Saturday, September 15, 2007

Hi Everyone! Happy Saturday. I have had a busy week and haven't had one minute to blog. I had two sick babes all week which any mom knows is exhausting not to mention filled with sneezes, wheezes and boogies! I too was quite run down as the boys alternated by hour who woke mama up! Thanks to Dimetapp, hours of TV and an extra dose of patience, we made it! We did it! Hooray - yes I am now doing the Dora dance!

Last night we had sushi with our good friends, Wendy & Craig from Calgary. It is always so nice to get together with couples that you both have lots in common with. That's how Wendy and Craig are. They have one babe Jack and are pregnant with #2 - another boys so yes we have tons in common. They came to our place so we could have the boys in bed early. Wendy - who is so thoughtful - bought me a pedicure from the new spa on Taylor - Aevi. I am excited to go, I have heard great things about it but haven't been. What a treat!

This morning we were up early, at Tim's by 8:30 and off to the Park West Y Neighbours toy sale. It was productive. We left with a drum, a bowling set, a dump truck and a Fire Truck. Brent woke up with his head pounding - too much good wine and I ended up with my head pounding from all of the new toys I couldn't resist buying! Man, between the drum and the fire truck I begged Hud to get back to his Dora addiction!

Tonight we're off to dinner with the 'Snaps and the Gompfs. We're going for Ethiopian - Kath's ordering as we've never been but are very pumped.

Have a great weekend.

PS - Thank goodness for grandmas who babysit!!!!

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