Okay, I am giving in. Lisa told me to do it and Kath inspired me to get some pics up on my blog, so here there are. Don't we look relaxed??? Well that was before my Monday morning shopping trip. Tomorrow is Brent's birthday and I haven't had a chance to go shopping for him. So, this morning was our first shopping outing alone with 2 kids. We managed but not well. After we had packed up the three of us, we embarked on what would be a rather stressful time for me and Gage but a great time for Hudson. As I am sure I have mentioned, Gage screamed the entire way there. I don't know why but he HATES car rides. Kath gave me a tip about the comfort of his car seat. I am going to try it.
Anyway, we pulled up promptly in front of the store at 10:30 - thinking they'd be open - nope. But I only discover that they were closed once I had unpacked the kids (Gage in Wom Baby) and got around to the front of the store. So, I had to pack us back up again and putting Gage into the bucket sent him into an utter tailspin. I quickly made a plan. I cannot go home and head back out again in 30 minutes, I'll go for gas and a carwash and maybe a coffee if Gage will allow it. Well it seemed that he calmed down by the time we got to the car wash but intuitively went crazy once trapped in the carwash. Calmed down by the time I pulled up to the pump and yes went crazy as soon as the kangaroo hooked us up. Kangaroo = grouchy Domo employee. Calmed down by the time we hit Tim's and went crazy as soon as we were trapped in the drive thru. Let me remind you that only 15 minutes have passed.
I headed back to the store and unpacked the babes once again. This time though Hud saw a fire truck at the fire station across the street so we headed over there for a peak. His eyes wide, he smiled and waved at the brave fireman. Next store, a Corvette: "My daddy loves this car." All the while he clenched his $1.26 which he stole from the change cup to buy his daddy a present.
At the store, Gage was awesome. Of course, he slept in his sling while Hud and I shopped. Well I shopped and Hud admired the skateboards. I love supporting local but definitely felt a little out of sorts at this particular store. I was old, chubby and had two kids so service wasn't great. Anyway, we got our gifts and headed back to the car. Hudson put on his headphones, dying to watch Dora and said "Mom, I hope Gage isn't fussy when I am watching my movie."
Yep, Gage screamed all the way home. We were gone for an hour and I came home drenched in sweat - probably mostly from anxiety. Anyway, we got a present which I hope Brent loves and we made it out together for the first time. Hats off to all of the mamas who came into the store with two babes while I was on shift!!