Well The Parnells have outdone themselves again. The running joke at the cabin is, "Brandi - will this make the blog?" And believe you me almost every hour I could be writing a new episode of The Parnells. This weekend was fun, filled with lots of good eating, lots of laughs and even some down time for the parents. I have to sneak in a few bloopers though. My mother in law completely lost it - which is VERY rare when Not Me made made an appearance at the cabin. This was about the time that we begged the kids to watch Dora and Diego. There were a few good old fashioned fights amongst the toddlers, one accidentally bumped into the other and to retaliate, the victim clubbed the clumsy one! Of course, several times someone reached for the margarita pail as they tried to calmly discipline a child. My sister in law Michelle tried to keep control as we laughed hysterically at her. She emerged from her room with a diaper dangling from her Lululemons. And the highlight had to have been the brothers, minus Brent of course, singing and dancing to Mother Gooneybird Had 7 Chicks.
We came home at a great time, bbqed and got lots of house stuff done. So, I went to bed feeling really good. Somewhere in the night, Hud threw up everywhere and Gage woke up 4 times. I feel like there is poop and laundry from one end of this house to the other. I need espresso. I am excited though because today I am going wedding dress shopping with my sisters and dear friend Jen. My middle sis - Jen is tieing the know next summer. I am so happy for her!
PS - Kal we will take any help you can give.
PPS - Sorry no time to spell check, I hear a screaming babe!
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