Monday, July 23, 2007

Well I on the other hand was home all day today with 2 babes in 37 degree heat. I mean really - who can do anything with a 7 week old in this weather? I of course began my morning with a running list of tasks, playing football was on there so I am incorporating our fun into my To Dos! After a round of long bombs, I went into the kitchen to do the breakfast dishes. Hud was with me at the fridge playing with leap Frog's fridge magnets. Now to properly set the stage, we were in the penguin pool before the football match, so naturally Hud was naked - took off swimmer upon reentering the house! Anyway, I am at the sink, Hud at the fridge yeah, yeah - when all of a sudden, Hudson says "Mama - I am a good boy, I pooped." I turned to see that yes he had pooped. The poop was right there on the floor and to be sure that he had, he checked - with his hand which was cover in poop. As though Gage knew the disaster, he burst into tears. Oh, Oh, how can I possible multitask this one. Well - first things first. I turned off the water and got the wipes - THANK GOD for wipes! "Now, touch your toes monkey!", a good angle to wipe the poop! "Stand still!" Scoop the poop, grab the babe and we're off to the races!

This week is our big week - Dad is away on business tomorrow until Friday. I am very lucky though as all of my good friends as well as our two moms have volunteered to help - even for an hour. I have playdates set up and a birthday party here on Wednesday for our star employee. Yep, my baby sis is turning 28!!! I am excited to celebrate with the baby of us three girls - as well I know my family will help me unwind and amuse my babies.

As Kath echoed - I got to see her twice last week! Man is she doing a great job at the store. It was so much fun being there last week. I love seeing all of the new preggos too. I still got it - I rang in a sale and remembered how! It's so funny because I had coffee last week with my friend Michelle and we were reminiscing about the minds we once had - that was before pregnancy anyway!

I must run as I am dying to spend a little quality time with my main squeeze before he jets off. Sleep tight!


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