Wednesday, July 4, 2007

2/3rds crazy and 1/4 nuts!

Okay, I am officially losing it! Yesterday I was laying in a tanning bed relaxing when all of a sudden my milk let down and I started leaking. Holy s**t! Milk staring running down my armpits, down my back and pooling under my bum! Now shouldn't your underwear be safe from breast milk??? And this morning I feel that the theme song for the circus should be playing in every room of my messy, disorganised house. You know the one... Do do doodido!

My sister-in-law Lis said something very meaningful to me. She said, "I always thought mat leave was to figure out how to be a mom, catch up with friends, join moms groups, go for coffee! Well it's not, I have to take care of my babe every minute of the day! I can barely do housework." Well that's how I feel, especially today with two munchkins. I walked the dog, filled the pool, played trucks, nursed, had a sip of coffee, played Shrek, nursed, changed a bum, nursed, played hockey, got snacks, nursed, changed another bum, played catch, nursed, put my toddler to bed, peed, had another sip of coffee, ate on the run and of course nursed. Now throw thrush into the mix and I am verging on crazy. Somewhere in there I also spoke with a lactation consultant, the pediatrician and the pharmacy. I now have 15 free minutes and I am blogging and nursing and it's only 2:00. When does my husband get home???

By the way, if anyone out there has thrush advice - bring it on. I feel like it is slowly getting the better of me. Oh man, my baby was just about to fall asleep nursing but he pooped himself awake. I should run before I join the circus!


1 comment:

Laura said...

I had gention violet perscribed when I had thrush. I quickly learned to only apply it to my nipple and not the surrouding area!!! My son looked like a clown for about 3-4 days with a stained face!!
I also used nipple creams, would express milk, rub it in and let it air dry after each feed. Shower (who has time for that?!) and keep 'em clean! I would also attemp to pump some feedings just to give myself a break from the toe curling latch that made me scream each time.

I assure you they will all soon be distant memories...I know it feels like eternity now. Hang in there.

Good luck.