Friday, February 23, 2007

February 24, 2007

What a day!!! I went from waking up at 8 am (yup, even with a newborn and a toddler - a rarity) and thinking that my baby was a wonder child as she slept from almost 8pm to 8am with only 1 quick feeding to realizing that the reason that she slept so long is she has the flu. Yup, the projectile vomiting started at 9 am and has occured after every feeding.

I feel most sorry for her but I do feel a little sorry for me too (selfishlu I know) but I was actually going out tonight - to Wasabi and a childless friends invited me and I am now cancelling - will they invite me again or have they once again given up on MO2 (Mother-of-2) New plans - Harris, Kirby, Evy and I are renting a movie - Flushed Away and snuggling up on the couch! Not so bad but still WASABI!!!!!!!!!

I have also no idea what to do for her! I called the doctor at 11 am and at 3 pm - they assure me he will call me today but the day is almost over....any ideas, tips - please post asap.

Here is a few pics for you all - Evy 1 month

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