Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ahhh... I too have a few minutes to myself :) The grandparents are in from the lake and I am getting a nice day off to run errands etc. Funny, how running errands without any kids makes it seem like a "treat" for the mom. I have to suggest that everyone read the book "Even June Cleaver would forget the Juice Box" - it is a book all about some of Brandi's earlier comments. It talks about the pressures of moms in this day and age, the stress we have (sometimes self inflicted), keeping up with the Jones, the early start to education etc.....and is very, very , very true! We have it at the store and I recommend it as a definite read!

Speaking of pressures and stresses... As I feel that I am very honest on this blog- I need to discuss the store. I have been thinking a lot about Army Surplus closing and it makes me sad to think that it is so hard for independent retailers to make a go of it. We love the store, it is for sure our "third" baby with Brandi and I being the parents BUT the store is the very challenging! We are both having a hard time struggling with the balance between our "labour of love" and our small children - both are full time jobs on top of being great wives to super hard working husbands:) Truth be told is we need more support from you , our customers, anonymous readers, friends and customers more now than ever. We receive so many great emails and so many of you come in to visit and ask advice and we really appreciate your support and encouragement. We have met many women entrepreneurs who share our struggles of owning a business. Now, we we are asking a favour of you.

If you love our store and want us to see us around for many generations of moms and families to come - we need you to put us at your fore thoughts when shopping. We know it is easy to grab a gift at Walmart or the mall but please consider us too.

We have so much to offer......maternity clothes for every price range, the coolest blankets, tried and tested baby gifts, gifts for first birthdays, gifts for moms, clothes for kids up to 24 unique, some affordable, some luxury, hand picked items that are close to our hearts and tested by our kids. We stand by all of our products and match competitor prices. Please come with your kids - it makes us miss ours a little less. We have great parking in the back. We would love to see you.

We really love the store but at times it can seem as though we bit off more than we can chew -we like all moms need a little reassurance.

Other than - we are babysitting the Maclean kids tonight - always a ton of fun and so I should go finish my to do list.



kal said...

Very, very good heartfelt post. I'm gonna post this on my blog today. It's totally inline with the buy local - support eachother - live generously themes of the week.

Thanks for creating such a beautiful store. Thanks for being genuine in your blog. Thanks for sharing a bit of yourself.

And just big thanks (from a loca business owner soon-to-be mom and customer of your store).

Holts Pets Inc said...


You have NO IDEA how dissapointed I was to hear about your store AFTER my baby was born and just before we moved to BC.

We hear your fears and worries about small business. There were so many time we said "that's it, were done, absolutely finished." But we get a little stronger and a little wiser which makes us a little better.

You'll do it, women in Winnipeg Need YOU to save them from gaudy, thou shall not be mentioned, maternity stores!