I am a Chicken (well, more like a chicken with my head cut-off) but who wants to see that picture this morning......I am with you Brandi - things are just whirling around in my head.....run home, make dinner, go to swimming, pack bag, unload wet clothes, pay bills, blah, blah....
I am back thinking 2 kids is chaos - Evy is in full force crawling and standing up so now I have to watch EVERYTHING and multi tasking is gone out the window. Even in my sleep I have to watch the kids - Harris is crazy sleep walking (yup it is hereditary and I did it too BUT it is worse in boys and it is definately worse)....Last night I found him in the bathroom trying to pee in his sleeping - can we say disaster....my cleaning lady came yesterday and while I understand that the house will not stay clean for 2 weeks before her next visit I do hope for a good week:) I got him and brough him into bed bigger mistake - he peed in my bed - nothing in my house is safe from kids....bed was my sanctuary at the end of the day but now it smells like pee.....
Does anyone have tips????Help, Help, Help.....so goes the madness - October is flying by - I am at buying shows, Kirby is off to Vegas for EO University (ha) and well, we are just juggling to get through to Novemeber which is shaping up to be just as ridiculous....aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
PS. Bon Jovi si coming - can you say Whaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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