Well, we have made it 3 months!!!! Evy is 3 months old - yesterday and our family of 4 is settling into a groove (or at least for this week) She is such a happy baby who is smiling, laughing, and now even rolling over. Harris continues to fuss over her and always gets a smile from her. Her parents, we are getting into a groove too - still a little sleep deprived and a bit overwhelmed with how little time you have for each other we are managing. Now, that the weather is nicer we have benn out in the Chariot lots - long walks to DQ and long bike rides to BDI - but hey we are walking and riding so don't we deserve it! Harris is mastering his new "Lightening McQueen" tricycle!
I am still breastfeeding and giving her formula when I go out - I am not sure what will transpire for us as I will be back to work 2 days a week in June and will see what happens - I have resolved my self to let what happens happen.
I have been in the store a bit this week and stroller walk is starting next week! I have to admit I am a way better mom when I am also doing something for myself. I love getting out and too much idle time makes crazy in the head ( I am sure many of you gathered this from my blog:))
The store looks so awesome! The maternity clothes make me want to get pregnant again - NOT! But they are so nice who would know if I wore them as normal clothes.....The kids stuff is so cool this season - Harris is loving his scrub style pants and Evy has been sporting the babylegs and Small Potatoes dresses (Retro style for girls up to 3T)
I just tried to attach a picture but is DOES NOT do Holly's clothes justice. I want to give Holly a plug because her stuff is unbelievable. Did you know Holly is from Winnipeg and her stuff is absolutely amazing and super unique - check out her slings, burp cloths, dresses, and binky leashes - a great gift your kids or someone elses!
I also want to mention 2 other great Winnipeg business's with blogs out there!
The first is Jodi and Heidi at Gingersnaps - of course, you all know we are crazy about them....besides doing the best photos of kids I have ever seen, they are great, cool, fashionable moms who CAN do it all! Real role models for us moms in business.
Check out their website: www.gingersnapsdesign.com and the blog at
The other is Tiber River and we love them too! Every mom needs the Tiber River Baby lotion - it is the best cream out there for any skin type, especially sensitive! I put it everywhere on Evy and then myself. Mental note - buy the big bottle. We stock all of TR baby products or check out their store on Academy.
www. tiberriver.ca and the blog at http://www.tiberriver.typepad.com/
Anyhow, I am working - hurrah so got to go because it is busy and Danya has come by:)
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