Saturday, April 28, 2007

Saturday, April 28th

Good Morning!! I've been tagged by Adrianna at Tiber River ( What this means, I think, is that I have to tell seven things about myself that you may not know, and then tag seven more people. Here are the 7 things you are least likely to know about me...

1. My husband and I have been together since I was in grade 10 :)

2. I love to cook and am a very adventurous eater! I have slowly coverted my family....

3. I have my Engineering degree.

4.. I am trained in offshore survival. This means I know how to properly evaucuate from a helipcopter that has crashed in the ocean and survive. This is mandatory for working on drilling rigs in the ocean. I have worked in the Atlantic Ocean (off of Halifax) and in the Beaufort Straight ( between Alaska and Russia)

5. I completed the Full Vancouver Marathon in 2002 (4hours 17 minutes) - one of my most proud accomplishments to date

6. I love country music:)

7. I used to love rollercoasters but now they scare me:)

8. I could spend our family fortune at Costco!

9. I absolutely hate needles and work myself into a total panic - it is a wonder I have 2 children.

10. I love a good glass of red wine or a red-eye!

There, I tag....Heidi and Jodi from Gingersnaps, and Brandi - I will think up more of you to hit up so stay tuned.

Ps. It is a beautiful Saturday morning and we are off for a family rollerblade......I'll be back.

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