Parents of 2 years old need to stick together! The occasional glass of wine may help. I am so happy you shared with us because I was there all weekend too! It started with the block party - a great day minus the one episode where I had to discipline Harris in front of ALL the parents on my street for not sharing. That is so stressful - you know everyone is watching you to see how you handle the situation....it wasn't good and resulted in me fireman carrying him home for a time-out in privacy (Brandi - think the vaccuum cleaner fight H and Hud had:))
Of course, the day was long and there was way too much sugar so once we finally got the kids to bed we went out to enjoy a drink and firepit with the neighbors on the driveway. Is is so much to ask that we too have a life? Well, we didn't go to bed early and Evy didn't sleep thru the night, and harris woke up way too early and CRABBY! I of course, wanted to also make Father's Day great so we made French Toast with our eyes half shut and No coffee ( I ran out the day before and i can not keep up with the errands). The weather wasn't so hot so we decided to skip the Ex or bike ride to the Forks and do whatever Kirby wanted. He decided a Daly burger (to satify the crave) and a stroll down Corydon with Evy in the sling and Harris could ride his bike. Ya right. We did make it into the car but stopped to get coffee - Huge mistake....Harris wanted a donut from Tim Horton's - we are on our way to lunch. However, I too bribe my child with treats (I know it is terrible) so I got him a chocolate Timbit just to avoid a meltdown from a very grumpy boy......He no longer likes timbits only donuts and this is where he lots his marbles.....and so did we. The dumb thing is we still tried to go to the Daly burger but when we got up to ordered andhe wasn't getting a donut he collapsed face first on the filthy floor and lost his mind. Kirby packed him up, I got it to go and we ate it in the car driving home.............................
I can relate. I need advice - is the 3's really worse than the terrible 2's like so many people have told me? Is is now jealousy to Ev? Should I take all sugar out of his diet? Is he really not needing the nap in the afternoon. Help.
Brandi - come visit me.....I miss you:)
Here are a few block party pics.... H and E were soo cute in their Big Bro and Big Sis camo's (new at the store)
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