Well, it has been a week and so much has happened. Easter has come and gone (with lots of chocolate:)) Brandi, Evy, and I just made it to our show in Edmonton - Brandi was a really trooper 32 weeks preggo and the stomach flu and yet we made and got some really great stuff! I have been busy once again trying to recouperate fro the travels and get my life back in order. I had to cool off before I wrote on this blog as my temper was rather hot this week and I didn't want to scare you. I'll give you the condensed version - I am sleep deprived!!!!! Evy is a great baby but she still eats a ton during the night and I am still trying to be a super hero during the day. I had a melt down on Kirby....I know he is a great dad and very successful at his business but I am also a great mom, successful at my business...AND... the cook, the errand girl, the housecleaner, the reasearcher when it comes to parenting tatics, the family funtion co-ordinator, the thank you card writier, the birthday card sender, and a nursing mom....you get the point. Why can men not multi-task - it will drive me insane! Once again we have had the pep talk and things are better - for now:)
Agh, I am glad I got that of my chest.....
On a side note - I am dedicating this edition of my blog - to our beloved dog Sam. We had to put him to sleep this week and it was heartbreaking for Kirby and I - he was our "first born baby" and a wounded baby at that who was a much larger "project" than we ever imagined. One we poured our heart and soul into. We miss him a tonne but know he is in doggie heaven fetching sticks, balls, and swimming in style. I have attached a few of my fave pics....Enjoy.
We miss you Sammy (2001-2007)
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