Happy Canada Day Weekend. I hope wherever you spend the long weekend you are with loved ones. What an amazing country we live in - especially to raise babes!
So, here 's the update on a life with two boys... Well firstly, my boobies are getting batter, thanks to Maria the LC. She was awesome. I went to see her on Friday - my second visit - and she gave me some great tips about feeding. In a million years, who would have thought that breastfeeding could be such a learned art??? We definitely have thrush and therefore purple nipples as well my babe is starting to fuss. But all in all we are hanging in there.
I agree with Kath about the WOM Baby sling - I couldn't survive without one. I take is to Costco, walking, and even use it around the house! Speaking of which have I mentioned I feel like Cinderella.
It's so funny as I type I have a squirmy toddler on my lap who is insisting it's his turn to send emails!
Well I must run as we are off - all four to the Goldeyes Game. I will write if we all survive.
Congrats to Cristina - our employee who had a healthy baby girl!
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
We made it - Hello Lillian
Just a quick note to say we have arrived - oh Lilly is even cuter than I remember...just a peanut compared to Evy now. The 4 month difference is so dramatic now but in years will be non-existant. Evy was great on the plane - she realy didn't sleep just took the time to practice her smiling on new people. Upon arrival we headed right to a baby shower and it was great to see many of mine and Jac's old friends....Guess what Lilly got THE cutest pair of pink cowgirl boots ever. I am going to post of picture of Ev trying them on later today and she may just need her own:)
I am trying to get miss E to adjust to the time change so far not so good - we woke up at 5 am Calgary time and napped from 6:30-7:45 am - I guess what is the point except for the switch back to Winnipeg would be in our favour.
Oh ya, I also put Lilly in her WOMbaby sling form the store and she drifted off to sleep while I did the dishes. It is so amazing what a little experience can do for using the sling so if any of you momma;s need sling help please come see us. They are so wonderful.
Well, off to rest up for Market Mall....hurrah.
Kath and Ev on their big adventure....
PS. H is great - he and Dad shopped Toys R us for water pistols and are heading to the lake today. First thing he told me this mronig was he already had a time out for shooting it in the house so I put him in charge of watering the plants.
PPS. Marley (our nanny) the kids had an awesome time at the zoo -Harris cannot stop talking about his lemonade:)
Here's a pic of Darren and Lillian
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I Know I say this often but Where does the time go?

How is it that you wake up one morning and your babygirl is sitting on her playing with toys and your son is sitting, watching a movie (Chicken Little) and laughing out loud at all the funny parts ( I watched, I too would find them funny....how is it he already knows humour?) I know I say it way too often but where does the time go and how is it already July long weekend. Happy Birthday Canada - I think you are THE most beautiful place to live.
I am off to Calgary today to see my sister - the good news is she went back to the lactation consultant so she knows why she is having pain nursing - the bad news is it is that pesky thrush:) Anyhow, I can not wait to see her - I am excited to hold Evy the entire flight - there are just not enough hours in the day for her and I to cuddle. Harris and his Dad are going to the lake for a boys weekend - they are picking up supersoakers, BBQ'ing til the cows come home and doing somme tubing - not too fast ok boys. It is much deserved for H - he is such a great big brother and deserves some real quality time too. I wish him and I could get out more often together too but I know it will come and things will settle down.
Well, I am off on my travels - Don't worry I will come home - I always get to Calgary see my old friends and have a what if moment......what if we had stayed - how would our life look now? No regrets - just curiousity.....
Remember we are closed this Monday for Canada Day! Have a great weekend . I will chat at you from Cowtown.
Ps. Is the Parade stuff not the most adorable clothes - Anticipation is proud to say we are now carrying more organics.......
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Our girlfriends...
Firstly, thank you to the moms who left me comments. I appreciate it. I often wonder, does anyone read my blog? But i had a couple of nice replies and I even checked out a few new blogs because of it. I love Blogging, it's like being that fly on the wall!
I titled this post Our Girlfriends because when I read Kath's entry, it made me realize how wonderful and important our girlfriends our - especially to our sanity. I feel so strongly about this after having a c section. There were so many good friends who made us meals, dropped off baking, came and did laundry or even came to visit and entertain Hudson. I cannot thank all of you enough for helping me maintain my sanity.
I salute you moms out there - Kath - who can take on so much and still make it a mission to help keep your friends from sinking. It's rather timely that I had a deep chat with my momma about parenting today. She thinks I am too hard on my little monkey. I on the other hand, feel that he needs boundaries and it's my job to help him see that. Anyway, I also feel that in speaking with my mom, our generation is so different. Our greatest accomplishment is that we strive for so much out of life. As moms we maintain our identities, please don't be offended mom - while we help our babes to develop their own. Somewhere between our careers and our families, there are great women who need girlfriends to keep them motivated.
So, I thank all you amazing friends that I have in my life for all that you have done to help me keep my sanity while our family grew by one! You are amazing everyone in different ways and i know who to call if I need a drink and who to call if I need a recipe and who to call if I need parenting advice.
Love you all!
I titled this post Our Girlfriends because when I read Kath's entry, it made me realize how wonderful and important our girlfriends our - especially to our sanity. I feel so strongly about this after having a c section. There were so many good friends who made us meals, dropped off baking, came and did laundry or even came to visit and entertain Hudson. I cannot thank all of you enough for helping me maintain my sanity.
I salute you moms out there - Kath - who can take on so much and still make it a mission to help keep your friends from sinking. It's rather timely that I had a deep chat with my momma about parenting today. She thinks I am too hard on my little monkey. I on the other hand, feel that he needs boundaries and it's my job to help him see that. Anyway, I also feel that in speaking with my mom, our generation is so different. Our greatest accomplishment is that we strive for so much out of life. As moms we maintain our identities, please don't be offended mom - while we help our babes to develop their own. Somewhere between our careers and our families, there are great women who need girlfriends to keep them motivated.
So, I thank all you amazing friends that I have in my life for all that you have done to help me keep my sanity while our family grew by one! You are amazing everyone in different ways and i know who to call if I need a drink and who to call if I need a recipe and who to call if I need parenting advice.
Love you all!

I thought I finally had it all together and the rest of the summer would be relaxing but clearly I am not fully recovered from my brother in laws wedding (more on that to come)....Guess, what I did this morning...I went to Assiniboine Park with Harris and Evy to meet friends for lunch in my SLIPPERS....yup, had them on and just left the house like that - not Crocs or sort of shoes but full on slippers....thankfully, I didi have a pair of pink loafer type shoes in the car but they really didn't go with the whole Lululemon outfit - where is my brain?
I guess, I still recovering from a great weekend at the island for Ty and becky's wedding - it was beautiful - even with the help of my parents full-time it was absolutely exhausting. Pakcing uo with 2 kids is just alot of work:) One another side note is my hubbie and I are all high school sweethearts again - funny how a good wedding will do that to you!
I can not even comment on the Soul to Soul concert I missed it sinks me into deep depression so I will NOT go there. Ev and I are off to Calgary on Thursday to visit my sister, Darren and my new neice Miss Lilly. She needs me - not in any way that she can handle but just in the way where the whole esxhaustion fo new parenting is sinking in. I am so looking forward to just hanging out and shopping out H&M for the kids......
Off for a nap - must take advantage.....get my brain back:)
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Today is the 24th, Paws in Motion Day. We usually go and I miss not participating. It sure is a hot one though, I congratulate any furry people and their owners for supporting the Human Society.
The milk truck is in full force, while I blog. My doggy and two big boys are out playing. That is one disadvantage to being the milk truck - your husband can be out playing and having fun while you're stuck inside feeding. Don't get me wrong, I know it's a big help having your husband entertain the toddler, but still I like to be in on all the family fun!
Okay speaking of fun - I SAW TIM & FAITH!!!! Yes, that's right, I got tickets the day of the concert - a girl was selling them on the radio and Brent and I - yes I said Brent and I - note: Brent being NOT a country fan!!! went to the concert. It was amazing - we had so much fun. It was our first date since Gage was born. I even had 2 beers! I loved it. So, to say the least I won't be pecking any one's eyes out! I was sorry Kath couldn't be there - she would have LOVED it!!! But I know she's having an amazing time at Ty & Becky's wedding.
Switching gears.... for anyone who has bought Kula Kilps from the store... Matt Damon's daughter, Isabella was spotted wearing a pair - cool hey? The girl who makes them is from Edmonton and was down in LA and gave him a pair.
Well, I should run. I have loads of laundry to wash, dishes in the dishwasher to unload and bottles to sterilize. I must say though that I am disappointed in my lack of feedback from all you moms out there. I never get any comments.
I will try to entice you once again. Hudson is out playing with a new organic bug spray on from Australia that is edible, 100% natural and safe for use on babes. I will let you know if it works. If anyone out there has tips on Bug spray for kids, please write in! Happy Family Day - Sunday!
Friday, June 22, 2007
Okay, I have a coffee in my hand, am air drying my blender boobies and Gage is snoozing in his vibrating chair! My blood pressure is almost near normal - let me explain... Last night we had Jana, Russ and Tristan over for dinner. Everything was going great - the kids were playing, the dads were drinking beer and me and Jana were catching up. All at once a toddler was crying. Naturally no one panicked as this is a common occurrence with toddlers. Brent went to see who the victim was and what the problem was.
Well, it was my first born babe and he had fallen off the Little Tykes slide in our basement - (onto carpet). Blood was shooting and no I am not exaggerating, shooting out the back of his head. His new fancy shirt - my mom gave him - cover in blood as was Brent's. I started to panic! Brent calmly said, Brandi get a wet towel fast. So, I moved into assistant mode and did as he said. To make a long story short. The cut was small and we were able to stop the bleeding but man I almost had a heart attack. I have since found out, thanks to Google, that kids at this age do bleed a lot with head injuries - naturally causing their mamas to have heart failure. We all recovered, many smarties later and had a great evening. Hudson is not one bit more cautious and I am a bag of jitters. Imagine when he's playing athletics!
In case you can't tell, I am finally almost myself again! Yahoo! I had an awesome day yesterday. I spent the morning with Mollie and Maggie and we ate and chatted and laughed for hours. It was so good for my soul. Then I packed up my babe and we went to the store for coffee! So much fun! I remember why we opened the store in the first place. I got to spend time with Kath & Crys and see all the new fabulous products, but also talk to real moms. I loved it! Afterwards I even picked Hudson up from daycare. Look out world, here I come!
For all of you who are going to Tim & Faith tonight - enjoy. I will be home drooling like a dog. This is the kind of jealousy that makes one want to peck eyes out! I, like many other women LOVE Tim and would love to be at the show tonight! My mother has told me numerous times that this is the last chance to see them ever. Which makes me drool even more!
I am off to a meeting with a lactation consultant. I am going to see if I can improve Gage's latch. I did get some good advice yesterday from one of our mom's (Gurumama) which is helping but still need to get these boobies back in shape!
Have a great day.
Well, it was my first born babe and he had fallen off the Little Tykes slide in our basement - (onto carpet). Blood was shooting and no I am not exaggerating, shooting out the back of his head. His new fancy shirt - my mom gave him - cover in blood as was Brent's. I started to panic! Brent calmly said, Brandi get a wet towel fast. So, I moved into assistant mode and did as he said. To make a long story short. The cut was small and we were able to stop the bleeding but man I almost had a heart attack. I have since found out, thanks to Google, that kids at this age do bleed a lot with head injuries - naturally causing their mamas to have heart failure. We all recovered, many smarties later and had a great evening. Hudson is not one bit more cautious and I am a bag of jitters. Imagine when he's playing athletics!
In case you can't tell, I am finally almost myself again! Yahoo! I had an awesome day yesterday. I spent the morning with Mollie and Maggie and we ate and chatted and laughed for hours. It was so good for my soul. Then I packed up my babe and we went to the store for coffee! So much fun! I remember why we opened the store in the first place. I got to spend time with Kath & Crys and see all the new fabulous products, but also talk to real moms. I loved it! Afterwards I even picked Hudson up from daycare. Look out world, here I come!
For all of you who are going to Tim & Faith tonight - enjoy. I will be home drooling like a dog. This is the kind of jealousy that makes one want to peck eyes out! I, like many other women LOVE Tim and would love to be at the show tonight! My mother has told me numerous times that this is the last chance to see them ever. Which makes me drool even more!
I am off to a meeting with a lactation consultant. I am going to see if I can improve Gage's latch. I did get some good advice yesterday from one of our mom's (Gurumama) which is helping but still need to get these boobies back in shape!
Have a great day.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Oh my God did I laugh out loud when I read Kath's blog. How sad is it that this is how we communicate - via blog? Kath, I do remember the days when we would sit down and discuss business ideas over a few wings and many pints of beer. Where have those days gone? I had Ellen on this afternoon, it was a repeat but none the less funny, she said a day off for a mom is called College! Man.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Parents of 2 year old need to stick together!

Parents of 2 years old need to stick together! The occasional glass of wine may help. I am so happy you shared with us because I was there all weekend too! It started with the block party - a great day minus the one episode where I had to discipline Harris in front of ALL the parents on my street for not sharing. That is so stressful - you know everyone is watching you to see how you handle the situation....it wasn't good and resulted in me fireman carrying him home for a time-out in privacy (Brandi - think the vaccuum cleaner fight H and Hud had:))
Of course, the day was long and there was way too much sugar so once we finally got the kids to bed we went out to enjoy a drink and firepit with the neighbors on the driveway. Is is so much to ask that we too have a life? Well, we didn't go to bed early and Evy didn't sleep thru the night, and harris woke up way too early and CRABBY! I of course, wanted to also make Father's Day great so we made French Toast with our eyes half shut and No coffee ( I ran out the day before and i can not keep up with the errands). The weather wasn't so hot so we decided to skip the Ex or bike ride to the Forks and do whatever Kirby wanted. He decided a Daly burger (to satify the crave) and a stroll down Corydon with Evy in the sling and Harris could ride his bike. Ya right. We did make it into the car but stopped to get coffee - Huge mistake....Harris wanted a donut from Tim Horton's - we are on our way to lunch. However, I too bribe my child with treats (I know it is terrible) so I got him a chocolate Timbit just to avoid a meltdown from a very grumpy boy......He no longer likes timbits only donuts and this is where he lots his marbles.....and so did we. The dumb thing is we still tried to go to the Daly burger but when we got up to ordered andhe wasn't getting a donut he collapsed face first on the filthy floor and lost his mind. Kirby packed him up, I got it to go and we ate it in the car driving home.............................
I can relate. I need advice - is the 3's really worse than the terrible 2's like so many people have told me? Is is now jealousy to Ev? Should I take all sugar out of his diet? Is he really not needing the nap in the afternoon. Help.
Brandi - come visit me.....I miss you:)
Here are a few block party pics.... H and E were soo cute in their Big Bro and Big Sis camo's (new at the store)
Happy Fathers Day! I hope everyone had a great weekend.
A few dear people in my life made mention of the fact that they thought my first blog was uneventful. Well, this entry should be anything but dull.
Firstly I woke up this morning with a real bad sleep hangover. For those of you who are wondering what the heck that is, it is when you wake up so tired you feel hung over! Brent says I am full of these odd expressions... Anyway, my babe went to bed for the night at 11:00 p.m. was up every two hours. Naturally I am exhausted and feeling sorry for myself because I look like I am four months pregnant (saggy belly) with bags under my eyes - extreme fatigue, sore boobs and the ever flattering pony tail hair do that I sport most days!
I am in a bit of a mood as well because I tend to pump up events like Fathers Day in my mind so much that reality often has trouble living up to these plans. My husband, Brent is an amazing dad and spouse. So, I wanted yesterday to be the best day for him. It started out good but spiraled into a two children disaster by night's end - let me refresh your memory - 11:00!! On our way to family brunch Gage bawled hysterically. On our way home, Hudson bawled hysterically. And somewhere in between Brent went from bribing our two year old with ice cream if he would come off the play structure to carrying him over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. Because Hudson is two, the whole event was catastrophic in his mind. He screamed and hit and embarrassed us beyond belief.
I am thankful that each day is a new start. Now that we are "experienced parents" no one gives us newborn advice. But now the joys are that everyone gives us psychological advice on why Hudson is crying hysterically. It is his way of adjusting to the baby. In my mind, he is just two and a little person with big plans. As for me, well I hope one day to do my hair again and hey if I am going to be a real optimist - have boobs that don't feel like they have been put in a blender.
How's that for real?
A few dear people in my life made mention of the fact that they thought my first blog was uneventful. Well, this entry should be anything but dull.
Firstly I woke up this morning with a real bad sleep hangover. For those of you who are wondering what the heck that is, it is when you wake up so tired you feel hung over! Brent says I am full of these odd expressions... Anyway, my babe went to bed for the night at 11:00 p.m. was up every two hours. Naturally I am exhausted and feeling sorry for myself because I look like I am four months pregnant (saggy belly) with bags under my eyes - extreme fatigue, sore boobs and the ever flattering pony tail hair do that I sport most days!
I am in a bit of a mood as well because I tend to pump up events like Fathers Day in my mind so much that reality often has trouble living up to these plans. My husband, Brent is an amazing dad and spouse. So, I wanted yesterday to be the best day for him. It started out good but spiraled into a two children disaster by night's end - let me refresh your memory - 11:00!! On our way to family brunch Gage bawled hysterically. On our way home, Hudson bawled hysterically. And somewhere in between Brent went from bribing our two year old with ice cream if he would come off the play structure to carrying him over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. Because Hudson is two, the whole event was catastrophic in his mind. He screamed and hit and embarrassed us beyond belief.
I am thankful that each day is a new start. Now that we are "experienced parents" no one gives us newborn advice. But now the joys are that everyone gives us psychological advice on why Hudson is crying hysterically. It is his way of adjusting to the baby. In my mind, he is just two and a little person with big plans. As for me, well I hope one day to do my hair again and hey if I am going to be a real optimist - have boobs that don't feel like they have been put in a blender.
How's that for real?
Saturday, June 16, 2007
What a Great Day!!!

What a beautiful day! The sun is shining, I have had my coffee, and am enjoying a great morning at the store!!! We are happy to announce one of our favorite part-timers has returned to help us out - Welcome back Shani! Can you beleive that Nicolas is already 6 months old????
We are currently having our Mid-Summer sale and everything is 15% -75% off this week only so be sure to check it out. There is a ton of great stuff for both the mom and kids:)
I am so happy to have Brandi up on the blog. I miss her like crazy so it is a nice way to keep up with her without calling everyday like a stalker. I know she told me this when I was off but I really miss her here at the store - we have our own little marriage going on. Speaking of marriage - my rbother in law - Tyler is gettting married next week - hurrah!!!! If I have more typo's than normal (after all who has time for proofing) forgive me - I am growing my nails:)
Today, is our blockparty so Harris is waiting at the window for it ot start....a Superman slide and a fire truck - could life be anybetter for an lamost 3 year old???? He is going to wear his "Sharing is overrated" T from the store just to forewarn the rest of the kids, that YES, he is not into sharing anymore.......
Tommorrow, is Father's Day and we have big plans but I can not post yet or I will ruin the surprise.....Happy Saturday to my friends....I am happy to be back blogging soooooo liberating.
Ps. Thanks so much to everyone that supported my Weekend to End Cancer walk - our team of 6 raised over $16, 000 - I have inlcuded a few pic and 1 of my new niece (Me, My Sis, My Momma, and Lillian)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Hi Everyone,
This is my first official post as a mom of two! That sounds so great to say. We are all doing really well - the babes better than the parents of course! Brent and I are sleep deprived and over worked but that's the life of young parents right?
I want to thank everyone who has sent us their congrats and good wishes. I miss the store but feel like I still have my hand in the pot! I am getting updated on all of the great things that are happening and will be there for coffee real soon.
Our newest member is a total gem - touch wood. So far and I know this probably will change, but Gage is an awesome baby. He eats and sleeps and occasionally is awake looking as his new surroundings! We are very thankful for a smooth start. As well, Hudson - has taken his role as a big brother very seriously. He is a wonderful helper and full of love for his little bro! It is completely different this time around. I haven't a spare minute to educate myself on all of what I should be doing. So, I am winging it and it is working out just fine!
Today we had our pictures taken with the amazing Jodi of Gingersnaps. It felt quite chaotic so I am not sure how the pictures will turn out. I told Brent I was nervous that we didn't get too many good ones. Brent said knowing Jodi they'll all be awesome and he's probably right!
Well it's 9:30 and that means that I need to get in some sleep before my big babe is ready for his first night feeding - breastfeeding, a blog unto itself - so I better get my butt to bed. I hope that you guys will be interactive and send me any tips you have to make life easier! I would love to hear how any moms out there are combating night wakings in toddlers!
Good night and I hope that you all have a great Fathers Day weekend!
PS - Good luck to any marathoners out there!
This is my first official post as a mom of two! That sounds so great to say. We are all doing really well - the babes better than the parents of course! Brent and I are sleep deprived and over worked but that's the life of young parents right?
I want to thank everyone who has sent us their congrats and good wishes. I miss the store but feel like I still have my hand in the pot! I am getting updated on all of the great things that are happening and will be there for coffee real soon.
Our newest member is a total gem - touch wood. So far and I know this probably will change, but Gage is an awesome baby. He eats and sleeps and occasionally is awake looking as his new surroundings! We are very thankful for a smooth start. As well, Hudson - has taken his role as a big brother very seriously. He is a wonderful helper and full of love for his little bro! It is completely different this time around. I haven't a spare minute to educate myself on all of what I should be doing. So, I am winging it and it is working out just fine!
Today we had our pictures taken with the amazing Jodi of Gingersnaps. It felt quite chaotic so I am not sure how the pictures will turn out. I told Brent I was nervous that we didn't get too many good ones. Brent said knowing Jodi they'll all be awesome and he's probably right!
Well it's 9:30 and that means that I need to get in some sleep before my big babe is ready for his first night feeding - breastfeeding, a blog unto itself - so I better get my butt to bed. I hope that you guys will be interactive and send me any tips you have to make life easier! I would love to hear how any moms out there are combating night wakings in toddlers!
Good night and I hope that you all have a great Fathers Day weekend!
PS - Good luck to any marathoners out there!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
June 15, 2007
Hi Everyone,
After a month hiatus - I am back. Our website is almost re-done and so you will be able to check us out again thru it. Where have i been - everywhere!!! Celebrating the birth of Brandi's baby - Gage, visiting my new neice Lillian, and walking in the Weekend to End Cancer are a few of the past month's highlights!!! On top of that, I have been working, running the Gompf household, playing with my 2 wonderful kids and gettingready for my brother in laws wedding - what a busy life.
The great news is Brandi too - is hopping onto this blog so there will be two of us......so keep on reading - it is bound to have all the makings of a good - minus the steamy sex scenes -ha - we are parents of 2 now and both are little....so sorry to dissapoint but the steam is few and far between but enjoy!!!!
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