We are back from LA! We are all exhausted but it was a GREAT trip! We have bought the best Fall clothes ever...so if you are thinking about a baby and want to look amazing - start trying now! The clothes almost make me want to be pregnant again......I said almost! Evy was amazing she was so great! I had her in a sling all the time and it was the best thing ever. I was a huge sling fan before but this just confirms that. If you can go to a tradeshow with a baby for 2 full days of appointments and barely know they are with you, imagine the things you can get done around the house! The only mely down she had was the last night we left the tradeshow and went directly to the mall for some shopping...she was tired of being lugged around and had a bit of a fit:) This quickly changed when I gave her the "shopping in LA" pep talk and she figured out that mom was really only shopping for her and Harris because trying on clothes with a baby in a sling is just plain impossible. I must admit I went crazy but there were great deals and the Parnell and Gompf children will always far out dress their moms.
Other wise we are all good - Kirb got home from NYC and Harris is now sporting a Knicks jersey and headband so he has no interest in my clothing purchases...even the dirtbike shirt which I thought would be a sure fire hit. I will win back his loyalty when he gets the Wiggles Cd that says his name over 40 times (Call me - sucker it is done at a Kiosk at the calgary airport) but I am saving it for Easter.
What am I doing today - trying to get this house clean and going to the library to get the book "Magic-1-2-3"...yes, the Gompfs are finally ( I know I say this every week) taking their life back......Evy is moving into her crib and harris will stay in his own bed again. Last night by 4 am we were back to 4 in my bed and I just don't fit diet or not......
Talk to you soon and watch for our Huge April Zutano Kids clothes promo - so awesome lounge wear and leggins etc for up to 24 months - check out the photo of the new girls print just arrived in the store.
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