Sunday, February 4, 2007

February 4, 2007

The "Baby Moon" is over!

Well, the reality of a two year old and a baby has set in - total and complete chaos! I will still say that Harris is being really good but we have spoiled him a bit too much and now I am finding that I should have been more firm with his rules (ie. nap time, etc.). So all you preggo's out there - get your parenting and rules in order so that it is that much harder for them to bend when the baby arrives. Evy is still a great baby! Kirby is still a great Dad! Me, I am losing my mind:)

There is a ton of laundry, toys and baby stuff everywhere, and I mean where in this house is sacred. I am the human boob every two hours on the couch - to which is Harris's delight since I can not get up quick to scold him if he is into mischief. We ventured out to gym class on Saturday and with 2 kids - whoa - add an hour to the time you think it will take you to get everyone ready because we all know once you are dressed up in your winter clothes it is time for the baby to eat:)

My other honest (maybe I am being too honest) is that I feel as though I have become a single parent - only because Kirby and I are each with one child doing something and have no extra time to spend with each other. I can not imagine how a single parent actually does it -- kudos to you all out there! I think we will have a date soon but not soon enough....I do still love my husband and actually so what to talk with him about something other than our kids poopy diapers and discipline.

Please don't be scared - I know everyone says that this will pass and really we are already older than 2 weeks so we I best enjoy that she is still a baby before she is 12 and hates me because I wont buy her a thong (which mark my words will be one thing I do not cave on :))

I will try and update this more often and not scare you away from reading it.

PS. Evy has diaper rash which Harris never had -if anyone has any great tips for it can you please post a reply for me with advice.



Heater said...

Hey kath, if you haven't already, try Ihles Paste. You can get it most drugstores and Walmart) Cake it on THICK, like REALLY thick, every diaper change and it will be gone soon!!

Unknown said...

Leave the diaper rash. My son was getting all the time until our dr told us that a diaper rash is just something coming out of them and by putting cream on it you are suppressing back into the baby's system. We stopped and my son never had another diaper rash.

kimmyward said...

Hi Kath,

Congratulations to all of you!! Evy is beautiful!! I really enjoyed reading your blog enteries...had a few good chuckles. The wonders of motherhood. I hope you all take care and look forward to many more enteries.


test said...

Congratulations! I have a son who just turned 3 and an almost 3 month old baby girl. It's so fun! I love your blog! Makes me realize I'm not the only one who's house is filled with toys.
Here's a cure for diaper rashes that will work! I use diaper cream and corn starch. And, make sure you change her often. It'll work, I promise!
All the best,