This morning I am starting by giving all the moms out there a huge round of applause - it is such a hard job. I am not debating that it is by far the best and most rewarding challenge I have ever had but it is hard. We have just come of a weekend fuelled by tough love - the "baby moon" is over - both for Harris and for Evy! I think we let things slide with Harris so he would not feel less attention from having a new sister around and of course, Evy was a newborn so needed it! But now we are 21/2 months in to life as family of 4 and there are things my husband and I need too! A little time together at the end of a busy day or even a little time to ourselves. I spent the weekend get them back onto a great sleep schedule and the worst is over. I had to reming myself as Harris pulled out all the stops to get us to gave - that caving is what happened to the parents of the Dr.Phil toddlers who were 300lbs. Rules are good for people and the reality is that you can get everything you want when you want it. I blab this all to you because it was lost on H at bedtime although one day he will understand.
Parenting is such a big job I must admit I am feeling a bit as though I am swimming with my head just above water these days. I am a person who has lots of personal hobbies and wants to spend time with my friends, my husband, and I love my job too (to which I will be returining to part-time in June) and I recognize that these things make me a better mom but finding the time is hard. Any tips out there? Do any of you moms feel guilty for getting out on your own? I feel bad when I leave my husband with the kids at the end of the day to get out because Iknow he too is tires and then I barely get to see him? Is everyone like this? hmmmmmmmmmmm. Maybe I am just a little stir crazy because I am dying for nice weather - soon I hope.
Other than that life is good - we are looking forward to a fun Easter with our friends and family! Harris and Evy are both growing so fast. Harris seems to be way to smart for his mom these days and surprises me with his talents and things he says everyday! I have attached a few pictures of the kids from Calgary.
Check out the article in Canadain Business Magazine this month on my hubby and brother-in law. I have to brag because he is a real inspiration to me on opening the store with Brandi and motivating me to do something that you love despite the risk and hard work.
Talk soon.
Ps. The Flames jersey picture is Hariis with his Aunt and Uncle!
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