Thursday, February 15, 2007

February 15, 2007

Happy a little late Valentine's Day! I couldn' t work on the blog yesterday - too much romance - hehe. We just stayed in, relaxed and Harris and I made Kirby dinner....well, we make dinner everyday but this dinner was SHRIMP!

Other than that I am getting into a routine I think? Harris is back starting toliet training and yesterday he pooped on the potty after a few months of only going pee! That was his valentine to me - how funny how poop can make you excited. Evy and I have slept the last 2 nights together and Kirby has been on the couch - I don't even notice her and never even have to get out of bed once. Kirby gets a good sleep too! Whatever works hey? I never would have thought that I would be opting for this pre-first baby.

Oh ya, one more exciting thing - we are at the store today! So fun, I miss it and my business partner is waaaaaaayyyy to busy to be without me.

One other thin - the thrush I think is gone but I have a new pain - am I crazy but when my milk lets down it kills.....I know it was like this with harris but I do not remember it being as strong??? Could that be thrush - who know? A mother's paranoia I guess.

Talk to you all soon.


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