What a busy weekend! I did more socializing this weekend than I have in the last month. Firday night ws a fundraiser at Alive for our" Six in the City" walk to end breast cancer team.....thanks so much for everyone's great support - we raised over $2000 that night alone. I had an awesome time - a beers with some friends I wish I could see more often. Belinda from High Tea donated a gift basket of her delicious baking (www.highteabakery.com) and when I went into pick it up, I of course had to get an assortment of her cookies. The Amaretto Apricot chews are my alltime fave and so a few of those and the beer and well, that was the start of mega blwoing my diet this weekend.
On a side note, here is a deal for any moms looking to get out - every friday at Alive (www.aliveinthedistrict.com in the exchange) you can get a manicure, 2 martini's, and a massage for $25...it lookes like a fun way to spend a few hours with the girls on Friday after work.....business girls club look out this is our next dinner date:)
Saturday, started way too early. It was the Lindenwoods gargae sale and we were doing all proceeds to Breast Cancer....it was supposed to start at 9 but when I opened up the garage door at 7:45 am to set up I was swarmed. All I can say was a cold, wet way to spend a Saturday.....
Then onto the night - we went to the Young Associates Balck and White Gala - it was really well done and we had soooooo much fun! Thanks to Grandma Harris for sleeping over to watch the kids into the wee hours of the morning. We went in the Limo Lounge (www.limolounge.ca) - the perks of owing it I guess:) with a neighbor couple also attending, Scott on of Kirby's business partner's and 2 single gals (ok, I was setting him up) ...THe pics can not be posted - way too riduclous but I was way too late, had way too many martini's and am worried now about the walk since my feet are so tired today from all the dancing......
Today is just the recovery day.....all in all a great, busy, fun filled weekend. Oh ya - the kids are great harris bought Evy a Barbie convertible at a neighbour sale - I thought to play with when she is older, he thought to drive.....
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