Thursday, August 16, 2007

Sexy Mrs. Gompf - Thanks Brandi but not the case, just holding it all in with a tight pair of jeans:) Today is Thursday and I started it out with the best intentions - to ride my bike to work but it backfired because I forgot to do a bank deposit yesterday and while ther was no way I could ride to the bank and store in time (Marley comes at 9 am and we open at 10 am) so I drove. There is a flipside - the Taylor Starbucks drive thru which just happens to be right on my way to the store. You can not do this with a bike! I am trying to skip Starbucks and hit up the Second Cup at the corner of Cockburn and Corydon - Second Cup after all is a Canadian Company and it is also owned by a super great couple who are huge supporters of our store:)

What else is new? My brother in law is in town for a few days and he is staying with us and both nights Harris has peed thru his pull up and instead of waking up his parents has gone and woken up his Uncle. Ty has been a great sport and both nights has gotten up with him, changed him and gotten him back to bed but I think this may be the last time he stays with us. On that note, does anyone have any advice on the situation? He will be 3 in a few days, when do I scrap the nighttime pullup? Is he only peeing in it becuase there is the option or is he too young to go overnight? Advice please from any experienced moms would be greatly appreciated.

Another piece of advice I need is Evy seems to have a bit of thrush in her mouth - what is up with that? She is only on the bottle and so how is she getting it? Are mny kids naturually predisposed to yeast? I have been treating it with chamomile tea on a q-tip and it seems to be passing. The only thing I read was that it may be caused by poor hygeine but I hope that is not the case with us:) Any tips on that one?

The exciting news is that my sister, her hubby, and my neice Lilly arrive today for almost a month - hurrah, hurrah...I am so pumped to be spending some serious quality time with them.

I am going to ride my bike with the kids in the Chariot to see them after work to make up for this morning. (I don't want to hear about it - Mrs. Parnell) Kirby can pick us up after work - he has been working way tooooo much these days so I am looking forward to a family vacation at the lake.

Other than that best get back to the store - I am busy bookkeeping.....


1 comment:

annonymous said...

hey...serously, you have nothing to worry about with Harris at night. He is still SO young. You are very lucky to have him trained at this age. Potty training isn't considered an issue till the age of 7. My 1st child was traied at 2 1/2 too. I too worried about the confusion with night time pull ups. Eventually he bagan waking up dry. Now my second is almost 3 and totally not interested in the potty. I have met people with 4+ year olds who still have problems at nights. Count yourself lucky. ;-)