Saturday, April 28, 2007

Saturday, April 28th

Good Morning!! I've been tagged by Adrianna at Tiber River ( What this means, I think, is that I have to tell seven things about myself that you may not know, and then tag seven more people. Here are the 7 things you are least likely to know about me...

1. My husband and I have been together since I was in grade 10 :)

2. I love to cook and am a very adventurous eater! I have slowly coverted my family....

3. I have my Engineering degree.

4.. I am trained in offshore survival. This means I know how to properly evaucuate from a helipcopter that has crashed in the ocean and survive. This is mandatory for working on drilling rigs in the ocean. I have worked in the Atlantic Ocean (off of Halifax) and in the Beaufort Straight ( between Alaska and Russia)

5. I completed the Full Vancouver Marathon in 2002 (4hours 17 minutes) - one of my most proud accomplishments to date

6. I love country music:)

7. I used to love rollercoasters but now they scare me:)

8. I could spend our family fortune at Costco!

9. I absolutely hate needles and work myself into a total panic - it is a wonder I have 2 children.

10. I love a good glass of red wine or a red-eye!

There, I tag....Heidi and Jodi from Gingersnaps, and Brandi - I will think up more of you to hit up so stay tuned.

Ps. It is a beautiful Saturday morning and we are off for a family rollerblade......I'll be back.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tuesday, April 25, 2007

Hurrah - I went out! I mean really out - not to the park or a playdate, not for errands - I mean out with friends....I showered, I straightened my hair, wore perfume, went out for a great dinner (Massawa) with wine:) oh, I had so much fun, it was way long overdue and we needed to catch-up....the wine, the food, and the company was so good I forgot about the diapers, no sleep, 2 year old negotiation tactics.

Then at 10 pm like a responsible parent I returned home....and we are right back at it! Playdate this morning and then I may be crazy and if you never here from me again I have been committed but I am returning to McDonalds for a lunch date with Harris, Evy, and my old may be disasterous but I will try it....

Anyhow, 8 am and we are raring to go so off I go to get another cup of coffee and start the day....

PS. Did you see the weather forecast for the week - whao....

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The above photo is how I spend my days when not at the store -playing hockey - ALL DAY - as much as I love it! I will be somewhat secretly thrilled when Evy demands days at the spa - I guess I will have to go too!

Just a quick hello before I go off to bed! Thought I would post a few pics of the kids - 2.5 years and 3months already - wow time does fly (there are those cheesy cliches again)

Anyhow, BIG NEWS - Evy is rolling over now from tummy to back and back to tummy over and over and over again......exciting day at the Gompfs.

Good Night - off to get a little sleep before the next feeding:)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

April 21 , 2007

Well, we have made it 3 months!!!! Evy is 3 months old - yesterday and our family of 4 is settling into a groove (or at least for this week) She is such a happy baby who is smiling, laughing, and now even rolling over. Harris continues to fuss over her and always gets a smile from her. Her parents, we are getting into a groove too - still a little sleep deprived and a bit overwhelmed with how little time you have for each other we are managing. Now, that the weather is nicer we have benn out in the Chariot lots - long walks to DQ and long bike rides to BDI - but hey we are walking and riding so don't we deserve it! Harris is mastering his new "Lightening McQueen" tricycle!

I am still breastfeeding and giving her formula when I go out - I am not sure what will transpire for us as I will be back to work 2 days a week in June and will see what happens - I have resolved my self to let what happens happen.

I have been in the store a bit this week and stroller walk is starting next week! I have to admit I am a way better mom when I am also doing something for myself. I love getting out and too much idle time makes crazy in the head ( I am sure many of you gathered this from my blog:))

The store looks so awesome! The maternity clothes make me want to get pregnant again - NOT! But they are so nice who would know if I wore them as normal clothes.....The kids stuff is so cool this season - Harris is loving his scrub style pants and Evy has been sporting the babylegs and Small Potatoes dresses (Retro style for girls up to 3T)
I just tried to attach a picture but is DOES NOT do Holly's clothes justice. I want to give Holly a plug because her stuff is unbelievable. Did you know Holly is from Winnipeg and her stuff is absolutely amazing and super unique - check out her slings, burp cloths, dresses, and binky leashes - a great gift your kids or someone elses!
I also want to mention 2 other great Winnipeg business's with blogs out there!
The first is Jodi and Heidi at Gingersnaps - of course, you all know we are crazy about them....besides doing the best photos of kids I have ever seen, they are great, cool, fashionable moms who CAN do it all! Real role models for us moms in business.
Check out their website: and the blog at
The other is Tiber River and we love them too! Every mom needs the Tiber River Baby lotion - it is the best cream out there for any skin type, especially sensitive! I put it everywhere on Evy and then myself. Mental note - buy the big bottle. We stock all of TR baby products or check out their store on Academy.
www. and the blog at
Anyhow, I am working - hurrah so got to go because it is busy and Danya has come by:)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Sunday, April 15th, 2007

Well, it has been a week and so much has happened. Easter has come and gone (with lots of chocolate:)) Brandi, Evy, and I just made it to our show in Edmonton - Brandi was a really trooper 32 weeks preggo and the stomach flu and yet we made and got some really great stuff! I have been busy once again trying to recouperate fro the travels and get my life back in order. I had to cool off before I wrote on this blog as my temper was rather hot this week and I didn't want to scare you. I'll give you the condensed version - I am sleep deprived!!!!! Evy is a great baby but she still eats a ton during the night and I am still trying to be a super hero during the day. I had a melt down on Kirby....I know he is a great dad and very successful at his business but I am also a great mom, successful at my business...AND... the cook, the errand girl, the housecleaner, the reasearcher when it comes to parenting tatics, the family funtion co-ordinator, the thank you card writier, the birthday card sender, and a nursing get the point. Why can men not multi-task - it will drive me insane! Once again we have had the pep talk and things are better - for now:)

Agh, I am glad I got that of my chest.....

On a side note - I am dedicating this edition of my blog - to our beloved dog Sam. We had to put him to sleep this week and it was heartbreaking for Kirby and I - he was our "first born baby" and a wounded baby at that who was a much larger "project" than we ever imagined. One we poured our heart and soul into. We miss him a tonne but know he is in doggie heaven fetching sticks, balls, and swimming in style. I have attached a few of my fave pics....Enjoy.

We miss you Sammy (2001-2007)

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter - April 8th, 2007

Hi All,

Just a quick note because we are about to start the egg hunt and patience is not very much present in my 2 year old for things like that but I must take a moment to rant. A big whistle!!!!!! That is one of things that my dear friend and business partner put in Hudson's loot bags yesterday - seriously, did you want us mother's to lose our minds or is there some sort of hidden camera stashed in my car and home!!!! I find it extra convienent that you were one short so Hud had to do with out.....Harris has not stopeed blowing the whistle and this is not a noise Evy knows to sleep through - our barking dog, yes.....a train whistle in her ear, no! But don't worry I am already schemeing for Harris's loot bags - I think Hudson is going to get an extra special present - maybe a hockey game noise maker, or a drum, or a kazoo...........look out.

Anyhow, we are off to another show tommorrow - Evy will be so well travelled.


Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

This morning I am starting by giving all the moms out there a huge round of applause - it is such a hard job. I am not debating that it is by far the best and most rewarding challenge I have ever had but it is hard. We have just come of a weekend fuelled by tough love - the "baby moon" is over - both for Harris and for Evy! I think we let things slide with Harris so he would not feel less attention from having a new sister around and of course, Evy was a newborn so needed it! But now we are 21/2 months in to life as family of 4 and there are things my husband and I need too! A little time together at the end of a busy day or even a little time to ourselves. I spent the weekend get them back onto a great sleep schedule and the worst is over. I had to reming myself as Harris pulled out all the stops to get us to gave - that caving is what happened to the parents of the Dr.Phil toddlers who were 300lbs. Rules are good for people and the reality is that you can get everything you want when you want it. I blab this all to you because it was lost on H at bedtime although one day he will understand.

Parenting is such a big job I must admit I am feeling a bit as though I am swimming with my head just above water these days. I am a person who has lots of personal hobbies and wants to spend time with my friends, my husband, and I love my job too (to which I will be returining to part-time in June) and I recognize that these things make me a better mom but finding the time is hard. Any tips out there? Do any of you moms feel guilty for getting out on your own? I feel bad when I leave my husband with the kids at the end of the day to get out because Iknow he too is tires and then I barely get to see him? Is everyone like this? hmmmmmmmmmmm. Maybe I am just a little stir crazy because I am dying for nice weather - soon I hope.

Other than that life is good - we are looking forward to a fun Easter with our friends and family! Harris and Evy are both growing so fast. Harris seems to be way to smart for his mom these days and surprises me with his talents and things he says everyday! I have attached a few pictures of the kids from Calgary.

Check out the article in Canadain Business Magazine this month on my hubby and brother-in law. I have to brag because he is a real inspiration to me on opening the store with Brandi and motivating me to do something that you love despite the risk and hard work.

Talk soon.

Ps. The Flames jersey picture is Hariis with his Aunt and Uncle!
