Unpleasant physical effects following the heavy use of alcohol.The most common reported characteristics of a hangover are feelings of extreme thirst, lethargy, nausea, sensitivity to sunlight and noise, and headache.
I can only type as of this morning! Brad Paisley did not disappoint. We danced our asses off - I wish! The whole show rocked and we met some super nice people and ate, drank, drunk and were merry! My poor mama took care of our boys until 2:30 in the morning. Yikes. Anyway, it was a night of very little sleep and lots of hammering in my head but all worth it.
Blaine, Lis, Maddy & Jen and Brad came over with yummy grub from Kings Palace - one of Brad's finds. We had slurpees and Chinese food last night and well I have a skip in my step again this morning. Go Diego Go is on in the background, I have a cup of Tim's in my hand and breakfast is cooking itself. Wait, that must be Brent. 

Sunday night - hummmm, I think I will crawl in to bed and watch Brothers & Sisters with a tub of ice cream. Hello - is that show great so far this season or what???
Happy family day - I love lazy Sundays.
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