Monday, September 10, 2007

Okay. I am trying to get some work done, but Kath has distracted me, so I might as well sit down and write my blog. I don't know about you guys but I feel very unmotivated with this weather.

Anyway, we survived the weekend and Brent is home. Hoorah! It was overall very good. I would say that by Sunday we were going a tad stir crazy. Hudson had 2 incidents of bad behaviour which we dealt with but made me upset. He was mean to my sister Crys. Now, I think that probably sounds nuts! But the Johnson girls, minus Jen are a sensitive bunch. Keep in mind that Crys is very pregnant. He told her he didn't want to talk to her after she had worked all day at the store and this of course sent her into a bawling mess. She left without speaking and he carried on the way toddlers do. He seems to know how to push her buttons - I know he's 2 - and this all sounds crazy. But, I want my boy to be a nice man and I don't want my sis to have a sad heart! Anyway, we went to Blockbuster and got her a movie and treats and took it over with an apology and a smooch. All is well except I am on a mission to make him nicer to her - especially as her due date approaches.

So yesterday - just as we were all about to jump ship - single parenting is tough stuff, kudos to all of you who do it all year long - I took Hud to the Bomber game. He had a great time. He was on TV, the Jumbotron and they threw a little football at us. I did my babe proud, jumped out of my seat, stretched to the right and made a fabulous one handed catch. Just kidding it was right a me! He went crazy - I have a football - horray horray! He was great. Our seats are on the West side which means that most people are sober and aren't wearing fruit on their so a toddler stands out a bit. He really was well behaved and we had a great time but I did go to bed with Alexander Keith.

I too am battling the bulge but I am aware the a Nip for dinner and Alexander in my bed doesn't help.


1 comment:

kal said...

Big hug for Crys.

Your weekend sounds full and fun. Good work on the Keith before bed, too.

Love the new stuff in the store. Yum!