Thursday, July 12, 2007

This is just what the doctor ordered to kick me out of my exhausted, depressed,over scheduled, self-doubting past few days. Hurrah mommas...hurrah Women! I am back - all of you readers, friends, amazing women out there - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all of your comments and emails. We need to do this for each other more often...confess, we aren' t perfect women, wives, moms, or friends - we are human. We have insecurities, we want to please, we stress, we struggle, we get down, we have challenges, and at times we are just getting by BUT if we are honest with each other we realize we are in this together - we can help each other out. We need each other, we best understand the pressures on today's mom and today's women!

I spent the night checking out some really great blogs and there is a ton of inspiration out there. There is a ton of great talent too! Here is one of my new fave's - this is one really cool Winnipeger and soon to be mom!

Now, if only I could fix my abs:) Off, to do a few sit-ups - What can I say it 's the new me and I am going to try and capitalize on this energy and get some new abs to go with my new attitude.....


1 comment:

kal said...

Go get 'em! (the abs, I mean!)