Thursday, July 26, 2007

You know life is quite easy with one child! In fact, one day with just Gage and I have been able to reflect. Yeah imagine that - the old brain still works! I was thinking about a conversation Reg and I had last Tuesday. She's going back to school, her babes are 8 and 10, taking the Accelerated nursing program at RRC - KUDOS Reg. Anyway, she said she is so excited unless she thinks about it too much and then she's scared shitless - sorry for swearing in two blogs but it was necessary!

Anyway, I thought that was a great line. There are so many times in our lives when we are thrilled about an new venture but if we think about it long enough we realize the risks and challenges. With great risk comes great reward and vice versa. I think this is so true about parenting. Sure if we think about all that lies ahead for us, it's scary. But it is so exciting to think that as parents we have so much influence over another persons life. So today, I am writing to remind you that there are going to be times that are terrifying but know that the reward is intangible. You are shaping the future. Enjoy the weekend.

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