hubby, and 10 week old baby Lilly are here for 3 weeks and we love spending time with them. We swam, hung out, went on adventures, ate way too much food, explored, and played games (blokus is my new favorite although my brother in law wont play with me anymore because i called him a dink - so I am a little competitive - whatever!)
They are tired. I know they are having fun and are so happy to be home but it is so hard to be living out of suitcases and travelling about with a baby and I know they are feeling a bit exhausted and the remaining 3 weeks seems a bit advice is move home!!! It would easier on everyone - just kidding, well not really but ok, yes.
This week is recovery - working....hanging out and trying again to eat healthy. Brandi and I signed up for Blokus Pilates are I am equally excited as scared. The store is great - Crystal covered for me this week and always did an amazing job.....we love you Crys....
Harris's bday party is this weekend and I am so excited...........# (It may seem a bit over the top) but us and 18 of our closest family and friends (4 babies, 4 toddlers) are going on the Limo lounge to the Goldeyes game. I can not wait -so excited............too bad he already spotted the Spiderman Scooter under out bed.....
Chat soon
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