Monday, July 30, 2007

Okay, I am giving in. Lisa told me to do it and Kath inspired me to get some pics up on my blog, so here there are. Don't we look relaxed??? Well that was before my Monday morning shopping trip. Tomorrow is Brent's birthday and I haven't had a chance to go shopping for him. So, this morning was our first shopping outing alone with 2 kids. We managed but not well. After we had packed up the three of us, we embarked on what would be a rather stressful time for me and Gage but a great time for Hudson. As I am sure I have mentioned, Gage screamed the entire way there. I don't know why but he HATES car rides. Kath gave me a tip about the comfort of his car seat. I am going to try it.

Anyway, we pulled up promptly in front of the store at 10:30 - thinking they'd be open - nope. But I only discover that they were closed once I had unpacked the kids (Gage in Wom Baby) and got around to the front of the store. So, I had to pack us back up again and putting Gage into the bucket sent him into an utter tailspin. I quickly made a plan. I cannot go home and head back out again in 30 minutes, I'll go for gas and a carwash and maybe a coffee if Gage will allow it. Well it seemed that he calmed down by the time we got to the car wash but intuitively went crazy once trapped in the carwash. Calmed down by the time I pulled up to the pump and yes went crazy as soon as the kangaroo hooked us up. Kangaroo = grouchy Domo employee. Calmed down by the time we hit Tim's and went crazy as soon as we were trapped in the drive thru. Let me remind you that only 15 minutes have passed.

I headed back to the store and unpacked the babes once again. This time though Hud saw a fire truck at the fire station across the street so we headed over there for a peak. His eyes wide, he smiled and waved at the brave fireman. Next store, a Corvette: "My daddy loves this car." All the while he clenched his $1.26 which he stole from the change cup to buy his daddy a present.

At the store, Gage was awesome. Of course, he slept in his sling while Hud and I shopped. Well I shopped and Hud admired the skateboards. I love supporting local but definitely felt a little out of sorts at this particular store. I was old, chubby and had two kids so service wasn't great. Anyway, we got our gifts and headed back to the car. Hudson put on his headphones, dying to watch Dora and said "Mom, I hope Gage isn't fussy when I am watching my movie."

Yep, Gage screamed all the way home. We were gone for an hour and I came home drenched in sweat - probably mostly from anxiety. Anyway, we got a present which I hope Brent loves and we made it out together for the first time. Hats off to all of the mamas who came into the store with two babes while I was on shift!!

Harris on the way home!

The water in this tub is way warmer than the lake!

Harris practicing to go boogie boarding!

Hanging out on the dock - thinking about a catnap in the breeze!

Most days I forget how old I am - I am still so young at heart! This morning my body has reminded me you are not a teenager, in fact it is screaming at me " Act your age!" I can barely move - WAKEBOARDING! My new nemisis - what was I thinking? My body feels as though it has been thru labour and trampled on by wild beasts - I swore off any more kids after Evy's labour and now I am swearing off wakeboarding. As you can tell we spent the weekend at the lake too - Glad to hear the Parnells had a great weekend - "relaxing"......while it is never that "relaxing" with small kids it is always fun. We had the fun of spending the weekend at Lake of the Woods between both sets of Grandparents. As always each one of us was spoiled. We tubed, wakeboarded (if you can call my lame attempts - wakeboarding) swam, fished for crayfish, had watergun fights, hung out on the dock, boated, ate, ate more, and ate more (once again I start my health kick:)) and slept like rocks. Evy and Harris had a blast! They love the beach and the water and even Miss Evy spent time in the water (the real water) not just her makeshift pool.

Kirby and I celebrated our 5th Anniversary at an amazing place Southview Inn and Bistro on Saturday - it is in Kenora and would rival any of the nicest restaurants here in the city - the patio has a huge two storey stone fireplace....gorgeous timber beam decks and tons of night time heaters - not that we needed it. The food is amazing ( I had the special - bacon wrapped fillet with a blue cheese sauce/butte, sauted mushrooms, roast potatoes, fresh veggies -we had crab cakse, bread with hummus and lots of wine) Where else would I want to be in life right now? No where...5 years of marriage to a great husband and dad, 3 beautiful kids....these are the things we whould focus on and this is what I will remind myself of when he is in Houston Tues, Wed, Thursday this week and I am running around like a chicken with my head cut-off:)

On a side note to do with business - we can not figure out the retail world - thinking this would be a slower Saturday we scaled back from 2 staff to 1...we were wrong - at one point Crystal had 11 people shopping in the store. We are very sorry if you did not recieve the service you expcet from us although I am sure despite the very busy day Crystal was still a star - she is such a great employee. Thanks Crys.

Other that that - I am trying to re-stock the fride, catch up on laundry, book keeping and have fun with the kids who are excpecting another funfilled day after the weekend. Here are a few pics - none of me wakebaording as Harris told me I was very bad at it and the pics are terrible.


Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Tu Ti Ta

Will someone please out a tent on this circus - The Parnells have come to town! Holy what a weekend. Again, it was nothing shy of a circus. Today we managed to take three vehicles and a boat to the beach. We packed 6 bags, 3 diaper bags and two coolers and yet somehow we managed to almost fold up a stroller with the baby in it, almost lose a set of truck keys, almost walk through a beach wedding ceremony and almost kill one another. It is all fun and games in the sun until one Parnell loses their mind and begins barking at the idiot who suggested such a feat. Do we have a HUGE deck at the cottage? Yes. Do we have a boat at the cottage? Yes. Do we have a shallow pool for swimming? Yes. Do we have a cooler full of beers? Yes. Do we have diapers and wipes and bassinets at the cottage? Yes. The question then of course is what the hell were we thinking?

The funniest thing about these wild weekends is that somehow we mange to forget the insanity by next Friday because we pack the babes up and do it all over again.

In amongst all of the commotion, my big boy had a Grand Beach first - he went tubing with Daddy. I watched from the shore, with Gage in the sling. I was sad. I was sad that I wasn't on the boat. I was sad that I didn't take pictures. And, I was sad that he wanted to do something so grown up. Of course my husband didn't understand. Why would he, he's a man. I know he had a great time and that I should be happy for his sense of adventure - I am just sad that I wasn't more part of the action.

I am going to try and unpack and head off to bed if only I can get the image of my brother-in-law, ahem Blaine, with his thumbs up and bum out singing A Tu Ti Ta out of my head!


Thursday, July 26, 2007

You know life is quite easy with one child! In fact, one day with just Gage and I have been able to reflect. Yeah imagine that - the old brain still works! I was thinking about a conversation Reg and I had last Tuesday. She's going back to school, her babes are 8 and 10, taking the Accelerated nursing program at RRC - KUDOS Reg. Anyway, she said she is so excited unless she thinks about it too much and then she's scared shitless - sorry for swearing in two blogs but it was necessary!

Anyway, I thought that was a great line. There are so many times in our lives when we are thrilled about an new venture but if we think about it long enough we realize the risks and challenges. With great risk comes great reward and vice versa. I think this is so true about parenting. Sure if we think about all that lies ahead for us, it's scary. But it is so exciting to think that as parents we have so much influence over another persons life. So today, I am writing to remind you that there are going to be times that are terrifying but know that the reward is intangible. You are shaping the future. Enjoy the weekend.
In case anyone out there has missed me, I have been on the front lines - Brent is away on business so I am manning the fort. I hate to admit it but I have been busier than I am when he is home...

I know have mentioned this before but my friends and family are just too good to me - starting with the Gompfs. Yes our playdate was a total shit show! I am not kidding both my boys pooped their pants - Gage up to his armpits! This was not a poop bikini but a full on one piece! In between poops and shrieks and the occasional time out - Kath made us all lunch! It was fun.

We came home and our dear friend Reg brought us dinner. Sandy (Reg's partner) made us the most amazing pasta I have ever had. I ate like a pig, sour dough bread, wine and pasta with bacon in a cream sauce. Call me dense but I really don't know why I still look 4 months pregnant!

Anyway, yesterday was the birthday party which was so much fun. Something strange is happening to the Johnsons, we didn't fight once last night and Brent missed it!

In between all of our social outings, me and the boys have been bonding. We're like three peas in a pod. Hudson has been so well behaved for me - dad must have offered him something big! In fact he left for the beach this morning and my heart ached to see him go! Brent's home tomorrow, I miss him and look forward to our normal life where we are home lots, sleep deprived and bicker about taking the last cup of coffee!


PS - I hope my husband doesn't read this or else I won't get any sympathy at all!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I know I am giving off the impression that I have free time as this is my 3rd post - not so much the case but I just wanted to comment on the Primetime: Family Secrets show that I just bawled my eyes through. About teenage adoption - I think that adoption is one of the most selfless acts you can do especially as a young person. I really felt for these girls and hink that the gift they gave those wanting families is truly an amazing gift beyond words.

One more thing - I did want to mention that I would nto change my friends coming over for a minute - dispite the total and utter chaos I love to see all of you and your kids.

GONG SHOW - this is the only description to honestly describe my morning and somedays it is the 2 words I think define my life. It started way too early - 6 am - Harris is up and is starting to get loud because we are refusing to put on cartoons but rather get him to sleep more. Not so lucky and in the meantime he wakes his sister an early riser also. Well, then becomes the battle of which adult with drag and heave themselves to the living room to supervise the circus brewing. Well, Kirby took the first shift and I the second while he went back to bed.

We knew the temperature was going to be a scorcher and that the Parnell family was coming over to play and for lunch. We hit the park early in the wagon and at 9 am - I was already sweaty and stinky. Perfect, we will spend the day relaxing in the pool.

Whatever!!!!!!!!!!! Who can have a baby outside in this weather, shade or no shade....and well, my wild toddler is just plain wild....I am starting to think what I once describe to many as being to smart is now just a big bad case of ADHD:)

We had 2 different sprinklers going, there is a huge playhouse, a full on camping tent that he and Marley (our nanny) set up yesterday, and a bball hoop but no this is just not enough. We also need to be inside, upstairs, downstairs, in mommy's bed, and launching ourselves off the couch.

This is before the Parnell's arrive. I think they are great but Brandi will post her own candid version of her family. My neighbour pops in with her youngest for lunch and a drink (crystal light but really all I can think of is beer, beer, beer:)) Megan has found her voice - while Brandi and I actually found it hilarious Marnie was close to pulling out her hair from Meg's new found shriek - so do you picture it now, 2 toddlers, toys EVERYWHERE, wet bathing suits, poopy baby, shrieker Megan (seriously funny), 3 very frazzled moms trying to actually have 1 (JUST ONE) meaningful conversion that does not end in " no, stop fighting, put your hat, no more spinkler, please pee in the toliet), and well, Miss Evy slept thru the whole thing:) My quiet baby girl is going to be overshadowed by her very strong, over bearing demanding, bossy almost 3 year mind of his own brother. How guilty do I feel about that.

Well, where am I now...Harris is sleeping hurrah! Thank you God.....Evy and I just got out of the pool which is as warm as a bath tub - I am hoping she will go for nap #2 soon and I will be on the deck , drinking a beer, reading a magazine trying to stay sane. Kirby - I apologize in advance but you may come home to night to find a red, drunk lobster on the deck that vauguely resembles your wife.

One more thing - the damn health kick is over - I was so frazzled this mroning I managed to inhale 3 m&m cookies that Brandi brought over for the kids and now I am considering a new diet - the liquid one - only beer.

Over and Out.

K (no time to spell check and I know it is disastourous but hey you got a good laugh)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Well I on the other hand was home all day today with 2 babes in 37 degree heat. I mean really - who can do anything with a 7 week old in this weather? I of course began my morning with a running list of tasks, playing football was on there so I am incorporating our fun into my To Dos! After a round of long bombs, I went into the kitchen to do the breakfast dishes. Hud was with me at the fridge playing with leap Frog's fridge magnets. Now to properly set the stage, we were in the penguin pool before the football match, so naturally Hud was naked - took off swimmer upon reentering the house! Anyway, I am at the sink, Hud at the fridge yeah, yeah - when all of a sudden, Hudson says "Mama - I am a good boy, I pooped." I turned to see that yes he had pooped. The poop was right there on the floor and to be sure that he had, he checked - with his hand which was cover in poop. As though Gage knew the disaster, he burst into tears. Oh, Oh, how can I possible multitask this one. Well - first things first. I turned off the water and got the wipes - THANK GOD for wipes! "Now, touch your toes monkey!", a good angle to wipe the poop! "Stand still!" Scoop the poop, grab the babe and we're off to the races!

This week is our big week - Dad is away on business tomorrow until Friday. I am very lucky though as all of my good friends as well as our two moms have volunteered to help - even for an hour. I have playdates set up and a birthday party here on Wednesday for our star employee. Yep, my baby sis is turning 28!!! I am excited to celebrate with the baby of us three girls - as well I know my family will help me unwind and amuse my babies.

As Kath echoed - I got to see her twice last week! Man is she doing a great job at the store. It was so much fun being there last week. I love seeing all of the new preggos too. I still got it - I rang in a sale and remembered how! It's so funny because I had coffee last week with my friend Michelle and we were reminiscing about the minds we once had - that was before pregnancy anyway!

I must run as I am dying to spend a little quality time with my main squeeze before he jets off. Sleep tight!

Monday Morning - ba baaaa - ba bap ba - Monday Morning so good to me:) Happy Monday! I am working - drinking my coffee and getting organized, filling you all in on my weekend:) How can you tell this is actually like relaxing! Wow - the weekends are busy! This weekend - a relaxing weekend at the Gompf house consisted of hanging out and taking care of 3 babies....oh you are thinking - don't you have 2 - well, Kirby has a cold so that makes 3!!!!

All 3 of my babies were sleeping by 8 pm on Friday night - so what does a mom do with her time? Well, I tidied up (yes, loser) and did some yard work - must of looked good because my next door neighbour - grass man on a mission gave me the total thumbs up on Saturday morning. I watched an episode of The Riches (my new favorite show) and went to bed - rather uneventfull but isn't that what a lazy weekend should be.

Saturday morning we let Dad sleep in - when Evy napped Harris and headed off to Canadian Tire and Home Depot to gather up a few more things for the yard. Harris was so good - he actually told me at one point "Mom, I am being a good boy because I turned on my listening ears before we left!" - It is amazing what one on one with a child can do - he is so easily bored that when I am multi tasking he starts to get crazy very fast and then we just butt heads.

I have figured Harris out - he does not like toys - he only wants to be active - unless I maybe bribe him to fix an appliance around the house with his tools - he is far more happy to be jumping off the couch, playing sprts, building forts, running mega blocks, no jungle toys, no cars - nothing. This is why we are so tired:)

That was a bit off track but nonetheless Saturday continued to be a great day - Evy relaxed with her Dad and Harris and I went off in the Chariot to see my friend Cath's new house. The wind was not in favour in either direction and I was damn near dead by the time we got home ( a wrong turn in Charleswood didn't help matters). Harris at one point asked me why we weren't moving and I almost died as i was peddling as hard as I could into the wind. He proceeded to help me along by singing "Hurry, Hurry Drive the the beat of Hurry, Hurry Drive the Firetruck. Thankfully, we stopped for a quick spray park on the way back to cool off.

Saturday night was a bore....Kirby still feeling the wrath of his cold had no interest in getting off the couch and well, I was starved for adult companionship. What does a girl do? Can her childless friends that might be going out? I could have but then I really just wanted to go for 1 beer and come home by 10 pm...they would just be getting going at 10 pm...I tried my neighbour but obviously she has a life as she was I decided on getting a "treat" from Safeway and curling up on the couch with my sick hubbie....I head off to Safeway in my sweats and being very indecisive selected a buffet of chocolatey treats - so much so that the lady behind me in line commented on someone having a sweet tooth. I, of course, blamed my husband.

I went home and ate way too much thus going to sleep angry at myself.

Sunday - we went to our friends cabin for the day - a very fun day - Kirby was a good sport for coming but we had to leave early to get home for naptime - nope, not the kids him!

I am officially back on my health kick - do you think I will ever be successful? The week is going to be so hot and we will relax until heading out to Lake of the Woods next weekend to hang out with both sets of Grandparents - ahhh heaven.

Now that I have bored you all to tears I will return to work. If anyone reading this has any pregnant friends send them a quick email and let them know that we are having our huge summer blowout because we need more room for Fall.......

Other than that my life is rather boring and uneventful in the busy with young children way:)


Ps. Just one thought provoking comment - mom's out there do what works for you and your kids - a customer gave me some grief about leaving Evy at home to be at work - here is my thoughts....1. This is how it works for small business - the world does not stop or pay you when you ahve a baby.
2. What makes you happy - makes your kids happy!

Over and out.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Happy Friday! I have had a great few days - 2 lunch dates with Brandi and Gage - a real treat - lots of spray park action, exercise, great company, and great friends. To all of my friends reading - I love you all! I know admist playdates a real conversation is rare but I am so glad we are friends. I love the weekend! Things are hopping back at the store and we are loving it - tons of new arrivals coming in, great sales on summer stuff we need to get rid of to make room for Fall. Welcome to all of the new faces we have seen this week! It is so fun to see a new mom come in a try on a full waredrobe for the first time - the way their face laughs when seeing them selves with the fake belly - so cute....makes me almost want to be pregnant again (just kidding:)) For sure that is the end of sex life if my husband reads this ;)

Evy is still the easiest baby on the planet I think and Harris is a wild, wild almost 3 year boy!!!! He is not into any toys AT ALL just sports - he goes non-stop, talks non-stop (yes, he inherited this from me), roars like a dinosaur, tells me I have "plumber butt" when I bend over from 7 am -7 pm.....then a small meltdown...a shower (his new fave thing - maybe because he has his "almost" own cool tiled shower with bench - don't ask me how the 3 year old got the swankiest bathroom in the house) and then bed!!! An early bedtime is a must or I would I write this I am tired and going to bed - my husband is sound asleep on the couch and it is 8:30 on a Friday night.....make fun of me now all of you no-kids couples this will be youone day too.

Anyhow, have a great weekend - wear lots of sunscreen it is going to be a Manitoba scorcher - hurrah Manitoba (point for Winnipeg - Jac and Darren)


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Oh ya - one more thing - juat wanted to ditto Brandi's sentiments on Crystal - she is the best employee ever! Love ya Crys!!!!
Retail Therapy - It can do wonders!!! I spent the last few days in Grand Forks with the kids and our dear friends the Macleans (Marnie, Colin, Owen and Megan) going nuts at the new Canada Inns waterpark and shop, shop, shopping! It was the best! Harris would definatley agree as he spent the first hour of the ride home bawling his eyes out for the waterpark where he had decided to live. We had so much fun! Parents - of you are looking for a cheap, fun vacation that is close to Winnipeg - this is it! The waterpark is so great and is set up for everyone from 1 year to 90 years old!

Harris loved every minute of it and Kirby and I relived our youth through him...although I must say that he is far more adventurous at 2 than I ever the end of the first day he was going down the big slides (tunnels and all) backwards and on his tummy, laughing the whole way with us waiting at the end. A little too fearless for his momma.

Evy, well she preferred shopping to swimming but she did put on her bikini just to flaunt her new cereal budha belly! She did love the water park just not how Harris did - she decided the water was way too cold for her liking (not that bad - princess:)) but loved the fact that it was a giant personal noise machine and spent every excurision to the park sawing logs in her stroller. In fact, it was so hypnotic for her she barely had her eyes open the entire water park expereince and we must have done a total of 15 hours over the 2.5 days......

Me, well....I ate too much and wore a bathing suit all weekend so now I am FOR SURE THIS TIME on a good health kick. I did start the day off by riding my bike to work - if only I can keep us. Kirby, well....I bought him some new work clothes at Macy's so he was happy to foot the bill for my spree:) Thanks babe.

I am back to the store today - our big sale is going great and we are making some room for Fall arrivals. Brandi - had to laugh at Hudson - if only we could harness these negotioation tactics for the debate team.....

Anyhow, off to work


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

So I was at home with both kids today. We were busy - which any successful moms knows is the secret to a good day! We filled the pool, played at the park, picked up lunch, visited Grampa - who took Hudson for a ride on his scooter! and managed to do a few things around the house. Anyway, after naps while Gage was sleeping, Hud and I went out to lounge in the pool. I slathered on the sunscreen, put on a hat and filled up his cup.

As we were relaxing in the sun, I said to Hudson, "Please be sure to drink lots of your juice to stay hydrated." He looks at me and says, "Mama - don't be so bossy. It's rude. If you don't listen with your ears you will have to have a time out! No chances."

So, that makes me wonder, should I have had a few drinks while I was pregnant? Ha, the little stinker is just too smart. He uses all of his knowledge to negotiate and try to discipline his parents. I feel badly for Gage - imagine how he'll be bossed around???

Speaking of Gage, if anyone knows how to get a 6 week old to sleep better in the day, I am all ears!

Monday, July 16, 2007

This blog has to be dedicated to our star, preggo fabulous employee Crys which many of you know and love. I spent the weekend watching my little man, Hudson go for boat rides, fish with the Parnell men and just play all day. Yes, it was another crazy weekend at the lake where I had bacon for breakfast, monster cookies for a snack and hot dogs for lunch - any wonder why I am battling the bulge???
I remembered though to change quickly after swimming to avoid a recurring episode of Thrush - touch wood I think we have it beat. Heck, I even had a couple of pina coladas all the while various outlaws made cracks about what would make it into the blog. It was a weekend of lazy days. I even shaved my legs in the shower without stressing for a minute that Gage was crying for me to get out. It was a great weekend and while I sat on my rump, my baby sis ran the store - which she has done for many Saturdays now. So, I want to say THANKS Crys - you are doing a great job.

Good nite!

Friday, July 13, 2007

So last night we had friends over to meet Gage, Jenn: Doug & Brayden and Uncle Shawn. It was a total gong show. Gage cried from 5 - 10:00, now officially a fussy babe. I bounced with him on the giant exercise ball - works great at calming babes, thanks Kath - and walked laps with him in the Wom Baby. I actually think if I am bouncing him with the sling on, he's a perfect angel! As I said, it was a gong show and we're the parents, I think it was birth control for Shawn. At one point, he asked if he could help me. I said sure, passed him Gage and went outside with Brent to see Jenn & Doug off. When I returned, maybe 5 minutes later, Shawn was calling for me. Gage was wailing, the TV was on a station off the air and the Baby Einstein drum was in the background singing, Play the drum everyone play the drum! Man did we laugh and refill our drinks!

With all of the inspiration that has been circulating, I want to give a big shout out to all of the health care providers that have been with Gage and I over the past few months. We have some some of the best care and I think that's inspiration when so many people are upset with our health care system. There are still many people out there who care - one of the best, Dr. Black - my last minute OB/GYN. I saw her this morning. She said that I am healed - well physically that is. I doubt mentally I will ever be the same. I asked her about my hot dog bun - that's what I think my belly looks like after a c section - a half bun flap on either side of my incision. She said time heals all, except maybe the boobies - war wounds. Yikes, so much for a sex life.

Anyway, I am off to the lake. Have a great weekend everyone and pay it forward - support local and hug the ones you love.


By the way, I am trying block feeding and so I have one boob the size of a watermelon and one the size of a pea. I am sure that will be so sexy at the beach this weekend. Over and out.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

This is just what the doctor ordered to kick me out of my exhausted, depressed,over scheduled, self-doubting past few days. Hurrah mommas...hurrah Women! I am back - all of you readers, friends, amazing women out there - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for all of your comments and emails. We need to do this for each other more often...confess, we aren' t perfect women, wives, moms, or friends - we are human. We have insecurities, we want to please, we stress, we struggle, we get down, we have challenges, and at times we are just getting by BUT if we are honest with each other we realize we are in this together - we can help each other out. We need each other, we best understand the pressures on today's mom and today's women!

I spent the night checking out some really great blogs and there is a ton of inspiration out there. There is a ton of great talent too! Here is one of my new fave's - this is one really cool Winnipeger and soon to be mom!

Now, if only I could fix my abs:) Off, to do a few sit-ups - What can I say it 's the new me and I am going to try and capitalize on this energy and get some new abs to go with my new attitude.....


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ahhh... I too have a few minutes to myself :) The grandparents are in from the lake and I am getting a nice day off to run errands etc. Funny, how running errands without any kids makes it seem like a "treat" for the mom. I have to suggest that everyone read the book "Even June Cleaver would forget the Juice Box" - it is a book all about some of Brandi's earlier comments. It talks about the pressures of moms in this day and age, the stress we have (sometimes self inflicted), keeping up with the Jones, the early start to education etc.....and is very, very , very true! We have it at the store and I recommend it as a definite read!

Speaking of pressures and stresses... As I feel that I am very honest on this blog- I need to discuss the store. I have been thinking a lot about Army Surplus closing and it makes me sad to think that it is so hard for independent retailers to make a go of it. We love the store, it is for sure our "third" baby with Brandi and I being the parents BUT the store is the very challenging! We are both having a hard time struggling with the balance between our "labour of love" and our small children - both are full time jobs on top of being great wives to super hard working husbands:) Truth be told is we need more support from you , our customers, anonymous readers, friends and customers more now than ever. We receive so many great emails and so many of you come in to visit and ask advice and we really appreciate your support and encouragement. We have met many women entrepreneurs who share our struggles of owning a business. Now, we we are asking a favour of you.

If you love our store and want us to see us around for many generations of moms and families to come - we need you to put us at your fore thoughts when shopping. We know it is easy to grab a gift at Walmart or the mall but please consider us too.

We have so much to offer......maternity clothes for every price range, the coolest blankets, tried and tested baby gifts, gifts for first birthdays, gifts for moms, clothes for kids up to 24 unique, some affordable, some luxury, hand picked items that are close to our hearts and tested by our kids. We stand by all of our products and match competitor prices. Please come with your kids - it makes us miss ours a little less. We have great parking in the back. We would love to see you.

We really love the store but at times it can seem as though we bit off more than we can chew -we like all moms need a little reassurance.

Other than - we are babysitting the Maclean kids tonight - always a ton of fun and so I should go finish my to do list.

I am so afraid to write this BUT both of my kids are sleeping at the same time! Yippee! I just cleaned the windows and changed the laundry - I fell like a million bucks!

Last night I snuck out for 45 minutes after the kids were asleep to go to see a friend off who I met in a Book Club. I used to read a fair bit but now I have children! Anyway, I wanted to see the group and wish Linene well. It turned out I got more than I bargained for - it was good for the soul. The group of women is very different and therefore bring different perspectives and life experiences to the group. It's great.

Anyway, two things I took away from the evening I want to share...

1. I asked one of the Grandma's in our group - What do you see as the biggest difference between your generation of moms and mine? She smiled, she has a grown daughter and a grandchild. She said that we worry too much about the small things.

"Like what?" I probed.

"Well, like brushing teeth and eating donuts." This reminded me of the poem When I am an Old Woman, please read it if you have not - it's brilliant. Anyway, she said that she thinks our generation is so worried about whether or not our kids have all the food groups at all the meals, whether or not they brush twice a day for two minutes etc. She said that she regrets not spending less time worrying about little things and enjoying herself more. I think I should heed this advice.

2. And this one from another mom - of 4!!! Our first borns will never remember life before siblings. Therefore, new mamas, don't stress about how your first born is handling the new baby so much. Yes, be considerate of their feelings, but really they will never remember - providing the age gap isn't too large - that they were once the centre of the universe! I thought this was another great nugget as I often fret over how my little Hud is doing.

And now, I must maximize this time. What shall I do: sleep, clean, read - oh the possibilities are endless. I think I will have whatever color Popsicle I want, on the couch and not share one bite! I am going to smell the roses.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Happy Monday. I shouldn't have read Kath's blog because I just sat down and made my ToDo List of all of the household chores I should do today. Now I feel like I should just throw caution to the wind and skip out on all motherly duties for the day! Yeah right! This is especially timely because we just got home from the lake - imagine one cabin full of Parrnells - it was so much fun and totally chaotic at the same time. We ate way too much, I had more monster cookies than I am willing to admit, drank and pumped a little, swam, sunned and boated! The kids and adults alike love boating.

Sounds fabulous right? Well it is except I sometimes feel like a bug under a microscope. When you have that many people watching you - you always have to be on your best behaviour. Anyone know what I mean?

Many moons ago, that would have meant that I drank way too many margaritas, snorted when I laughed and fell out of my chair trying to get to the toilet so that I didn't pee my pants laughing! Just kidding mom, that was never my style. Now a days it isn't that kind of behaviour I am referring to, it is my anal tendencies which I am trying to work on. I like things orderly and organised and I like to get ready at my own pace. Well with a cabin full of people who are all pretty relaxed I stick out like a sore a thumb. I'll bet they giggle about my idiosyncrasies when I leave!

Switching gears , thank you to all the moms who emailed and posted Thrush advice. I wish that someone would have mentioned swimming. I - and yes I know this sound stupid - sat and swam all weekend and now am paying for it with the raging thrush!!!! Duh!

I will end today's blog with this...

Saturday at Grand Beach a huge commotion was sited. Large crowds of people simultaneously parted and made way for what appeared to be a white, jelly belly on legs. Children shrieked. As it moved closer it seemed to have blender boobies, a pony tail and a sagging butt. What was this thing? Suddenly a women blurted out: "Don't fear, it's just a mom who has donated her body to her family!".


Sunday, July 8, 2007

It is very hard hanging out at the beach allday!
Amber and Harris at Stonewall Quarry

Ahhhhh....Sunday afternoon - air conditioning and a few minutes to myself. It has been busy and hot! Harris, Evy and I spent the entire Friday swimming - so much fun. The morning was catching up with an old friend and her kids in visiting from Barrie at her parents pool and the afternoon and evening was swimming at the Stonewall quarry with friends Amber and Adam. Kirby was at an all day all night golf tournament so I decided we would do nothing but hang out and have fun! I must say while I got not one thing done at all other than fun - it was great!!! Harris behaved better than ever and well, Evy is just too young to be anything but great! I know this too could be a parenting tactic but if we did nothing but fun we would be called DAD (just kidding) and get nothing else done so we will try and alternate these days. I feel as though Harris is getting bigger on a daily basis - he swam in the pool by himself ( I was close by of course) with water wings and even went down the big slide. He has also mastered a two wheeler (or wheelie as he calls it) with training wheels - thanks Char so much for lending it to us.

Yesterday, we went to the zoo as a family and well today, since all the Dads are at our streets golf tournament - most of us moms are outside with the kids hanging out and playing toys....the sharing has been relatively ok even thought there are at least 10 boys. We will all have abbq tonight and then back to life as normal...

What else? I am still trying to eat healthier, exercise more and find a bit of time for moi aside from all of this - it isn't that easy hey mommas? Chat soon. K (This was a boring entry - just an update - unlike my husband thinks I do not thrive on drama:))

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Okay, I know I shouldn't laugh but the last posting Brandi made me bust a gut! You must be also looking thru the Gompf family windows in between feedings because that with a few adjustments is my life too and that of many others.
I know that as a parent it is my job to tame my wild toddler but I am just not sure if I am going to make it - thankfully we are not a high school romance because Harris and I would definately be "taking a break"!
He is a great kid with such a fun and silly spirit but I can't seem to see past the other stuff right now as all I feel I am doing is trying to teach him manners, show him that drawing lines and circles with pee on the floor is not cool, correcting him when he tells me "To stop bugging him off" (which clearl y he has combined from my stop bugging me and bug off....aghhhhhhhhhhhhh - I was frustrated ok) and trying to beg him to nap so as to avoid an all out meltdown at 7 pm due to lack of sleep.
He will be 3 next month and yet he tells people he is going to be 20!!!! I think he might be 20 in the head - as he is full of manipulation and stamina way beyond what his mother has.

Is this what we do tame the beast? It is by far the hardest job requiring the most will power and stamina ever! Dieting should be a breeze after this:) Evy is still a great girl and I wonder why I ever bitched about 1 baby (sorry moms out there I know in the moment it too is VERY tiring) although I know with her our teenage years will be way too nuts for this blog and this is the blog of honesty.

Anyhow, I am at my sanctuary - WORK:) Good to go - I will make it I may just look a little older and have a few more, grays and winkles....and I may just be tipsy form the permanent bottle of wine in the fridge but don't judge me:)

Over and out.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

2/3rds crazy and 1/4 nuts!

Okay, I am officially losing it! Yesterday I was laying in a tanning bed relaxing when all of a sudden my milk let down and I started leaking. Holy s**t! Milk staring running down my armpits, down my back and pooling under my bum! Now shouldn't your underwear be safe from breast milk??? And this morning I feel that the theme song for the circus should be playing in every room of my messy, disorganised house. You know the one... Do do doodido!

My sister-in-law Lis said something very meaningful to me. She said, "I always thought mat leave was to figure out how to be a mom, catch up with friends, join moms groups, go for coffee! Well it's not, I have to take care of my babe every minute of the day! I can barely do housework." Well that's how I feel, especially today with two munchkins. I walked the dog, filled the pool, played trucks, nursed, had a sip of coffee, played Shrek, nursed, changed a bum, nursed, played hockey, got snacks, nursed, changed another bum, played catch, nursed, put my toddler to bed, peed, had another sip of coffee, ate on the run and of course nursed. Now throw thrush into the mix and I am verging on crazy. Somewhere in there I also spoke with a lactation consultant, the pediatrician and the pharmacy. I now have 15 free minutes and I am blogging and nursing and it's only 2:00. When does my husband get home???

By the way, if anyone out there has thrush advice - bring it on. I feel like it is slowly getting the better of me. Oh man, my baby was just about to fall asleep nursing but he pooped himself awake. I should run before I join the circus!


Monday, July 2, 2007

I will get on the plane. I will get on the plane.....I am going to repeat this until I am actually on the plane and there is no chance to get off. It is going to be very difficult to leave my sister and Lily. We had a great weekend. Ev and I got lots of bonding in, for us and with family......We even managed to give Jac and Darren a rest and take Lilly out for a few hours. It is those slings again....I put Evy in the stroller and Lilly in the cuddle wrap (yes, I did stock Jac up with all the different ones as there is a sling for everybody out there) I have attached a few photos - one I love is Evy trying out Lilly's cowboy boots which arrived just in time for Stampede.
While I am definately goingto have a hard time going - I am sooooooooooooooo excited to see H and Kirb - I miss them crazy...of course, I have learned the hard way so I arriving with gifts for my almost 3 year old.....he will be happy. And I did drive 45 minutes to Longview to stock my hubbie up on the World's best jerky!!!!!

More to come once I am settled back at home. Evy is teething like crazy - must discuss that too.


7th Inning Stretch

Let me set the stage...

The Goldeyes game was so much fun. The unfortunate part is that we got there in the 3rd inning and were rained out by the 5th! After Hudson's nap, we began packing, collecting and getting the family ready - which took us to the 3rd inning - game started at 4:00 for our first big event as a family of 4. Dad dropped us off at the door because we had so much gear they probably thought we were moving in. We had spent almost $50 within 20 minutes on food and souvenirs - mini donuts were a staple of course! Hudson had his own seat, Gage was in the Wom baby. We cheered and laughed and ate. Hud even giggled the whole way to the car as we were dumped on by mother nature. It really was an hour of pure bliss. The comedic part happened when we began our descent home.
Hudson in the back in his Goldeyes hat and #1 fan mitt asked us 375 times "Where is Goldie?" We answered him about 200 times, he's at the ball park - speaking loudly over Take Me Out to the Ball Game which was playing by request on the stereo over and over again. By the time we reached Polo Park, we decided we need a coffee. So, we headed to Tim's.

In the line up, Hudson was still pestering us about Goldie as Gage woke up. Each car that edged up made me more and more tense. When we got to the window the girl was soaked and stressed out and took 3 hours to get us our order - at least it seemed that long. Dad booked it, thinking the motion would settle Gage. No luck, we had to stop. Imagine a steamy car parked in the Michael's parking lot. Upon first glance one might imagine teenagers making out. Not us, I had my boobie out, Hudson was belting out his new song, eating chocolate cookies and occasionally remembering to ask us about Goldie and Dad was losing his mind. Rain pelting the vehicle. Brent and I laughed at how funny this situation had become!

Life with babes, it is the most fun! Regrettably we didn't get to the 7th inning stretch!

Oh and I woke up in sweat, I had had a night mare that Kath wasn't returning to Winnipeg. I hope you had a great trip - now get home!


PS - First picture is of Goldie's #1 Fan - second is Gage sporting a new Parade outfit & Small Potatoes binky leash from the store- completely organic!