Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A quiet house and I am enjoying my coffee:) Harris is off to daycare and Evy is still getting her beauty sleep. It is amazing what a good night's sleep can do - I know I have said this before but it is true. I plan to move her out of the bed soon but I sleep all night and so does Kirby (just not together but that will come and could be kind of fun - just like moving in together all over again!)

Yesterday, was busy but all in all good. We went to the Whyte Ridge play with a ton of neighbours in the morning. Well worth the $5 - H can paint at an easel, make a craft (all supplies are provided and he made a penguin), run his butt off and finish with the parachute and a few songs. Mom can enjoy Tim Horton's, socialize and play when requested. We came home had lunch and brace yourself - BOTH kids slept at the same time!!!!!! We made homemade granola bars, played hockey and continued to organized the toys in the basement which have taken over. I even managed to whip up dinner, walk the dog, bath Evy, and then after Kirby had put Harris to bed watch Prison Break on Tivo with my hubbie. Yup, my mood is better and I am feeling a bit like a super mom. It's the sleep!!!!

Today, Evy and I are going to do a few errands and spend a little more quality time together and relax.

The open house is tommorrow and if you want to see the spectacle of me out with both kids we are plannning to go around 11 am. There is a great sale on Zutano and the clothes are really awesome so check them out if you are in the neighborhood.


Kathy said...

Hi There, Just a question....where do you get Tivo in Winnipeg? I didn't know you could get it here? Can you tell me where you got it as well as who the provider is for service? Thank you.

Kathryn & Brandi said...

Hey there,

It is isn't really tivo just the same idea through windows media player but I am a bit of a loser when it comes to that stuff - just follwoing what my hubby says