Sunday, September 23, 2007

Fall is absolutely my favorite season! We have had a great weekend, playing soccer, bbqing, going for walks, having drinks on the deck - I love fall! We even figured out how to keep peace with Hud and his dad during football season. Hud can watch Diego on the laptop while dad shouts GO VIKINGS in front of the TV! I must say though as picture perfect as it sounds, my amazing husband and I have sure been getting at one another. And, of course it is the age old thing, he can't see my point of view nor I his. I hate when that happens. It's so funny because a lot of my friends, Kath included, have told me to read Babyproofing Your Marriage and I really should. I could sum it up though for him in a few lines instead of asking him to read the entire book...

Please love me and be as excited to be with me as you are the NFL. I promise not to nag and get cranky with you if you listen to me the first time. And, lastly, recognize that I do 90% of the keeping of this house, so if I am snippety at times, please remind me to be a nicer person as I am doing all of your laundry, the kids' laundry, groceries, errands, taking care of the babe - Yes, you are AMAZING with our toddler, I arrange all of the babysitting, do more laundry and I am still kind of working. Oh right I said a few lines!

So, I finished my book, the new Kite Runner, again I can't remember the title. It was amazing, yet heart wrenching. It got deep in my soul and I can't get it out. I am thinking about the characters as I wash the dishes - oh yeah add that to my Coles Notes! This is the first book though that I have read since having kids and man I could barely get through the tough parts relating to kids.

Speaking of which, the babes are awesome. Hud last night stayed up later than I - he is a night hawk. He was busy packing his Nemo suitcase to take on his adventure with Diego. In the process he managed to take every book off his shelf, unfold all of his clothes, pull the sheets off the bed and take off his diaper only to fall asleep in - yep big boys undies!!! He has quite a curious little monkey!

Well I should run, we're having dinner at the outlaws - just teasing! Prime rib, yum, yum yum delicioso!!!!

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